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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. I honestly don't know why people go around saying this if they never log onto the servers in the first place.

    I'm not the one saying they are bad, I am saying I would never play on them due to the things I've heard about them... is that so difficult to understand?

  2. Ban Time

    You should never use a permanent ban unless it is for the following reasons:

    The person broke the rules (hacking, scripting etc).

    The person performed a massive freekill and fled.

    The person advertised another server (for example their own community server)

    The person has made a serious threat against the community or another (ddos, hacking etc)

    If the person does not fall into this criteria, they should NOT be getting permanently banned.


    Does "abusing" admin powers fall under one of these somehow?

  3. lol the dogs fucking just made it...


    A lot of that was my bad typos, but some of the main things...

    • I don't play on it due to the things I have heard about it from others, I don't remember who said what and shit... but things like "I logged in and the spawn looks like someone grieved "I logged in and someone grieved my...." "this this this and this are all banned" and in a recent ban protest someone said they got banned cause they were in someone else's house or some shit...
    • The 3 servers is my own server thing I meant that i run a few different types of minecraft servers... vanilla, tekkit, and a creative fuck around server... they all run on my one server, mostly not at the same time.


    On a side note, I know someone that once hurt himself jumping off a loading dock dressed as a pirate!

  4. This script will allow you to:

    • Hit the key to start recording a demo
    • Hit the same key again to stop recording
    • Allows you to record 50 demos before it will start over and begin overwriting the first one
    • If you close and reopen CS:S it will start at the beginning and overwrite demos unless you have changed their names.


    To do this:

    1. Put demorecorder.cfg (Dropbox - demorecorder.cfg) into \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg
    2. In \Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Source\cstrike\cfg find the file named config.cfg and edit it in wordpad
    3. goto the very bottom and make a new line: exec demorecorder.cfg
    4. Save the changes
    5. Open CS:S and by default the letter o key will start and stop demo recording. To use another key you can either edit the line for it in demorecorder.cfg or "bind key demo" in console replacing key with the key you wish to bind it to.



    alias demo1 "record demo1; alias demo demo2"
    alias demo2 "stop; alias demo demo3"
    alias demo3 "record demo2; alias demo demo4"
    alias demo4 "stop; alias demo demo5"
    alias demo5 "record demo3; alias demo demo6"
    alias demo6 "stop; alias demo demo7"
    alias demo7 "record demo4; alias demo demo8"
    alias demo8 "stop; alias demo demo9"
    alias demo9 "record demo5; alias demo demo10"
    alias demo10 "stop; alias demo demo11"
    alias demo11 "record demo6; alias demo demo12"
    alias demo12 "stop; alias demo demo13"
    alias demo13 "record demo7; alias demo demo14"
    alias demo14 "stop; alias demo demo15"
    alias demo15 "record demo8; alias demo demo16"
    alias demo16 "stop; alias demo demo17"
    alias demo17 "record demo9; alias demo demo18"
    alias demo18 "stop; alias demo demo19"
    alias demo19 "record demo10; alias demo demo20"
    alias demo20 "stop; alias demo demo21"
    alias demo21 "record demo11; alias demo demo22"
    alias demo22 "stop; alias demo demo23"
    alias demo23 "record demo12; alias demo demo24"
    alias demo24 "stop; alias demo demo25"
    alias demo25 "record demo13; alias demo demo26"
    alias demo26 "stop; alias demo demo27"
    alias demo27 "record demo14; alias demo demo28"
    alias demo28 "stop; alias demo demo29"
    alias demo29 "record demo15; alias demo demo30"
    alias demo30 "stop; alias demo demo31"
    alias demo31 "record demo16; alias demo demo32"
    alias demo32 "stop; alias demo demo33"
    alias demo33 "record demo17; alias demo demo34"
    alias demo34 "stop; alias demo demo35"
    alias demo35 "record demo18; alias demo demo36"
    alias demo36 "stop; alias demo demo37"
    alias demo37 "record demo19; alias demo demo38"
    alias demo38 "stop; alias demo demo39"
    alias demo39 "record demo20; alias demo demo40"
    alias demo40 "stop; alias demo demo41"
    alias demo41 "record demo21; alias demo demo42"
    alias demo42 "stop; alias demo demo43"
    alias demo43 "record demo22; alias demo demo44"
    alias demo44 "stop; alias demo demo45"
    alias demo45 "record demo23; alias demo demo46"
    alias demo46 "stop; alias demo demo47"
    alias demo47 "record demo24; alias demo demo48"
    alias demo48 "stop; alias demo demo49"
    alias demo49 "record demo25; alias demo demo50"
    alias demo50 "stop; alias demo demo51"
    alias demo51 "record demo26; alias demo demo52"
    alias demo52 "stop; alias demo demo53"
    alias demo53 "record demo27; alias demo demo54"
    alias demo54 "stop; alias demo demo55"
    alias demo55 "record demo28; alias demo demo56"
    alias demo56 "stop; alias demo demo57"
    alias demo57 "record demo29; alias demo demo58"
    alias demo58 "stop; alias demo demo59"
    alias demo59 "record demo30; alias demo demo60"
    alias demo60 "stop; alias demo demo61"
    alias demo61 "record demo31; alias demo demo62"
    alias demo62 "stop; alias demo demo63"
    alias demo63 "record demo32; alias demo demo64"
    alias demo64 "stop; alias demo demo65"
    alias demo65 "record demo33; alias demo demo66"
    alias demo66 "stop; alias demo demo67"
    alias demo67 "record demo34; alias demo demo68"
    alias demo68 "stop; alias demo demo69"
    alias demo69 "record demo35; alias demo demo70"
    alias demo70 "stop; alias demo demo71"
    alias demo71 "record demo36; alias demo demo72"
    alias demo72 "stop; alias demo demo73"
    alias demo73 "record demo37; alias demo demo74"
    alias demo74 "stop; alias demo demo75"
    alias demo75 "record demo38; alias demo demo76"
    alias demo76 "stop; alias demo demo77"
    alias demo77 "record demo39; alias demo demo78"
    alias demo78 "stop; alias demo demo79"
    alias demo79 "record demo40; alias demo demo80"
    alias demo80 "stop; alias demo demo81"
    alias demo81 "record demo41; alias demo demo82"
    alias demo82 "stop; alias demo demo83"
    alias demo83 "record demo42; alias demo demo84"
    alias demo84 "stop; alias demo demo85"
    alias demo85 "record demo43; alias demo demo86"
    alias demo86 "stop; alias demo demo87"
    alias demo87 "record demo44; alias demo demo88"
    alias demo88 "stop; alias demo demo89"
    alias demo89 "record demo45; alias demo demo90"
    alias demo90 "stop; alias demo demo91"
    alias demo91 "record demo46; alias demo demo92"
    alias demo92 "stop; alias demo demo93"
    alias demo93 "record demo47; alias demo demo94"
    alias demo94 "stop; alias demo demo95"
    alias demo95 "record demo48; alias demo demo96"
    alias demo96 "stop; alias demo demo97"
    alias demo97 "record demo49; alias demo demo98"
    alias demo98 "stop; alias demo demo99"
    alias demo99 "record demo50; alias demo demo100"
    alias demo100 "stop; alias demo demo1"
    alias demo "demo1"
    bind o "demo"
    echo Bind    demo    to a button to use that button to record and stop

  5. Alternatively he does not listen to you or is ignoring it, you slap instead of slay, when the guideline is to slay him. the guideline also says anything above or below is considered abuse.


    I'm not going to continue arguing with you about this... I was simply commenting about the use of the "fun cmds" and how they CAN be used effectively and explaining it further when asked a question.


    The "guideline" doesn't actually say that but thanks for playing, here's your prize :finger:


    Also... of course the "guidelines" wouldn't mention when you should slap someone....since people didn't have access to slap, and don't call me a kiddo it makes you sound like purple and you aren't that cool.

  6. ur all baddies. there is no reason for you to be using slap. slap in itself on our rule set is considered abuse, as there is no justification for you to slap them, and there is even less justification to slap after you already told them what they are doing wrong and need to fix.

    There is plenty justification to slap someone... I'll give you an example of where I would use it:


    Guy is standing somewhere he shouldnt...

    I type that he needs to move because he cant be there but he isn't paying attention to chat

    I don't want to interrupt the warden's orders/gameflow

    I slap the guy and repeat in chat that he should move. This normally works and they then move.


    The alternative is to slay the guy for standing somewhere he shouldn't... likely due to him being new, and a lot of people if they join the server and instantly get slayed could very well leave and never return.... this is something I feel would be unacceptable. I prefer to warn players so that they learn they are doing something wrong while still having a good time on the xG servers, making them want to continue playing here.



    @@Chrono just because you abuse doesnt mean we all do.... like back when you used !open on armory... now that is abuse ;)


    Hella if he told you it was ok then most if not all of the blame should be on him for that.

  7. How are those even useful? I don't have any say over what commands are left and taken out. I'm not in control of those, talk to Darkwolf.

    mostly slap is the useful one... freeze not as much, you could use freeze to stop someone who is running away during LR and delaying so that they can get killed faster.... not really all that useful...


    Slap is a great alternative to slay sometimes, the best examples of how I have used it are:


    slapping a camper likely while telling them not to camp to better get their attention and make them start moving

    slap someone that is stuck

    slap someone that isn't paying attention to chat

  8. I never referred to it as a fun command. The give cash command is still in game, the freeze commands and stuff like that have been removed.

    So remove the more useful commands like slap/freeze/burn.... but keep one of the least useful ones? that makes even less sense lol...


    Should keep at least slap and freeze as they are quite useful, at least for me, I have used them tons while admining

  9. John said on yourself as long as it affects no body on the server, well @@Hellafun13 did and @all command, and in john's fun command thread thingy, if you use these you will be demoted. I'm pretty sure we should just get rid of the !cash command all together, we have no reason for it, and it can be easily abused

    It's not that it needs to be removed... it's that we need to not let people abuse the cmds... I have used these "fun cmds" such as slap/timebomb/beacon/freeze/burn in non abusing ways and I think that is something that should be allowed. There are plent of legitimate uses for most of these abilities, even !cash.


    Now... these cmds can also be used for fun things... special days and stuff or randomly voted things, specially when the server is mostly empty... but if that is going to happen then the person in charge of changing rules needs to set the standards for doing so... fun things make the server fun and populated... but overly using these cmds can also lead to the exact opposite effect as well.

  10. I asked Gkoo he didn't respond and I asked John and he agreed that if I do a !vote and if people say yes which there was probably only 1 or 2 people saying no that I would be able to do !cash @all that's all I have to say.


    Fun commands were re-added apparently. Do not use these commands on anyone or you will be demoted. It is perfectly ok with me though if you ONLY use them on yourself, so long as it does not interfere with the game.


    Talk about the definition of stupid....


    Also.... to say that by doing a vote you are allowed to do this cmd is extremely ignorant... as ~2/3 of the server is T... and why would any T vote no.... not to mention accounting for 1 spam....


    +1 spank Hella for doing this

    +1 demote John to "paid stupido" cause he's dumb and said it was ok

  11. Don't remove the bombs, they are fun...


    What needs to be done is:

    • Set a limit to the amount of bombs that can be bought in a round and/or a map
    • Make players lose bombs or have a very high chance to malfunction if they carry their bomb over to the next round

  12. My hard drive was making the same sound it does when being force shut off[Long pressing the power button until it shuts down immediately]. It was a rotating grinding noise. That's what worries me. But I'll look into it later.

    that sucks... maybe get a new one of those and install windows onto it then... JB seems to be working again

  13. Don't have a disk for Windows. I downloaded Windows via the USB Windows Installation, and no longer have that information.

    I'm aware Jailbreak is having problems, every little while I get another email saying Unexpected Server Stop for EVERY server I have access to.

    well you need to get a windows disc, either buy one/get one from MS for an unreasonable amount of money, or burn one yourself...