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Reputation Activity

  1. Sad
    DrLee reacted to SoloMofo in U Wot M8   
    ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;
    he's gonna join a arma 3 clan ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;
  2. Not Funny
    DrLee reacted to John_Madden in History Behind Your Ign   
  3. Like
    DrLee reacted to Barmithian in Adamstoe And Bonfire Centipede - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 they are true baddies
  4. Agree
    DrLee reacted to Voly in Xg Comments   
  5. Like
    DrLee reacted to FacepalmMute in Metal, Rock, Punk, And Hardcore   
    In terms of classic heavy metal, you can never go wrong with Judas Priest.
  6. Ding!
    DrLee reacted to easy in Glitch On Ban Appeal   
    It would really help if rank.xenogamers.com was working..
  7. Ding!
    DrLee got a reaction from MrSaturday in Anonymouse Is Coming   
    Just ban at all to save us.
  8. Sad
    DrLee reacted to Fink in Fink's Jb Tips   
  9. Winner
    DrLee reacted to Brian in Broken Servers   
    "Well if it's broken, don't fix it"
    - @Rhododendron
  10. Like
    DrLee reacted to Forest in New Name?   
  11. Like
    DrLee reacted to DCook in Glitch On Ban Appeal   
    He said he left because he was done playing. I think the rule for Massing and then leaving is "Too escape the ban"? I'm confused as to whether this does count as massing then leaving as it's was once a round and then as he left he just killed @Jeevo ?
    Anyway, if you were freekilling at least one a round, after the second time you should have been banned from CT, but not permed from CT. But you weren't, and continued to freekill while being warned. So I'm rather conflicted.
    Maybe move it to perm CT-Ban? I don't know, just my thoughts. And I'm hung over so I don't know if that's worth much anyway.
  12. Agree
    DrLee reacted to Haxx in New.exe   
    Always type @DrLee and @Bleed and @xGShadowSpy in shout-box to make them feel wanted and happy to get notifications
    And always refer to @Forest as our eternal Co-leader
  13. F!$k Off
    DrLee got a reaction from AdamStoe98 in New.exe   
    Dun maek fun of kwbrassel's accent or you wun't get moderwaiter
  14. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from Goblin in New.exe   
    Dun maek fun of kwbrassel's accent or you wun't get moderwaiter
  15. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from Haxx in New.exe   
    Dun maek fun of kwbrassel's accent or you wun't get moderwaiter
  16. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from kbraszzz in New.exe   
    Dun maek fun of kwbrassel's accent or you wun't get moderwaiter
  17. Winner
    DrLee reacted to Warriorsfury in Bye Guys I'm Done With Xenogamers   
    You really expected things to change around here?
  18. Drunk
    DrLee reacted to Barmithian in I Make Sprays, Opinions?   
    The sprays are really good, I think I might use the derp scout one :P
  19. Like
    DrLee reacted to MissJesus in Missjesus   

    Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name:

    ★Sasori★ Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:40385535 Banned:

    No Previously in xG:

    No Active on Teamspeak:

    No Age:

    18 Further Information:

    I actively play on the xG Jailbreak and RPG Surf and would love to become apart of the xG family. It's one of the best communities i've seen in the five or six years i've been playing CSS and i think highly of it.
  20. Not Funny
    DrLee reacted to John_Madden in Bryan   
    Never seen him break rules, no maturity issues. +1
    M: 9/10
    A: 8/10
  21. Like
    DrLee reacted to KendrickLlama in Fink's Jb Tips   
    The easiest way to get into xG
    1. Play on the server maybe 3 times so that everyone knows who you are
    2. When Kbrasszzle gets on friend him so he knows its real
    3. Now its time to make your member app
    4. When you sign up for the site put the tags in your name right away
    5. Now wait till someone tells you to make an app cause you arnt actually in xG
    6. After 20 min you find the member app
    7. Put in your name WITH THE TAGS IN IT
    8. Mess up the steam id (Its makes it easier for everyone)
    9. Please say you are active on teamspeak even tho you have no idea what it is
    10. Pls say you are 18 or older (only if you are younger) because no one likes when people put their actual age
    11. Also if you are banned make a unban request so people know you are dedicated to being active on the forums
    12. Insta +1 from everyone because you are the greatest
    13. Now after being accepted and being "active" for 1 week ask @kbraszzz about becoming mod
    14. After your promotion abuse your powers because thats what every good mod does
    15. Lose mod do to kbraszz being jealous of how cool you are
    16. Make a goodbye thread and leave xG
    17. 2 weeks later make another member app and repeat at step 3
  22. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from MrJeeblez in History Behind Your Ign   
    Do you wanna die
  23. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from MrJeeblez in History Behind Your Ign   
    I used to listen to Dr. Dre a lot ten or eleven months ago. My last name's Lee, not much too it. Not even going into my older name.
  24. Useful
    DrLee reacted to Fink in Fink's Jb Tips   
    This guide will make you a JB MASTER!
    1. If you are mad that you failed to rebel and got killed, spam voteban with your killer's name. Or spam an admin with FREEKILL BAN PLOX and confuse the living hell out of them.
    2. If a squeaker says 1 little word on the mic, you FLIP THE FUCK OUT and yell at him/her to shut up.
    3. If you are on blue, hold your mic down even after your done talking so everyone can hear that amazing buzz noise over the wardens orders.
    4. If you are the warden, use the built in mic of your 2006 macbook so people can hear your orders clearly.
    5. Always call freeday/warday. the reds love it!
    6. If you can't do option 5, then do a Pokemon day with more than 6 reds because you don't give a fuck about rules and your a dirty little rebel.
    7. If you have a shit-ton of background noise, feel free to take warden or use your mic. Reds can hear you clearly.
    8. While reds are in a game like 9 square, crush game, dr, etc. keep opening the doors if you are on blue. It makes you a master troller and everyone will love you.
    9. Start games without warden perms.
    10. Always give the reds VERY little time to get to the game they have to go to.
    11. If one red doesn't hear your orders, kill him and call him a fucking retard.
    12. Sacrifice to the water/lava god. All the 12 year olds are doing it and its the new hip thing!
    13. Yell at the admins for not perming a guy who killed you
    14. If you were born after the year of 2004, make sure to always be using the mic. people love your voices.
    15. Spam chat with FAG DOWN, Raise your dongers, lenny face, etc. it is super funny!
    16. Try to mic spam with your crap quality ipod.
    17. Spam repeat on red.
    18. Never repeat your orders
    19. Remember wardens, make people wasd freeze in fall game/crush game!
    20. Call people a scrub whenever you kill them
    21. Have a spray of child pornography
    This will be regularly updated, give suggestions pls
    ur nao pro jber
    I hope you liked my tips to survive in the jb world. ;)
  25. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Deathrun Server?   
    I wouldn't mind giving it a shot, but I'd need to know a decent amount of people who'd be willing to populate it beforehand.