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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. hidingmasterprobablywontcarethoooooallthese"staffmembers"oncssjustgetwarningsanditwearsoffafterawhile(2days)andtheydontdoshitlateronwhentheydeserveademotionwithoutsomesevereslay@allingorrepeated(within1dayofeachother)
  2. i have to say the "little boy" part of the ban was uncalled for especially since you are complaining about banning him (AGAIN, REALLY?) for "disrespect" (not adding arguments in here, because that's just plain stupid) i forgot the next thing i was gonna say so ill edit this if i remember
  3. buy csgo* buy tons of shit for tf2* buy premium pornhub account* buy holly* @DrLee
  4. let's not forget boku no pico
  5. I would say de-stress your breasts, seeing as this involves more than just 2 members (like, WAY more..) it will most likely take a lot more time for a decision to come, and spamming "HURRY UP" really doesn't help.. @apuppy in the mean time... be like this beautiful man
  6. Tsuchikure

    Xg Field Trip

    ok @ThePenguin ESPECIALLY @DrLee
  7. league of legends twas' a hard game. bronzies, bronzies everywhere @P3niggin @ifuckedholly @Kiritard @Yu_Narukami EDIT: @diafattus EDIT 2: @Scrubmithian
  8. oh. second birthday in xg. fuk.
    1. xGShadowSpy


      happy bday,september 10th will be my 4th birthday in xG :/ dear lord
  9. Half of this stuff would PROBABLY require silence to actually be on more than once a year, and even more so to give two flying shits about anything It's not like it matters anyway, most of these people have no clue about how much "abuse" goes on every HOUR in the entire server itself, counting both, non-admins AND admins imo keep everything the way it is, i'm waaaay too tired to be able to fully understand everything at the moment but i'll just say everything on my mind right now: don't start randomly enforcing that bs rule about "only one channel admin allowed", unless silence wants to make another channel rank that allows channel editing, except isn't literally considered as an "administrator", but that would be redundant. server kicks removed from non-server admins? WELL, then we would really need to start fixing permissions then, yes? (also pointing towards silence needing to be active and actually giving a shit) otherwise just leave it and let us kick annoying people. it also helps because it creates gaps between them constantly rejoining for various reasons, not as if it's extremely necessary, but makes things feel MUCH easier (not to mention half the time all the teamspeak admins are AFK, including right now as i'm writing this) this whole "nsfw avatar" thing is just a joke, pls no take seriousarino (if it wasn't a joke, then about 15 people [including narukami and i] that are active on the server would need to be warned about it) pls don't suddenly be "rule enforcers" and ruin a good-ish server, rabid and the others(?) were most likely just coming on to create some troll threads, have a few laughs, call us furries and/or weaboos and then be on their way back to their own teamspeak, as usual this entire thing started only when some people (HARDLY including rabid in this, due to trolly, non-seriousness) started caring about rules also, i know a small portion of this is already covered by what chrono said, but think of it our way.. @Chrono @Forest @Forest @Forest @everyotherteamspeakadmin @everyotherrulehound
  10. Tsuchikure


    oh noes they caught me, don't worry my boss always loves to see penguin
  11. calm down there darkwolf, no need to be so salty.. why's mod so special anyway?
  12. wtf are you talking about? it's scarra. proof:
  13. fking i was gonna say that... open one, if it gives you trash then go full saltybro and sell the other, they basically worth the same
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHrMkAsGFlE
  15. and then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNB1_AExUjE (didn't let me put more than 5 :( )
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHrMkAsGFlE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeLjBFaPj6w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoTeVLzp9Vk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGCsyshUU-A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVMuwa-HRCQ