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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. I mean, it's a nice service to have, but only if it's opt-in and DOESN'T affect other players if you don't have it.
  2. Even so.... It's bullshit that it's being enforced in the first place, simply because people are incompetent and can't figure out how to use the trading confirmation. So all of us have to suffer because a select few got scammed?
  3. This is a very real update and it will have very real negative impacts on trading as a whole. Not just in TF2, but in every Valve game that utilizes any sort of trading and market use. The premise is that henceforth, users will be expected to utilize the Steam Mobile App as a mobile authenticator for their Steam account. Whenever a trade is initiated, it will require the mobile authenticator be active on BOTH traders' accounts, or the items being traded will be placed into escrow for an undisclosed amount of time, unavailable to both players until the alloted time period has passed. THEN, if neither player has cancelled the deal, and only then, will the items be traded. Valve's reasoning for implementing this erroneous update is to reduce the amount of hijacking measures that would result in people losing their items. Not much information has been divulged on this yet, but at the very least, we are HOPING that this is an opt-in measure and not something to be completely enforced to all accounts. Obviously, everyone who uses Steam doesn't have a phone, and some of those phone users may not even have a phone compatible with the Steam Mobile Client (Cough cough, Windows Mobile). Hopefully, Valve realizes what a mistake this is, or at least takes the community backlash into consideration. This measure would effectively make trading a very difficult and time-consuming process, not to mention it would kill off any and all bot-based trading services like scrap.tf. If you would like to speak your mind against this measure, a petition has been created for this update. You can sign it here: Steam Escrow Petition Reddit Thread: [x-post /r/tf2trade] Valve to add "escrow" to trading, which holds items in every trade for a period of time likely up to several days, unless both parties have mobile app Steam Guard enabled • /r/tf2 Backpack.tf Thread: Steam Escrow Discussion and Speculation - Team Fortress 2 Discussions
  4. Donation made. How do I turn off the filters and remove the ads? :D
  5. Is there a minimum you have to donate to get this?
  6. Wait, does donating to forums really remove the censor? That kicks ass if true.
  7. If problems continue to persist with our staff after this thread, those individuals will find they won't remain staff for very long. EVERYONE is affected by this, because I'm going to begin rigorously enforcing a zero-tolerance rule about this very subject within my staff. People would be wise to take this thread seriously. Heh, can't reiterate this one enough.
  8. Shit, only if you play EDH. Singleton format is where it's at. Feldon is my bae. Also, I'll give my +1 for this too. See this individual CONSTANTLY trying to get in. Let's give em a chance, yeah? :D
  9. @Hachi promoted again. WHAT WERE WE THINKING?! JK I luff yew Hecchi.
  10. Close enough to 24 hours. Here you are, sir! Welcome to the family. <3 CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  11. Aaaaand there it is! That's 10 vouches. We have a 24 hour waiting period, so tomorrow evening I will close this thread and give you the acceptance message, assuming nobody wants to -1 you or recant their vote. See you tomorrow! :D
  12. Allow me to also use this as a perfect example. You see boys and girls....this is called SARCASM. Sometimes, we use this as a form of comical relief! It's best to learn when sarcasm is being used, as if I didn't know that Bach was being a smartass, I'd have to demote him now. :D
  13. Well boys and girls, here we go with yet ANOTHER thread about how we should be treating each other. I thought my last post about this very subject would have been enough to set the guidelines, but apparently I was wrong. Back in May, I post a PSA about how the upper staff were going to be handling complaints about other members in our clan. If you are unfamiliar with that thread, or if you need a refresher, you can read about it here: Psa: There Is To Be A Change To How We Handle Complaints. In the last thread, we addressed many issues in hopes of bringing the levels of drama down to a minimum. The biggest issue we were facing was that our members were, for whatever reason, incapable of communicating with each other in order to work out little issues, as to prevent them from snowballing into big issues. The tl;dr of it was that it was expected that if a problem were to arise, you would work it out with the person you're having issues with, that way the upper staff wouldn't have to hold hands and babysit our members when a small conflict became an issue. Obviously, this measure has failed entirely. I'm quite frankly baffled at the stupid, inane bullshit that we are having to pander to, and quite frankly, I'm sick of it. I tried being nice and being helpful, giving friendly reminders to play fairly, but if it isn't going to get results, I'll have to take a harsher course of action instead. For the most part, we are all adults here. Some of us are not quite there yet, but I feel that in this clan, we hold a very high sense of responsibility and respect here, to a certain degree, that we expect everyone to stand up to. As adults, there is absolutely NO REASON why we should be unable to work things out with each other, or ensure that we just ignore each other if a solution cannot be met. Without naming names, I can attest that there is still a LARGE issue with drama and talking behind others' backs. @Ohstopyou, @kbraszzz, and myself were ankle deep in it last night, and literally EVERY SINGLE ISSUE that was presented to us could have been solved if the people involved had talked with one another instead of complaining about each other to other members behind each others' backs. Really? This is what we are STILL struggling with? THESE are the problems we are making for each other? I'm honestly at a loss for words. I honestly have no idea what the next measure should be. All I know is that all this unnecessary drama is creating a rift in our clan, and if we don't find a way to squash it, it will tear us apart. I graduated high school nearly ten years ago. I shouldn't have to put up with this. In the end, we are a TEAM. ALL of us. Whether you like someone on your team or not, you are expected to maintain a level of respect and communication with your teammates. Personal feelings be damned. I don't give a rat's ass who likes who or who hates who. If you're going to be a part of my moderation staff, you will treat each other with respect and dignity, not go behind each other's backs to spread rumors and speak ill of each other. So, effective immediately, I'm just NOT going to deal with it anymore. My higher up staff is NOT going to deal with it anymore. Nothing nice to say? Don't say anything at all. Dislike someone? Ignore them and stay away from them. Keep your opinions to yourself and don't spread toxicity to each other. Don't speak ill of people who cannot be there to defend themselves, and don't be an asshole when you're trying to talk to each other. Be mindful in the fact that context is a VERY real thing, and when we have multiple people saying multiple things that are taken out of context, it creates HUGE problems. Escalating these petty issues to the higher-ups when it has nothing to do with our clan can and will result in punishment for all parties involved. If we honestly cannot deal with each other in a respectable way, I don't feel you deserve a place on my staff. I would like everyone to, effective immediately, begin treating your staff position like a job, because for all intents and purposes, that's what it is. This is a job minus the pay. And while you are here, performing your duties, you are expected to handle yourself in a respectful and responsible manner. If you went into a place of business, started a bunch of unnecessary drama with a coworker, then took your personal issues to your management, their reaction would be "Get it together and handle your issues, or you can look for a different employer." We are NOT here to be guidance counselors. We are NOT here to play mediator. We are here to make sure our staff does what is expected of them and ensure our game servers are being moderated. If you have beef with a member, fix it. I'm done putting up with this. If you can't fix it, ignore the people you have problems with. If issues continue to be issues, your staff position will then be at stake, whether or not you feel you are the cause of the problem. If you can't keep your personal life out of the work place, we will replace you. To everyone who was involved with the issue last night, and you know who you are, I suggest you work it out pronto. I will not be naming names, but you will all be tagged in a conversation shortly after this post goes live. You're all capable of rational discussion. I suggest and expect that you fix the problems. I'd hate to have to let any of you go because you can't work as a team. There is to be a conversation held to give you guys one last chance to solve these problems, because after the conversation, if I still see the issues that are being complained about, I am going to lose it. To address another problem that was presented last night, let's talk about Promo/Demos. I have no idea why this became an issue in the first place, but I'm just going to be very blunt to get my point across: If ANYBODY is threatening another user with a demotion in order to make them feel bad, that individual is going to face immediate removal of their staff position. This is absolutely unacceptable, ESPECIALLY since the only people who need be concerned with Promos and Demos are the active DMs and DLs, and our DMs and DLs will NOT be discussing the promos and demos with anybody until after the information has been made public. Obviously, we will still be taking the opinions of our staff into consideration, but the final decision lies with us. We will be reporting our Promos/Demos directly to Kbraszzz or Hiding, and Kbraszzz/Hiding will be the only person(s) who knows that information. Outside of those individuals, it is NOBODY ELSE'S BUSINESS. Mods have no say in Promos/Demos. Admins have no say in Promos/Demos. If you hear about someone getting a promo or a demo, whoever told it to you is a liar. So DO. NOT. USE. IT. AGAINST. ANYONE. It is grounds for an immediate demotion, as it is a SUPER shitty thing to do. I hope this clarifies where we stand on the issues. At this point, I can't make you all get along, but I CAN dictate how much we are going to be tolerant of. I'm done. My staff is done. And we will not be putting up with it any longer. If you can't be adult enough to work out your issues, I can't bring myself to keep you a member of my staff. Hardass mode has been engaged. I don't want to resort to this, but at the same time, I shouldn't have to. EDIT: Just to clarify, I have NO PLANS on taking any sort of disciplinary action against ANYONE who was involved in the events last night. Nobody has any consequences they need to fear. Just know if it is STILL an issue after this post, THEN we will be having problems. I also don't want anyone thinking that we don't care what our staff has to say. Obviously, your input is an integral part of how we manage the system. We will continue to touch base with you all on various things. I don't want anyone to think we are being inclusive of you guys, as that's not what this thread is addressing.
  14. There's been plenty vouches already, and due to the reason Dethman had to leave, the DMs and DLs are in unanimous agreement that his membership should be restored. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! Welcome back, bby. <3
  15. User will not be unbanned from CT. Mona Pizza or RIP. Thread closed.
  16. Sorry m8o. If you don't have any proof of your actions that justify your claims, you are to be held accountable. =(
  17. +1. Make this dude a member already. Very active and very level-headed. Always trying to resolve conflict when there are no mods present, and is always quick to fetch help when needed. Would make an excellent member. A: 10 M: 10
  18. I almost just wanna say "Fudge it, welcome back." If anyone has a problem with that, here's my +1. :D
  19. User has been permanently banned for the use of multiple hacks. If he wishes to protest the ban, he can do so in the typical way. Thread closed.
  20. Can do. Maybe next time. =(
  21. Scootaloo


    As to stay true to my word, thread is now closed. I would like to depart with one final comment. Lots of fingers pointed, lots of allegations, and lots of heated tension. But that all aside, I do wish to commend you guys for actually handling yourselves in a respectable, mature way. This is one of those kinds of posts that could EASILY degrade into shitposting, but it didn't. Today, I'm proud of how my clan presented themselves. I have also had plenty of time to think things over. I've been able to weigh the pros and the cons of the situation and take a good, hard look at everything presented thus far. I was able to take a break from the computer, stayed away from the clan for a whole night, and gave it some time to let the passionate feelings die away. After giving it a break and relooking at this, I am honestly still torn. On the one hand, we have Matsi's well-documented problems from what seems to be forever ago. We have documented evidence of his attitude problem as of late, and we have many testimonies about how he has presented himself in representation of this clan. But a VERY valid point was raised when the question was asked: "Has anyone ever actually TALKED to him." That question really got my gears turning, because I can honestly say that with a few exceptions, I haven't actually sat down and talked to Matsi about ANY of this. I did two nights ago, but the conversation was very brief and didn't even scrape the surface of what was presented in this thread. It seems to me that it'd be almost unfair to expect someone to self-correct problems that aren't being addressed. True, there have been past behaviors exhibited that definitely should NOT have been even given a second thought, but how can I as a leader of this clan rightly punish someone if they never had a set course of clear changes that were expected to be made? I am aware that many problems have been discussed with Matsi, but I am also seeing that not every problem was approached. I am still levying the pros and cons of having Matsi as a staff member. From what I can tell anyways, he is active, upholds the server rules, and is quick to take care of offenders. But I can't attest to that, because any time there is an issue in the servers, it's either dealt with before I arrive or after I leave. So, what I am saying is I personally am still weighing the evidence to decide if I feel like Matsi is staff material. But do I think he should lose his membership over this? I mean, I've heard WAY worse things come out of the mouths of some of our other members, but there is the issue of these subjects being brought up in servers with young people present. I'm changing my +1 for removal of membership to a neutral stance. You guys be the ones to decide if you want him in our clan and I will support it. I have to conclude whether he is staff material or not, and that discussion will be held with Ohstopyou, Moosty, and Rejects. @Matsi, I do wish to apologize for getting so upset. I was pretty mad when I heard of some of your past actions, but I didn't take the time to consider how long ago they happened or how serious they really were. I was just angry and I lashed out. I told you I was going to do my best to find a suitable compromise to the problems at hand, and this is me holding up my end of that bargain. Hope you don't hate me for having to do my job. T.T
  22. Scootaloo


    I will keep the thread open for another hour and forty minutes to allow any other final comments to be made. (Thread closes at 5:00pm MST.) As Vector said, the majority of our views have been stated and there is very little left to add. The companion thread will remain open for the remainder of the evening for any members who have not already been able to give their decision. Please note that in no way does that thread indicate Matsi's fate. It is simply a way the higher ups can track everyone's view on the matter. Also keep in mind that this is a Member Protest, not a ban Request. Matsi is not being banned AFAIK. (That would be a CL decision, but I see no reason why he would be banned.)
  23. Vote changed to neutral on removal of membership. Still deciding on removal of staff position.