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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Well if you thought this was a goodbye thread. Lol no sorry I got your hopes up. There may be one soon but that's another story. Anyway some of you may know my computer has a virus. I'm currently trying to fix it with avast. Other than that I will be going to Ireland around thanksgiving. So I'm going there for two weeks. So until I get my PC fixed I can't do shit. I'm not going to Ireland yet but I'd rather get this out the way

  2. So I've been thinking... Why not have a Mario Kart map or something along that line (Not the Deathmatch maps) and add bumper karts to that... Then BOOM a new gametype for TF2 and xG super population. Now you're probably thinking "But SupremeWolf, how are we going to make something so amazing?" Well I have the answer to that question. Butts are for sitting! All we need to do is have @Kbrazz and @ColdEndeavour make this for us! It's simply genius, and just might get me to finally waste- I mean donate 20 keys to Kbrazzers.

    We do .~. It's called tf2 kart

  3. I agree with this, but we need widespread population. We need some in Hale, some in ZF, some in JB, etc etc. This just means we don't need as many people to go to Hale. Also, we need to realize we can't #populateZF for one night of the week. It literally needs to be the ENTIRE week, and our goal is to form regulars in the server, and hopefully get more people in the clan.

    I get you. I get you. It's just we should have a minecraft kind of thing where you type servers and then he connects you there. If we don't already. But still hale could use alittle less pop and focus on it