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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. ok. we already knew doe.
  2. Wellll, that applies to everybody that is in gold and above currently (who were bronze) with the exception of you and muffinmonster
  3. Tsuchikure


    What? Forge is just high. Also british @Forest
  4. Tsuchikure


    people here would take having tags from another server (regardless of it having a forum or large community) as multiclanning i honestly dont care tho
  5. you should change your avatar, this one became boring
    1. Forest


      Nigguh, if I wanted to be shiro jr, I'd change my name and avatar just as much as you
    2. Tsuchikure


      dafuq? i just asked you to change it once, it's been like a year! this one isn't enough to show how british you are!
    3. Forest


  6. Well, you chose league..
  7. v This same thing happened to my sister last week. It was awful for the first day or two before she went to the ER (When sickness suddenly appeared) but everything turned out fine after surgery and a couple days in there.. you'll (most likely) be gone for just a week or so, glgb
  8. Every time @ThePenguin throws, take a drink.
  9. i read: I say, what the devil did you just audaciously proclaim about my well-being, you trollop? I shall inform you that I have graduated top of my class at the Gentleman's Academy of Sophisticated Persons, and have been involved in numerous endeavors with the Ruffians down the street from my abode; might I also add that I've accumulated over 300 pieces of antique furniture? I am educated in fine dining and high class catering and I'm the top Victorian era furniture appraiser in the entire high society dunno why
  10. this is pretty dark.. wow e_e
  11. i heff idea pls no h8 b8 m8 unturned (JB topkek) club penguin DoD:S JB L4D2 JB gmod Don't Starve(multiplayer soon huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehueheuheuheu) just cause 2 seems like a good and fun idea but this mexican over here... @ThePenguin
  12. prepare for the tim soundboards from narukami/lee(?)/penguin(?)
  13. well i mean he was already banned for that.. probably just -1
  14. damn, less tf2 drama, less laughs
  15. Tsuchikure

    Rip the legend

    thank da lawd! :hail:
  16. Tsuchikure


    And do the mythic shake?