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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from SupremeWolf in I'm done.   
    Now I have a sad. I'm sorry to see you go, Kitty. =(
  2. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Shadower in I'm done.   
    Now I have a sad. I'm sorry to see you go, Kitty. =(
  3. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from John_Madden in Unusual server rules   
    *TF2 lead of TGH. I'm on a roll today. XD
  4. Sad
    Scootaloo reacted to Kittylicious in I'm done.   
    I have decided I am leaving xG. There are a number of reasons I have to do this and none of them are any fault of mine.
    First of all the way the CLs handled the whole member protest problem was embarrassing and the final outcome even more so. I will not accept my demotion for doing nothing wrong, I would love an example where I have abused my responsibility as a mod to warrant a demotion, can't find one? neither can I.
    All the issue needed was an announcement from a CL to those involved to cease fighting or be punished but all we got were unnecessary demotions and bans which were lifted anyway so that makes it even more pointless!
    I am not angry at any of those involved in the protest. I have made amends with the majority of those involved and there are no further issues. That is not the reason I am leaving. I am leaving because of the CLs and the way this clan is run (with the exception of Nomulous).
    I was so angry after I saw the outcome of the protest I was thinking of leaving right there and then but I kept going until the next promo demo as I heard the demotions were a temporary demotion and everyone will be re promoted next promo demo. This is not just me I feel unjustified for I also feel for Moosty. Yes he made that picture which was wrong but he apologised for it and he should not of been demoted either.
    What baffles me is the only person who got demoted in the protest and got his powers back is StarmiX. This obviously points to favourism and I refuse to be in a community that favours some members above others.
    I was told by Hiding "you must earn your mod again" sorry but no. I already earned it and did a good job with it, you demoted me and Moosty without knowing how much effort we put in to the TF2 div trade servers. You're an idiot and how you are a CL baffles me.
    so well done CLs on this clan losing one of the most active, friendly and dedicated TF2 Div trade members. Give yourselves a pat on the back and maybe learn how to run a community properly because you are clueless, corrupt and idiotic from what I've seen.
    I will still play the servers sometimes but I am not affiliating myself with xG.
    Goodbye to the good people listed below.
  5. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tekk in I'm done.   
    Now I have a sad. I'm sorry to see you go, Kitty. =(
  6. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Sora_ in The real name thread!   
    Lord Sir Beansack Alanden, Knight of the Kingdom of Friar Beanbean.
  7. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Nomulous in Unusual server rules   
    The rules aren't set in stone, but since you're working with Scoot, I trust him to come up with appropriate rules to can edit in.
  8. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from p0s3s3dh0b0 in Unusual server rules   
    So, with the completion of xG's new Unusual map, our Unusual server is now live. It's my hope that we get a lot of attention to our servers because of this, as the map in itself is, in my opinion, one of the best Unusual server maps I have ever been on.
    That being said, I think we need to discuss the rules for this particular server. OFC, being an xG server, all of the basic xG rules will be applied, however it being an Unusual server, I feel that there should be some additional rules put into place in order to cover some other basics that aren't really covered in xG's core ruleset.
    1. "Cancer"
    This term is seen by many players as very disrespectful, even if it is true. For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, "Cancer" is used to describe Unusual hats with low-tier effects, (And sometimes low-tier hats themselves.) I've been in Unusual servers where they have barred the use of such disrespectful terminology, and I wouldn't be opposed to enforcing the same rule on our Unusual server as well. I feel that if the environment allows for disrespect that some players will not want to attend our map. This should be a discussion point: Do you think we should ban the use of the word "Cancer"?
    2. Quicksells
    Another thing that is barred from a LOT of Unusual servers is the advertisement that one is buying Quicksells. Lots of Unusual servers believe that people who focus solely on Quicksells is detrimental to the Unusual market and prices of specific hats. I tend to agree. I don't necessarily want to ban users from SELLING at Quicksell prices, but advertising that you are only buying Quicksells presses a stress on the players in the room to sell for lower than they are comfortable with. Once again, this should probably be another discussion point: Should we allow players to advertise that they are buying Quicksells?
    3. RTD
    It's no secret that Unusual servers aren't exactly combat-centric. RTD is an excellent plugin for use in servers that focus mainly on combat, so my question is this: Should we even have RTD on the Unusual server at all? There are some servers who do have large combat rooms that have the plugin enabled, but for the most part, as it stands now, our Unusual Map is not the most combat-focused map. So, should we allow the RTD plugin to remain on the server, where players can potentially roll into a No-Clip and kill/spawn sentries in important rooms, such as the opposing spawn or in the Spycrab rooms? As a moderator, I feel this would be problematic, especially when dealing with high-stakes gambles. If a high-stakes Crab was taking place, and somebody No-Clipped into the room and killed one of the participating crabbers, a shitstorm would ensue. I personally feel that it should be removed, or at the very least, certain rolls disabled.
    4. Mod/Admin involvement.
    Most Unusual servers allow their Admins to act as middle-men for high-stakes Crabs. This lowers the risk of someone skating off without paying for a lost Spycrab. The level of involvement is very specific however. Most servers require an ADMIN to take in large-stake crabs, so do we want to keep it that way as well? That would mean Vector will have his hands full if our server takes root and generates a lot of traffic. Or, do we want the Moderators to also be allowed to act as middle-men for this server? Another discussion point.
    5. Donator perks.
    I am uncomfortable with this one. Monoculus, HHH, and Merasmus will be VERY disruptive. I motion to bar all bosses from being spawned in this server. I'm sure you can understand why.
    These are my main areas of focus that I want to clarify. @Nomulous , What are your thoughts on the matters at hand, and how would you like us to enforce these points? =)
  9. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Dethman in Am I Ready For Freddy?   
    Foxy is nothing to worry about. Any of the first 6 nights, if your routine includes checking Freddy's position, then switching to the cove to check Foxy, you are pretty much set.
    The key to Foxy is to wait for his curtain to be completely open, then check the screen right underneath it, drop the screen immediately and close the left door. After you hear the second knock, it's safe to open.
    The REAL challenge is night 7 at 20/20/20/20, where you literally have to close the right door EVERY TIME YOU CHECK THE SCREEN.
  10. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    If I can type it on my keyboard without having to resort to alt codes, I'd consider it typable.
  11. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Dethman in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    Pokemon does seem to be the exception. It has maintained it's popularity.
    However, others have not done so well. =(
  12. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Dethman in Am I Ready For Freddy?   
    As someone who has made it to night 7, and have a routine down that has ALMOST led me to victory on 20/20/20/20 countless times, this game stops being scary at around Night 4 and starts just being muscle memory.
    Good game though. Highly recommend.
  13. Disagree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Ribbit in Ribbit   
    Usually, trolls WANT this kind of attention. >.>
  14. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from jaygoki in Ribbit   
    Usually, trolls WANT this kind of attention. >.>
  15. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Dethman in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    I'm beginning to believe this to be accurate. Searching Nintendo brings up practically nothing anymore. I think lots of people found us this way.
    Perhaps we should change our name back to Nintendo Sixty Force. Perhaps we should readvertise as a Nintendo server. Perhaps we should revert to Nintendo-only maps and restore some of the former glory ones. I think that would help.
  16. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Dethman in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    It's no secret that our TF2 servers have been very underpopulated as of late. Traffic has gone from our servers being full for nearly 20 hours out of the day to about halfway there part of the time, to nearly empty for the rest of the time.
    I remember a day where I had to actually FIGHT to get into the TGH server. I remember having to wait for quite the duration before I could even set foot in the server. Now, that's completely different.
    So what caused this downfall in popularity? Many would argue that Hub played an integral part of the decline of our server attendance. Some would argue that it was other factors, such as an increase of players actually playing the game vs going Friendly and just trading. Some would argue that it's in part the fault of the TF2 economy. Some would argue, in the case of TGH, that it was the inclusion of non-Nintendo maps. Whatever the reason, it is apparent that we are not the Trade servers we once were.
    So my question to you is this: How do we fix it? I hate going into my favorite TF2 server, only to find it only halfway populated. I hate seeing our servers being utilized only by the same handful of regulars, (No offense to anyone here.) I hate not being the central trade hub that made us popular to begin with. I hate that we have taken a downhill path that has come to this point.
    So, I'm asking you guys if you have any ideas on how we can fix this. How do we increase traffic to our servers? How do we reignite the interest? How do we draw attention to ourselves and bring our servers back to their former glory?
    I'd love to hear what you guys think.
  17. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Barmithian in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    :loldidntread: On the up side, dr has gained popularity
  18. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tekk in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    I'm beginning to believe this to be accurate. Searching Nintendo brings up practically nothing anymore. I think lots of people found us this way.
    Perhaps we should change our name back to Nintendo Sixty Force. Perhaps we should readvertise as a Nintendo server. Perhaps we should revert to Nintendo-only maps and restore some of the former glory ones. I think that would help.
  19. Funny
    Scootaloo reacted to StarmiX in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    @Kypari it's sort of obvious. Pokemon usually attracts 9-12 YO. Tf2's population is mostly 9-12 YO
  20. Optimistic
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in Ribbit   
    Usually, trolls WANT this kind of attention. >.>
  21. Informative
    Scootaloo got a reaction from John_Madden in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    Probably should have clarified that I intend to increase ALL of xG's TF2 server traffic, not just TGH and Pokemon. I just used those two as examples.
  22. Sad
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Kypari in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    Pokemon does seem to be the exception. It has maintained it's popularity.
    However, others have not done so well. =(
  23. Funny
    Scootaloo got a reaction from DrLee in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    It's no secret that our TF2 servers have been very underpopulated as of late. Traffic has gone from our servers being full for nearly 20 hours out of the day to about halfway there part of the time, to nearly empty for the rest of the time.
    I remember a day where I had to actually FIGHT to get into the TGH server. I remember having to wait for quite the duration before I could even set foot in the server. Now, that's completely different.
    So what caused this downfall in popularity? Many would argue that Hub played an integral part of the decline of our server attendance. Some would argue that it was other factors, such as an increase of players actually playing the game vs going Friendly and just trading. Some would argue that it's in part the fault of the TF2 economy. Some would argue, in the case of TGH, that it was the inclusion of non-Nintendo maps. Whatever the reason, it is apparent that we are not the Trade servers we once were.
    So my question to you is this: How do we fix it? I hate going into my favorite TF2 server, only to find it only halfway populated. I hate seeing our servers being utilized only by the same handful of regulars, (No offense to anyone here.) I hate not being the central trade hub that made us popular to begin with. I hate that we have taken a downhill path that has come to this point.
    So, I'm asking you guys if you have any ideas on how we can fix this. How do we increase traffic to our servers? How do we reignite the interest? How do we draw attention to ourselves and bring our servers back to their former glory?
    I'd love to hear what you guys think.
  24. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from SiliconDragon in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    It's no secret that our TF2 servers have been very underpopulated as of late. Traffic has gone from our servers being full for nearly 20 hours out of the day to about halfway there part of the time, to nearly empty for the rest of the time.
    I remember a day where I had to actually FIGHT to get into the TGH server. I remember having to wait for quite the duration before I could even set foot in the server. Now, that's completely different.
    So what caused this downfall in popularity? Many would argue that Hub played an integral part of the decline of our server attendance. Some would argue that it was other factors, such as an increase of players actually playing the game vs going Friendly and just trading. Some would argue that it's in part the fault of the TF2 economy. Some would argue, in the case of TGH, that it was the inclusion of non-Nintendo maps. Whatever the reason, it is apparent that we are not the Trade servers we once were.
    So my question to you is this: How do we fix it? I hate going into my favorite TF2 server, only to find it only halfway populated. I hate seeing our servers being utilized only by the same handful of regulars, (No offense to anyone here.) I hate not being the central trade hub that made us popular to begin with. I hate that we have taken a downhill path that has come to this point.
    So, I'm asking you guys if you have any ideas on how we can fix this. How do we increase traffic to our servers? How do we reignite the interest? How do we draw attention to ourselves and bring our servers back to their former glory?
    I'd love to hear what you guys think.
  25. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tomahawk in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    I love how faggoty our server is. <3