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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. active, cool 69/69 wuld bang A 8/10 M 8/10 +1
  2. Uhm. Is there a plugin that we could use to change the "Warden's" skin and Chat color? Noone else can get that color though?
  3. Kyoko

    Cookies Gallery

    Type of Work: Monitor Background if you can Size:1600 x 900 Color Scheme:Black, Red and Gray Renders: Best picture of a Zergling/baneling (starcraft2 stuff) Text : none Other: none
  4. Kyoko


    And i just started to like you...
  5. @@Audible_Savage what texture pack is that?
  6. I've been gone for a month kid, now START PLAYING SANIC ON YOUR NAME
  7. So eya I'm making my cumback now, XC is almost over just gotta get through Countys and I'm done. My activity should be going up this week to what it has been. "fuk u nigur" @@Reki @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @CS:S Div
  8. Kyoko


    Forest only i am allowed to be more inactive than you were. #schoollife #friendsareoveratedbutmustbesocialanyway
  9. TF2 people use the forums, da faq?
  10. When does the killing end
  11. Kyoko

    Civ 5

    any of you fags out there wanna play civ 5?
  12. Don't stop belive in By Journe +1
  13. #chronoissupersmrtniggerhurrhurrhurr
  14. i should be all right, depends on the time anytime past 4:30 then should be good for me i think
  15. War Thunder's Ground Forces Update. Half Life 3,
  16. Kyoko


    Hi, and more anime lovers, thats always good, @@John its another anime kid :P
  17. Silence just make Hub for CS:S, adn whatever other divs could use it like TF2, and it will help solve some problems as currently we are BELOW the generic level of a server.
  18. Kyoko

    xG Nostalgia Thread!

    Abe is still a part of the clan though huehuehue and those were funny times. To me anyway
  19. I'll take this job, finally something to do with my little freetime but play CS:S
  20. Kyoko

    xG Nostalgia Thread!

    becoming a mod. Having Hub