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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. i like Aaron he was cool but he did ban@all multiple times, which is forbidden, he wasnt banned luckily. But maybe oh idk, give him powers and if he fucks up, demoted. Sound fair? ~my two cents
  2. Kyoko

    I'm back

    you whore, i missed you...
  3. An admin panel would be pretty cool.
  4. Kyoko

    Matsi Is Dumb

    the servers are pretty decent, and the banned items are actually reasonable for tekkit.
  5. well, we should defiantly talk with Duckii, as she should be banned for it but, it happened so long ago, i dont even remember it anymore lel
  6. Kyoko


    #cantspellhisnameright #thereforeisabaddie
  7. this was about 2 days ago from today, i made a thread the day it happened but then the website went wacky as did Teamspeak and when i checked some of the threads from that day (including mine) were gone.
  8. Sorry be being a huge ass derp as i did not know this, and can we get this back to hella and take this to another thread where we can rage about it?
  9. Matsi's use of slap while it may not be valid through the guidelines, does happen to work well in the situations he's used them in, now when was the last time we changed the guidelines, never? as they should be updated according to the new commands,(fun commands, !cash) as Matsi's way is more effective at teaching them what not to do, gettign them to listen without completely altering the flow of the game
  10. John said on yourself as long as it affects no body on the server, well @@Hellafun13 did and @all command, and in john's fun command thread thingy, if you use these you will be demoted. I'm pretty sure we should just get rid of the !cash command all together, we have no reason for it, and it can be easily abused
  11. @all means everyone on the server, ya derp
  12. Division: Counter-Strike: Source Staff Name: Hellafun13 Staff's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52424603 Evidence: i already did this yesterday but its kinda gone. Hella used the !cash command giving everyone on the server 30000, enough for a large bomb Further Information: @@GanjaMonster @@Hellafun13 @@Forest @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 people you could ask: uni-tato, ismoketoomuchweed
  13. sometimes i like to stick hot metal rods up people's urethra.
  14. even though i already did this earlier the post seems to have disappeared +1 A 8.9/10 M 8.9/10 active mature knows rules yadda yadda
  15. try doing as forest said, and ask your friend for the info of the win7 thing you got. Anyway if you need help just drop me a text or whatever.
  16. Cts should not be allowed to taze the rebelling T on LR. Cts have enough advatages.