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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. Tsuchikure


    12/10 of age would play on +1
  2. Tsuchikure

    People You Miss

    @ThePenguin @DrLee @Bleed
  3. this looks familiar... it's at the tip of my mind.. ffffffffffffffff
  4. yes, fuck-buddy of Holly? what do you need from me?
  5. ..Started with a laptop, never played anything before that, really. Shooting games were first.. GunZ: The Duel, played it since I was around 7 or 8
  6. Tsuchikure

    Anime Music

    Black Bullet No Game No Life Love Lab! Gurren Lagann Boku no Pico
  7. multiple votes? telling us to be honest? ..HUEHUEHUEUEHUEHU
  8. needs more css dms @PapiChulo pls o lawd it didnt whitetext ggdoesntevenedititout
  9. pls new songsies
  10. did Karch reply? i think we should at least wait for him.. some more info from people who were actually online and slayed would be helpful if that's the case there's 2 possibilities in my head as to why he "vaguely" remembers this... 1: it was just a "oh, he broke this i need to slay @all and get it over with... rip." and forgets it later on because it wasn't a big deal, just like how you forget why you slayed or banned somebody who was breaking the most obvious of rules (it further makes me think this somehow when he is shown jumping like hell to the games in the screenshot, probably wasn't a big deal) and you can guess the second. just my opinion tho totally no whitetext HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE
  11. just increase the price of things like large bomb to $1000000 and you're good, right? i kinda want that to happen tbh. dunno why.
  12. how much was large bomb being spammed? lel
  13. it was re-restricted because when the heli button was re-activated, we tested it and saw no lag. so i allowed it for a while. after about 1 week and 5 complaints later about lag, i took into mind that people still say they lag and that it's just a useless part of the map overall, and gives no real purpose other than to slay anybody on it for over 15(?) seconds (correct me if i'm wrong, but that's all it's good for) idk ur choice @DrLee if you really believe this version fixes it. lag isn't the only problem though
  14. welp i had already answered this many times when i was DL @Hidingmaster and probably @DrLee know what it was. i can still say it but i feel it's better if i didn't right now
  15. Tsuchikure


    halp theres no shoutbox
  16. Tsuchikure

    Epic Fight

    tried it. got even more fun when people started to teamkill for no reason so it's a free-for-all