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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from Izanagi in Psa - Required +1's /updated Jailbreak Motd   
    Two weeks
    Too late.
  2. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Psa - Required +1's /updated Jailbreak Motd   
    Two weeks
    Too late.
  3. Sad
    DrLee reacted to xGShadowSpy in Be Back Soon.   
    Already told @DrLee before I went inactive, but I was moving to a new house. Were a few problems, alright now
  4. Not Funny
    DrLee got a reaction from KendrickLlama in Ratings Game   
    BE ONE

  5. Like
    DrLee reacted to TripAL in Psa - Required +1's   
    Good change, I do not think it will really affect too many people joining because CSS is a relatively small community. If the person is not fit for xG I am sure that they will receive a lot of -1's which will defer them from getting in anyway.
  6. Smelly
    DrLee reacted to diabeetus in Goat Sim Giveaway   
    Goat Simulator is shit.
  7. Agree
    DrLee reacted to MrJeeblez in Ratings Game   
    You're all faggots.
  8. Winner
    DrLee reacted to Kittylicious in Ratings Game   
  9. Informative
    DrLee got a reaction from John_Madden in Banginonatrashcan   
    TeamSpeak isn't a website, it's an application and voice.xenogamers.com is the ip. TeamSpeak - TeamSpeak 3
  10. Agree
    DrLee reacted to Forest in Hexx - Counter-strike: Source   
  11. Friendly
    DrLee got a reaction from kbraszzz in Psa - Required +1's   
    It's already been discussed by all the CL's/Hiding/Silence and myself. This was merely to inform the public of the change. Unlike @kbraszzz
  12. Winner
    DrLee got a reaction from kiwishuriken5 in Most Fun Champs For Urf?   
    >Picks Annie
    >Gets stuns up
    >Spam Q, W, and ults
    >Gets kill
    >Walks away
    >Wash and repeat
  13. Like
    DrLee reacted to FacepalmMute in Metal, Rock, Punk, And Hardcore   
    Y'all should get some Intervals and Glass Cloud in your lives.
  14. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from DCook in Psa - Required +1's   
    The reason for this change is because of the curve of activity from both members and staff. Without a decent chunk of them being active, it's just becoming harder and harder to get something like member. It's the same reason why Gmod has a five +1 requirement, the lower population just merely calls for the lower requirement. We can't really just say, "Hey, you play in RPG surf, easier to get into xG." Because we don't have requirements for each server, but each division.
  15. Informative
    DrLee reacted to MineCrack in Servr   
    doesnt work fix
  16. Informative
    DrLee reacted to Vynirius in Vynirius   
    Alright well i'll leave you all alone not gonna go on any xG servers again so have fun ^____^
    Best of luck to all of you
  17. Useful
    DrLee reacted to Ribbit in Madison - Counter-strike: Source   
    If I get perm banned can I play on my dogs account?
  18. Agree
    DrLee reacted to speedlimit56kb in Some Maps I Thought We Could Add   
    Yo the prism one looks like it has quite a few map games we can enjoy! Over all though, i'm down to try them out, if anything we can obviously take em out.
  19. Bad Spelling
    DrLee reacted to John_Madden in Thederplord   
    Next time read the guidelines to applying for membership
    Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) | Xeno Gamers
    Requesting closed because user is not at least 14.
  20. Sad
    DrLee reacted to MrJeeblez in Some Maps I Thought We Could Add   
    New maps? Why?? The old ones are so good, and not overplayed at all!
    /sarcasm ;)
  21. Agree
    DrLee got a reaction from DCook in Psa - Required +1's   
    Ello, Lee here for a public service announcement. The new required amount of +1's to enter and be accepted into CS:S division is now seven. Any applicant applying for the counterstrike: Source division must reach seven VALID +1's within a month. Any applicants currently applying will still feel the effect of this. Make sure to tell your friends that are interested in applying, and any staff members should keep this in mind if anyone ever asks about this subject. Thank you for your attention.

  22. Like
    DrLee got a reaction from jubens45 in Psa - Required +1's   
    Co-leader approval disapproval. :(
  23. Sad
    DrLee reacted to Forest in Psa - Required +1's   
  24. Sad
    DrLee got a reaction from MuffinMonster in Psa - Required +1's   
    Ello, Lee here for a public service announcement. The new required amount of +1's to enter and be accepted into CS:S division is now seven. Any applicant applying for the counterstrike: Source division must reach seven VALID +1's within a month. Any applicants currently applying will still feel the effect of this. Make sure to tell your friends that are interested in applying, and any staff members should keep this in mind if anyone ever asks about this subject. Thank you for your attention.

  25. Sad
    DrLee got a reaction from Marceline in Psa - Required +1's   
    Ello, Lee here for a public service announcement. The new required amount of +1's to enter and be accepted into CS:S division is now seven. Any applicant applying for the counterstrike: Source division must reach seven VALID +1's within a month. Any applicants currently applying will still feel the effect of this. Make sure to tell your friends that are interested in applying, and any staff members should keep this in mind if anyone ever asks about this subject. Thank you for your attention.