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  1. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to Kypari in Doogalou - Team Fortress 2   
    I don't really think it's aimbotting, I've seen some better Snipers. +1 Sorry @BelloWaldi ;-;
  2. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Zerothemedic - Team Fortress 2   
    Banning this guy is seriously such a joke....
    I know you all say "oh you can get a medic to uber and break it easy" well you know what it's not so fucking easy when you have either stupid or just assholish people on your team opening the door and getting you all killed while you try to get an uber ready, not to mention you'll prolly just go flying witht he stickies and still not be able to do anything about it...
    It's like saying "oh no spawn camp isn't unbreakable... there's always the chance you might rtd toxic or godmode and then you'll be fine.... this guy did something that kept a lot of people from just leaving the server, you should be awarding him with mod or something instead of banning him.... specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.
  3. Drunk
    Matsi got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Zerothemedic - Team Fortress 2   
    Banning this guy is seriously such a joke....
    I know you all say "oh you can get a medic to uber and break it easy" well you know what it's not so fucking easy when you have either stupid or just assholish people on your team opening the door and getting you all killed while you try to get an uber ready, not to mention you'll prolly just go flying witht he stickies and still not be able to do anything about it...
    It's like saying "oh no spawn camp isn't unbreakable... there's always the chance you might rtd toxic or godmode and then you'll be fine.... this guy did something that kept a lot of people from just leaving the server, you should be awarding him with mod or something instead of banning him.... specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.
  4. Informative
    Matsi got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Doogalou - Team Fortress 2   
    That video doesn't even show you starting up, you start recording while already started up.... and lol at making a video to prove you don't have hacks.. but I blame the people that always say you need proof you weren't breaking rules for a ban protest.... that said.... I glanced over that video and your ability to track people that are flying through the air and headshot them looks a tad fishy to me....
    What really has me bothered is that looking through the last TEN pages of events log on you shows you NEVER, LITERALLY NEVER, getting a kill with your Bazaar Bargain that isn't a headshot.... a lot of them are also while people are airborn and they are within seconds of each other.... I don't care how good you might be, even the best snipers will still get some body shot kills.
  5. Drunk
    Matsi got a reaction from Haruka in Zerothemedic - Team Fortress 2   
    Banning this guy is seriously such a joke....
    I know you all say "oh you can get a medic to uber and break it easy" well you know what it's not so fucking easy when you have either stupid or just assholish people on your team opening the door and getting you all killed while you try to get an uber ready, not to mention you'll prolly just go flying witht he stickies and still not be able to do anything about it...
    It's like saying "oh no spawn camp isn't unbreakable... there's always the chance you might rtd toxic or godmode and then you'll be fine.... this guy did something that kept a lot of people from just leaving the server, you should be awarding him with mod or something instead of banning him.... specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.
  6. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from Dethman in Zerothemedic - Team Fortress 2   
    Banning this guy is seriously such a joke....
    I know you all say "oh you can get a medic to uber and break it easy" well you know what it's not so fucking easy when you have either stupid or just assholish people on your team opening the door and getting you all killed while you try to get an uber ready, not to mention you'll prolly just go flying witht he stickies and still not be able to do anything about it...
    It's like saying "oh no spawn camp isn't unbreakable... there's always the chance you might rtd toxic or godmode and then you'll be fine.... this guy did something that kept a lot of people from just leaving the server, you should be awarding him with mod or something instead of banning him.... specially with how many incompetent people there are around here not to mention how much some other people ACTUALLY abuse donator powers and rarely get so much as a warning.
  7. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to Ohstopyou in Gigyas - Team Fortress 2   
    One more thing. It doesn't say that "Nobody breaks spawncamps", it says that spawn camping is allowed. It later clarifies that admins may deem a spawn camp unbreakable, and then break it if it gets out of hand. This didn't seem like one of those cases, but still. He isn't an admin.
  8. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to Ohstopyou in Gigyas - Team Fortress 2   
    Alright, no one seems to want to agree on this. I'm not removing the command, nor am I removing his donator powers. I'm going to ban him for 12 hours. Not too harsh, yet not too lenient. If you guys see him in the future; just tell him to either call an admin, use non-command means to break it, or just rtv.
  9. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to Haruka in Gigyas - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 like, really? 10/10 for the bonk scout btw, team player.
    That was a fleak spawn camp, if you couldn't take that out then that's a personal problem. 2 sentries? Is he not aware of that one time Scoot joined in and found 5 sentries in front of Red spawn? Obvious abuse. I'll be disappointed if the DM's deem this OK.
  10. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Mikel792 - Team Fortress 2   
    I love how the first thing he says in his defense is "There's no proof" not "I wasn't aimboting"
    That, and the general douche-bagginess of his comments along with the fact he is banned on other communities for aimboting make me want to -1 this, not that it'll matter.
    At least SMAC is updated now and will hopefully catch him if he does it again :)
  11. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Flareon in Mikel792 - Team Fortress 2   
    I love how the first thing he says in his defense is "There's no proof" not "I wasn't aimboting"
    That, and the general douche-bagginess of his comments along with the fact he is banned on other communities for aimboting make me want to -1 this, not that it'll matter.
    At least SMAC is updated now and will hopefully catch him if he does it again :)
  12. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Dethman in Mikel792 - Team Fortress 2   
    I love how the first thing he says in his defense is "There's no proof" not "I wasn't aimboting"
    That, and the general douche-bagginess of his comments along with the fact he is banned on other communities for aimboting make me want to -1 this, not that it'll matter.
    At least SMAC is updated now and will hopefully catch him if he does it again :)
  13. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Mikel792 - Team Fortress 2   
    I love how the first thing he says in his defense is "There's no proof" not "I wasn't aimboting"
    That, and the general douche-bagginess of his comments along with the fact he is banned on other communities for aimboting make me want to -1 this, not that it'll matter.
    At least SMAC is updated now and will hopefully catch him if he does it again :)
  14. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Gigyas - Team Fortress 2   
    well in the logs of his chat Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History he says that the spawn camp is going further than the rule intends and that if he hadn't done that a mod/admin would have. I'll just throw this out there, looking at that video, I would have cleared it out too.
    I know the rule says that only admins can deem a spawncamp "unbreakable" but I mean shit.... they aren't always around and I think what he did was in the right, he cleared out the dozen or so blus + 2 sentries and other building and then it looks like he went back to normal. I don't think he should be punished or at the most, told to try and contact a staff member first next time.
  15. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Gigyas - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 I'd like to disagree with that, that was a pretty gnarly spawn camp... and it looks like he only did it to clear them out. Just my 2¢
  16. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from diabeetus in Dethman - Team Fortress 2   
    It's because people saying things like this that we even have this problem.... it's still spamming it just isn't flooding the server.... just like... when someone and their 5 friends are each hitting their bind 1 time all together doesn't make it not spam.
  17. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Dethman - Team Fortress 2   
    It's because people saying things like this that we even have this problem.... it's still spamming it just isn't flooding the server.... just like... when someone and their 5 friends are each hitting their bind 1 time all together doesn't make it not spam.
  18. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Dethman - Team Fortress 2   
    The only thing I know for sure is that your chat log is filled with lenny faces... I'm so sick of people and their lenny face spamming.... I think you should just quit with it and save yourself the hassle of getting banned in the future =/
  19. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Dethman in Dethman - Team Fortress 2   
    The only thing I know for sure is that your chat log is filled with lenny faces... I'm so sick of people and their lenny face spamming.... I think you should just quit with it and save yourself the hassle of getting banned in the future =/
  20. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Goblin in [xg:a] Origins - Team Fortress 2   
    repeatedly saying "Selling nothing for absolutely nothing, accepting nothing, nothing for sale in any of my backpack, dont bp me." IS kinda of assish.... no idea if that was relevant or not tho
  21. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    shouldn't be a year... should be like a month =/
  22. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    shouldn't be a year... should be like a month =/
  23. Like
    Matsi reacted to Ohstopyou in P0s3s3dh0b0 - Team Fortress 2   
    All of the evidence has been reviewed and investigated. The DDoS threats were confirmed to be he said/she said, so that evidence is deemed not viable. The skype accounts in question were confirmed by both parties to not be in use. No ACTUAL trolling was committed. The only thing that was admitted is that h0b0 wanted his grievances to be righted and that he was upset with a few people.
    All bans have been served and everyone is aware of the future consequences if something like this should happen in the future. I sure hope it won't though.
    As a measure of good faith, BMK has been asked (and agreed) to cease trolling on xG servers. If any future trolling on their part is found, they were warned that they will be banned.
    Evidence of cleared up DDoS threats and BMK's warning to cease trolling:

    The ban is being rescinded, as it has already been served for long enough. ~Closed
  24. Not Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from Haruka in New Rule - Community Vote/opinion   
    Really?!? This needs to be written as a rule? Does noone have common sense in this clan?!
    Doing something like that breaks multiple rules... you can't troll or TK or help the other team.
  25. Dislike
    Matsi reacted to Vaporeon in [ignore Me]   
    Recently, an issue has come up about the /gimme command for donators. One particular donator has been milking the command dry in an attempts to gain an unfair gameplay advantage (E.G. using rocket launchers and miniguns as a scout). Kbraszz, the division leader, brushed the matter off, saying that as long as Valve Weapons are not used, it should be allowed. This gives donators a sharp edge over other players, and encourages the "pay to win" principle. For this, I believe that the command should be restricted or removed.
    @kbraszzz @Nomulous @Rhododendron