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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Uhh well Im supposed to be banned at the moment. But Nom decided that I can stay unbanned until I donate the money. Which won't be until Wednesday. So I promised to be on my best behavior. (Which still isn't very good at all) so a lot of you are pissed that I'm back. I understand I'm literally the worst person ever. But I'm not rejoining xG. Two reasons:

    I don't care anymore.

    I would get -1 up the ass

    so lel I'm back to claim my title as the town retard. :^)

  2. Update on the computer. It won't start. It just makes an obnoxious beeping noise when I turn it on and makes my sperm cells all infected with cancer. I might have to call I guy. I don't believe I will be looking up a YouTube tutorial on fixing a problem so descriptive. Other than that I have a shitty computer at my fathers house. I brought all my computer equipment over there. In other news of inactivity i will be going to Ireland on Saturday. I might not have access to Internet so the possibility of my being on the forums is slim to none. I'm currently very angry with the certain situations currently going on. But other than that I am currently trying to keep my honor roll title in school so I can accomplish something this semester before I fail finals. Other than that don't expect me on TS the rest of the week due too my swag and the rest of next week. So again see ya on the flip side nerds!

    @Bach @kbraszzz @FoRgE

    Tagging people I actually give a steaming pantload about. Oops did I say that out loud :kawaii: kawaii

    @Moosty @metalslug53 oops I forgot my other favorites

  3. Update on the computer. It won't start. It just makes an obnoxious beeping noise when I turn it on and makes my sperm cells all infected with cancer. I might have to call I guy. I don't believe I will be looking up a YouTube tutorial on fixing a problem so descriptive. Other than that I have a shitty computer at my fathers house. I brought all my computer equipment over there. In other news of inactivity i will be going to Ireland on Saturday. I might not have access to Internet so the possibility of my being on the forums is slim to none. I'm currently very angry with the certain situations currently going on. But other than that I am currently trying to keep my honor roll title in school so I can accomplish something this semester before I fail finals. Other than that don't expect me on TS the rest of the week due too my swag and the rest of next week. So again see ya on the flip side nerds!

    @Bach @kbraszzz @FoRgE

    Tagging people I actually give a shit about. Oops did I say that out loud :kawaii: kawaii

  4. Good day lads,


    I just found out that if you accept a duel with demo class restriction the server crashes for everyone. I haven't tried it on JB#2. This may be a minor thing but it may be abused by people who are aware of this.


    @kbraszzz @Bach

    Don't tell

  5. Since I'm gonna get all the hate anyways an Gwoash already said I have too...

    -1 Im not one for supporting early quitters, even if they do join back I have a general dislike for people of that kind. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.

    No Bueno. Quitters? It's a video game clan. It doesn't take effort.

  6. I agree with Muzzles post, -1 for change. Mona Pizza is a classic and a great unban. Besides you can only get unbanned once then it's useless, so why change? It's not like you can afford pizza anyway @StarmiX :p

    This is also very very very autisic