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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Lol nope. Too many +1s. You's member now.
  2. So basically, our mod structure would look like: xG: PM (Probationary Mod) xG: M (Moderator) xG: A (Admin) xG: DM (Division Manager) xG: DL (Division Leader) I....actually like this. A lot. It gives our seasoned mods more to work with and gives the newbies incentive to get out of the probationary period. I vote that if we DO go ahead and set this up, we should set the probationary period to be no less than 30 days (Roughly 2 Promo Demos).
  3. Scootaloo

    Useless Reports.

    What a useless post. I'm reporting it.
  4. Think I'm gonna have to side with Moosty on this one. When we break it down, Mods are our entry-level position. They are the "admins-in-training". When we bring someone onto the administration team, they are given Mod powers so they can get their feet wet and experience what it's like to regulate a server. Becoming a Mod requires a bit of personalizing with the regulars and staff, as well as showing a level of maturity and clear-headed reasoning. That being said, these traits are EASY to fake. I'm not saying our judgment in our staff is negligible, but it IS possible for someone to seem like a good dude who wants to contribute, then turn and do a 180 and ban an entire server for no reason whatsoever. What we are trying to promote is a sense of communication between the newer staff and the higher ups. Communicate with the Admins, DMs, and DLs to get something rectified so they will, hopefully, educate you about the process when it comes to dealing with said offenders. Sure, it's a bit of an inconvenience for the mod in question and the higher up who has to change the ban, but on the same note, mods are typically new to their position, and should a perm being requested isn't justified, a higher up can explain it to the mod. The system wasn't set up to inconvenience people. It was established to promote communication and instill learning opportunities.
  5. Interested to see what the other higher ups feel about this subject before I key in. ^-^
  6. TF2 was slow this week. No need to kill any of you or get anyone's hopes up this time around. :D
  7. Yes, if either you or the person you are trading with does not have the authenticator active, it will hold your items for 3 days before completing the trade. If either person cancels the trade before then, they receive a 7 day trade lock-out.
  8. Must be 16 years or older to apply. Sorry bud. =(
  9. Well, allow me to provide my experience thus far with the Mobile Authenticator, as well as answer any questions I can from what I've seen. 1. I do not have a Smartphone, but I do have an Android Tablet. This initially presented an issue, because lots of people were under the assumption that you NEEDED a Smartphone with a working number to sync the Mobile Authenticator. What I found was actually different. You do still need a number where you can receive an SMS message, so I just used my regular dumb-phone number, Valve sent the text, I inputted the code into the Mobile app on my tablet, and everything synced up. So it seems you only need to receive the SMS message ONCE, and then you never need the number again. So that basically clarifies that you don't need an active phone but once to get it working. 2. After activating my Mobile Authenticator, I logged out of Steam and logged back in, and was prompted for the code upon logging in. I found the code I inputted from the Mobile Authenticator worked and allowed me access, which verified that this can be done on any non-contracted tablet or smart device. 3. After I got in, I decided to try accessing third party sites using Steam. So, I went to backpack.tf, logged out, and logged back in. Once again, upon logging in, it requested the code. Extra security for accessing third party sites verified. 4. Once I verified I was protected on those fronts, I then decided to to a test trade. Found someone to buy one of my random items, and when the trade was initiated, it asked me to input my Authenticator code before it would accept the trade, and more importantly, DID NOT REQUIRE ME TO VERIFY IT THROUGH EMAIL. This was SOOOOO much more convenient to me, as email verification could sometimes take FOREVER to send the email. This popped up instantly on my tablet and notified me. This is a HUGE plus. I think this is livable and a better solution, convenience-wise, than having to do it through the email. It's faster and pops up instantly when needed. Sure, that means I have to have my tablet, but I've been wanting a feature like this from Steam for ages now. I just was unhappy that they implemented it the way they did. To answer a few questions: Yes, betting sites will be going the way of the dinosaur. No way to regulate all this and the trading period will kill most of this off. I expect a lot of bot sites to be the same, but scrap.tf has already found a workaround involving android emulators that should prove to be useful. No, this won't kill off low-end trading. I read somewhere that Valve plans on notifying traders in the trade window if a player does not have the Mobile Authenticator enabled as to prevent them from running into unwanted escrows. So it will slow trading down, but all the serious traders will enable the Mobile Authenticator and keep doing their thing. They'll just refuse to deal with players that don't have the authenticator. Same with middlemen. They aren't going anywhere. High profile trading servers will simply require you to have the Mobile Authenticator enabled or they will not middleman for you. As for the trolls who cancel their deal on the final day, I ALSO read somewhere that Valve will be putting a trade hold on any accounts that cancel their deals while they have items in escrow for a full week. No troll is gonna want to have a trade hold placed on their account and leave them unable to trade for seven days. Good solution to that potential problem. I'm still sour in the mouth about HOW this was implemented, but the app is solid, it works, it's seamless, and it will solve the scamming issue. Sure, it presents a hurdle for people without a smart device, but there are android emulators that you can get for free to alleviate this issue. It's a sudden and major change, but it could have been done worse.
  10. I personally ALWAYS give people on my Friends list a nickname if I plan on having them in my list for a while. Every time a random trader adds me, I don't give them a nickname, so if they try and pull this crap, I'll immediately know.
  11. The images have been deleted. Not a big deal. He was just trying to help. After the sprays were done in server, he used calladmin to get someone on. I responded and the users were kicked, as per the warn>kick>ban process. AFAIK they didn't come back. @TheSupremePatriot , next time don't post a screen of the spray in the ban section, yeah? Just let us know directly and we will take care of it. Thread closed.
  12. Did he end up coming back after being kicked?
  13. It's true. If you never technically left, you don't have to reapply.
  14. Well, it seems to me that the current owner of the hat has finally blocked me on Outpost. I have no way to alert his potential buyers that the hat he is trying to sell is a scammed hat. I spoke with polar, an administration on backpack.tf, and he advised that we should pursue a ban against the user who scammed Armin out of the hat. Armin, do you have any sort of evidence against the person who scammed you that we can use in a SteamRep report? The current owner is not at fault in any way. He is breaking no rules. Sure, it's a super shitty thing to do, selling a scammed hat, but it isn't a bannable offense, so there is nothing we can do in that aspect. It seems to me this entire ordeal is over. Last thing that can be done is the SteamRep report about the scammer.
  15. We tried Armin. They weren't willing to return the hat. Sorry. T.T
  16. Well, funny you mention that, because here is what we did... ChickenPanda and myself got into contact with the current owner of the hat. We gathered a bunch of our own items which valued ~60 keys, and offered these items to the owner in good faith so the hat may be returned to us. Seems like a very civil solution, right? Well, apparently civil solutions aren't enough. They declined our offer and even went so far as to threaten our clan. We were told that if any reports come of this, that "war" would be waged against our clan. I'm not fucking joking. Chickenpanda has the screenshots of the entire conversation.
  17. UPDATE: After speaking with the current owner of the hat, I found out he purchased it from a friend of his, who was probably the guy who scammed the hat in the first place. TF2 Outpost / Trade If you check the comments, he explains everything. Still REALLY shitty that he's trying to sell it off. He hasn't responded to it being scammed, but I have warned him that if he doesn't that the steps necessary to get Armin his hat back, his account will be reported to SteamRep. Here's to hoping this dude's a cool guy and tries to work it out with the other dude. Also, here's the SteamRep page of the guy who ACTUALLY scammed Armin: SteamRep » domccas [Caution] | 76561198083570878 | STEAM_0:0:61652575
  18. Shitty events, man. Hate to see this happen to someone who definitely doesn't deserve it. Take it as a learning experience. Yes, what happened sucks. But now, guaranteed, it'll never happen again now that you have experienced it. Take some time off. Enjoy other titles. When you're ready, you can rebuild and start anew. There's much worse things in life than losing a digital item. =)
  19. Must make sure to provide some sort of evidence to the offenses. I just checked the chat logs for any history coming from a "Fangonic", but found nothing. Steam IDs help too. T.T
  20. Edited. Currently working with the current owner to get the hat back. Do NOT downvote him.
  21. Well, Valve has already announced that they are no longer returning looted items. So I seriously doubt it. T.T
  22. Just wanted to give a quick heads up that over the next few weeks, I may not be as active as I typically am. Reason being is because we are working on moving into a new house, but it requires a lot of upkeep before we can actually move in. Painting the entire house and replacing the carpets to name a few of the large jobs ahead. Then, there's the tedious process of packing and actually moving. So, I'll still be around on forums, but my game time and Teamspeak activity may take a bit of a hit. Just wanted to give you guys a bit of a heads up! ^-^