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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. alright, firstly

    -ONLY POST FOR YOUR APPEAL AND ONLY YOU MAY APPEAL -- Not your brother, sister, mother or Duckii - We don't care about your friend or if your friend feels bad and wants to appeal your ban -- ONLY YOU POST for YOUR BAN APPEAL or we will IGNORE the appeal.


    secondly, he already has a ban protest up

    Batter - team fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers

    that one is yet to be resolved


    thirdly, still waiting on that haiku bro

    I honestly just noticed this blame

    @kbraszzz for not telling me

  2. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    I have no idea how long ago this was by my retarded friend got banned from Jailbreak. It was a long ass time ago and I don't know why I'm making this for him because he is a fat ass Canadian. So it's been awhile so pleasernio unbannernio :D

  3. Hey guys remember how the vouches weren't clear last thread cuz penguin is high or something but it's better you make more clear vouches +1, -1 and reason. I don't understand why the last was unclear but still. Blame @ThePenguin

  4. Why the fuck is this a thing though.

    I kind of wish I had CL powers so i could get rid of the TGH princess thread and this one. No princesses please for the love of God. I've started this I'm ending it. @kbraszzz please close this steaming pile of shame

  5. Well if mods or admins need to do something and go into spec and it takes like 5 minutes it will kick them and it will be impossible for them to join + Ive never been having to wait to go on jb

    Cooly you are one of the people that stay in specate for an hour. Not to mention that if mods are in specate for ten mintues and normally rounds take 6 or less mintues they don't need to be in there for that long. So think about that COOLY