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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. "Muzzle, stop spraying over my homosexual furry spray" - Furr Fox
  2. "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" - EVERY xG MEMBER EVER
  3. If you thought he was a girl then yes you were very wrong I'm sorry if you showed any kind of attraction
  4. Your best choice is to find evidence then make a report abuse btw @Hachi
  5. Do you have any relation or name going by Professor Oak. Now I saw a man by that alias pestering a Admin named @John_Madden does this seem about right because in your case you were being a "troll" and pestering a admin
  6. Can you provide the name of the admin, players and server you were being "assaulted" by?
  7. Ban all skins! + fucking 1
  8. Play Freak Fortress once then the errors are fixed expect for bills Face idk bout that one
  9. Muzzle


    Woe I hate to be that one douche but bye
  10. Did anyone not get my joke wow okay.
  11. I downloaded this one that gave me a lot of viruses but it was soooooo worth it like totally
  12. Hostile Area Population everyone get the fuck out!
  13. Let's leave this at no we aren't getting a stupid strange server there is no need for this thread
  14. I like are 2fort server but no one plays that
  15. Oh says the guy on the achievement idle on CS:GO @kbraszzz @Bleed
  16. Also I'm not going to say anything without Hachi's permission because it may be embrasssing