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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. Here's my two cents about this and why I got Bach promoted. I got too busy handling xG as a leader and I tried various ideas but I wasn't on enough to hear what we needed. I promoted Kbraszzle to fix up the TF2 divisions, changing our dead servers into ones that matter and would get a population. I promoted Bach to be the principal of TF2 because he's the one who has the best balance of discipline and being kind.


    In all respect to the TF2 division, they have the right to demote anyone who doesn't want to follow their guidelines. Bach and Kbraszzle together can weed out and fix the TF2 admin squad and Kbrazzle can add more "meta" game servers.


    Which now brings it to Kbrazzle and me are working together (I'm helping fix small coding and plugin errors when he's not looking) to bring newer better servers. @Rhododendron and I are working diligently to improve the forums and overall clan experience. I have discussed with him and a user to become our social media person to revive that yet again.


    Ever since I got leader I'm working hard to improve us, unfortunately they took a light toll on TF2, which Kbrasszle is improving. Our 24/7 Halloween server is currently doing great and our ZF server is doing well. If there's any issues with servers please kindly talk to me, I'm all about hearing improvements. You can ask anyone in the Tf2 division that I'm more kind, lenient, and nicer than most people and I like to have fun a lot (ask @Bach )


    So as a leader I've made myself easily approachable, just approach me with any clan improvement ideas, or tag me in threads. Or message Kbraszz with ideas.


    Back to the idea of what to do with dead servers, @ChickenPanda shouod work well with @kbraszzz and @Muzzle to populate us. It'll make a great team. :)

    I'm defiently working on it Nom yesterday was a bit of a slip up but I got randoms. Next week I'll work on Unusual Trade. (y)



    edit: scootalo is also in on this as well @metalslug53

  2. You're complaining about not getting high drop items that have A RARE CHANCE TO GET so you hate the game?

    It was no one else's choice but yours to spend over $800 to do this. This thread is basically you saying that you've lost money so you want people to buy your steaming pantload. At least that what it seems to me. I also can't help but notice the 2800+ hours spent on TF2. So clearly this is just you being salty about not getting the drops you want.




    Games aren't about you having better DIGITAL ITEMS than others. It's about having fun.

    Yes there are people that merchant but those people don't actually play the game.

    He got to it before me

  3. When I walked into the clinic I saw a girl leaving with a nurse holding her arm and she looked like she was mad drunk so I got a little nervous.

    You sit in the chair and when you go under it's the strangest feeling. When you fall asleep you can't quite pinpoint when exactly you drift into a deeper sleep but with the anesthetics it's so quick and, at least for me, time just stopped.


    I woke up, felt fine, not wobbly at all. Went home and all was good.

    Weird though I went to this fancy clinic that put synthetic gum fluid or something over the holes so it feels like my actual gums without the holes. Wonder if anywhere does this.

    Wow touching story