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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. well,then, uh...... *walks out of room*
  2. So yea, black people
  3. If we don't want PM's perming people then DON'T GIVE THEM ACCESS, If someone got full mod they got it for a reason as @@diabeetus said, either they worked hard for it and did an application or were promoted because higher-ups thought they were ready
  4. Kyoko

    Mob Arena

    you should have put it away first.
  5. Kyoko

    Mob Arena

    well then dont bring your towny stuff
  6. Kyoko

    Game Deal stuff

    I think it Civ 5, Gods and Kings, and Brave new world i check it later dont have too much time atm. The Complete Civilization V Experience for Only $22 | Tek Syndicate i found it here, they say its all 3 thingys Havnt bought it yet mahself but... looking for dat credit card.
  7. Kyoko

    Game Deal stuff

    It's general gaming stuff.
  8. Kyoko

    Game Deal stuff

    http://www.dealzon.com/deals/civilization-v so yea $22 for Civ 5 and current DLC for it, yea. Ends on Sept. 20th if you wanna buy it
  9. +1, most of the mods have been real active (i've been sports and having a life) but as shown above what if this case happens (which it did) aslong as mods don't abuse it i dont see a problem *i also just woke up and was linked to this so sorry if my thoughts are not written out right*
  10. +1, asked for ban, asking for unabn, shouldnt have been perm anyway.
  11. I dont want to live on this planet anymore
  12. Kyoko

    XenoGamers Lottery

    uh, how big is it? the header size
  13. you know, i could be mod. I got more time that i thought i would have.
  14. Kyoko


    shitpost is the new affircan now
  15. i would +1 but jubens... you are wearing another clan's tags, and you don't wanna spam your app in admin chat. It's reserved for telling us who is breaking rules, or asking questions about something important.
  16. Kyoko

    XenoGamers Lottery

    Just shoot both, either way you get the right one
  17. Rpx just wait out the ban. Atleast It's not a week *coughcough*Mythic*coughcough*