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  1. F!$k Off
    Matsi got a reaction from Rabid in $10 lol gift card for sale/trade   
    I got this $10 card, but I don't play the game, would anyone like to buy it or trade me CS:GO or TF2 Items for it?
  2. F!$k Off
    Matsi got a reaction from Rabid in $10 lol gift card for sale/trade   
    I'll give it to you for the Awp Redline :P
  3. F!$k Off
    Matsi got a reaction from Rabid in $10 lol gift card for sale/trade   
    wut do you have? :P
  4. F!$k Off
    Matsi got a reaction from Rabid in $10 lol gift card for sale/trade   
    I still have this if anyone wants to trade me for it :)
  5. F!$k Off
    Matsi got a reaction from Rabid in $10 lol gift card for sale/trade   
    any chance anyone has a pool party taunt they would trade for it?
  6. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    The thing is... they were all starting anyways... they all finished because we didnt hit the buttons soon enough so I figured they would all start again as soon as they ran in the second time so I started pressing the buttons... they just all lost that time...
    There's no rules that say you have to give a "go" to start the games. The closest thing is that blus cant hit buttons without warden's permission, which I had.
  7. Like
    Matsi reacted to kbraszzz in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    Matsi is unbanned.
  8. Like
    Matsi reacted to Bach in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    Exactly what I was thinking. Matsi did nothing wrong in this instance. If you do watch the demo, someone does ask @Goblins if they were to start and he DOES say yes. On top of that. He DID tell them to get back into dodgeball where matsi flawlessly got every unexpecting red.
    How is this any different from when I tell 15 reds to go into russian roulette and kill every single one with one bullet?
    Willing to unban, waiting to hear back from @diabeetus, @kbraszzz
  9. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Barmithian in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    Ok, I've finished watching the demo. The warden NEVER said that the reds had to wait for his OK to start dodgeball. As such, the first round, all the blues started triggering the traps and the warden never freaked out and neither did the reds. The second round, it was the exact same circumstances, but matsi triggered the traps when the reds weren't really expecting it. He also triggered them efficiently, which killed all the reds. Due to these 2 events happening simultaneously, many people freaked out because it caught them off guard, and they claimed it was freekill because "the warden didn't say go yet." However, unless the warden clarifies he must say go first, which he DIDN'T, its fine to start triggering the traps whenever. +1 for unban. Matsi didn't freekill.
    Just as a side note, this is something I always stress as warden. Sometimes I will tell the reds to go to obby and they wont start because I didn't say to start yet. My response to this is always that unless the warden clarifies when to start, you are allowed to begin once you reach there.
  10. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Dethman in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    okay, so i am +1 this thread, matsi does know better and was clearly a misunderstanding. everyone has stated almost everything so i will leave it at that.
    ALSO, dont -1 if you are going by someone elses word not an actual witness or watched the dropbox
  11. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Moosty in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    The thing is... they were all starting anyways... they all finished because we didnt hit the buttons soon enough so I figured they would all start again as soon as they ran in the second time so I started pressing the buttons... they just all lost that time...
    There's no rules that say you have to give a "go" to start the games. The closest thing is that blus cant hit buttons without warden's permission, which I had.
  12. Agree
    Matsi reacted to DrLee in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    Try to form an opinion after watching the demo.
  13. Like
    Matsi reacted to Goblins in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    I was the warden that round when it happened. Told them to go to dodge ball, and Matsi asked to press the buttons. I said sure why not and told the reds to get it to red dodge ball. When I went into blue dodge ball a few of the blue's were already pressing buttons even though I never said to start. I just kind of let things happen at the point. After a few seconds, I saw that there was only 2 reds playing. I was completely unaware of how dodge ball worked on Causirina. Told the reds to go back into red dodge ball, that's when out of no where reds were killed. So honestly, if you want to scold Matsi, you can also scold me for being a trashy warden that round.
  14. Optimistic
    Matsi got a reaction from Bach in Goodbye   
    Damn I got excited I thought this was real and that I could get on the servers again without them filled with Bach Aboose :(
  15. Friendly
    Matsi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Goodbye   
    Damn I got excited I thought this was real and that I could get on the servers again without them filled with Bach Aboose :(
  16. Sad
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Goodbye   
    Damn I got excited I thought this was real and that I could get on the servers again without them filled with Bach Aboose :(
  17. Winner
    Matsi reacted to Bach in Eric - team fortress 2   
    This is the steam ID Steam Community :: ericjones2
    You have some great maturity with your names I must say.

    You're lucky it wasn't for longer.
    Ban expired
  18. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Eric - team fortress 2   
    I told you all TWICE to stop flying off the map(exploiting)
    Then I slayed the 3 people I saw doing it and told you all to stop
    After that you were the ONLY one to continue doing it and even said in chat "I'm going to do it anyways so suck it"
    You did it again, I kicked you... you kept saying you were going to do it anyways along with some petty namecalling
    You did it TWO more times, and then I banned you for 6 hours....
    -1; Grow up...
  19. Winner
    Matsi got a reaction from Stan_Laurel in Alyrin - team fortress 2   
    Googled your steamid (of this account at least) and on the first page found several other communities where you are permanently banned for "aimbotting" and "Namehacking"
    One of them listed you IP address which I then googled to find what I assume are more of your accounts since they also use the same exact name [ßP] Oven ᴹᴺ....also banned for aimbotting, including a SMAC ban for aimbotting.
    Here's some screenshot of what I found in 5 minutes, I bet I could find a bunch more if I took the time to.

    so uh... -1 for unban, and I think we should also add a ban for the steamid STEAM_0:0:49561510 @kbraszzz
  20. Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from Stan_Laurel in Alyrin - team fortress 2   
    Get banned for aimbot
    Record yourself playing without any aimbot and post it in a ban protest

    I think the fact that you use multiple accounts is fishy too. :)
  21. Winner
    Matsi got a reaction from kbraszzz in Alyrin - team fortress 2   
    Googled your steamid (of this account at least) and on the first page found several other communities where you are permanently banned for "aimbotting" and "Namehacking"
    One of them listed you IP address which I then googled to find what I assume are more of your accounts since they also use the same exact name [ßP] Oven ᴹᴺ....also banned for aimbotting, including a SMAC ban for aimbotting.
    Here's some screenshot of what I found in 5 minutes, I bet I could find a bunch more if I took the time to.

    so uh... -1 for unban, and I think we should also add a ban for the steamid STEAM_0:0:49561510 @kbraszzz
  22. Winner
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Alyrin - team fortress 2   
    Googled your steamid (of this account at least) and on the first page found several other communities where you are permanently banned for "aimbotting" and "Namehacking"
    One of them listed you IP address which I then googled to find what I assume are more of your accounts since they also use the same exact name [ßP] Oven ᴹᴺ....also banned for aimbotting, including a SMAC ban for aimbotting.
    Here's some screenshot of what I found in 5 minutes, I bet I could find a bunch more if I took the time to.

    so uh... -1 for unban, and I think we should also add a ban for the steamid STEAM_0:0:49561510 @kbraszzz
  23. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from Gwoash in Alyrin - team fortress 2   
    Googled your steamid (of this account at least) and on the first page found several other communities where you are permanently banned for "aimbotting" and "Namehacking"
    One of them listed you IP address which I then googled to find what I assume are more of your accounts since they also use the same exact name [ßP] Oven ᴹᴺ....also banned for aimbotting, including a SMAC ban for aimbotting.
    Here's some screenshot of what I found in 5 minutes, I bet I could find a bunch more if I took the time to.

    so uh... -1 for unban, and I think we should also add a ban for the steamid STEAM_0:0:49561510 @kbraszzz
  24. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Saxton hale: remove flyros?   
    I have recently began to just slay people that fly off and hide for

    Not playing their role
    Delaying the round/Buddy-buddy

  25. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from Dethman in Saxton hale: remove flyros?   
    I have recently began to just slay people that fly off and hide for

    Not playing their role
    Delaying the round/Buddy-buddy