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  1. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Matsi in Speedoffreedom Demoted ?   
    I just watched the TF2 JB server sit at 32/32 today....

    Because it's JB, people get banned from CT by the hour....because they are dumb...
    -1 unless someone can post any proof of any abuse instead of just saying "I don't like him."
  2. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to SkitZoFrenzly. in Lemons   
    "It was a joke"
    No. If you are going to leave and do whatever you wanted to do and failed, atleast admit that your idea failed. Don't try to string it on that, "OH IT WAS A JOKE, HAHA GOT YOU ALL, YOU'RE ALL STUPID AS FUCK"
    -1 You are not active, nor do you deserve access back into the community just like that. Your maturity, in my eyes, has greatly diminished because of this whole "Joke" thing.
  3. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to John_Madden in Speedoffreedom Demoted ?   
    This is hilarious, as only a couple of months ago the very same people were complaining because no one was on JB to take care of rule breakers, and now they're bitching because someone is making them follow rules.
    #Keepbitching #Itmakesyoulookgood
  4. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Hidingmaster in Banned Fo No Reezun ;(   
    Yeah, you can't just say "Oh yeah thats right, he was a rebel" after the fact. Had you told them that right away there would have been no issue. In my opinion the ban was justified and it was your fault that you were banned. Closing because the ban is over.
  5. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DrLee in Banned Fo No Reezun ;(   
    The ban is already over, unless he wants this to become an abuse thread; it should be closed. @Shadow @Hidingmaster
  6. Agree
  7. F!$k Off
    MrJeeblez reacted to jubens45 in Madara-uchicha Aka Faget: Shadowspy - Counter-strike: Source   

    Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name:

    Madara-Uchicha Aka faget: Shadowspy Offender's Steam ID:

    Madarauchicha xG:A Rules Broken:

    minging,abusive,disrespectful and it just hurts to watch him play because his so BAD!!!!! Evidence:

    Thank you for your time
  8. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to Voly in League Is 3 Love   
    League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, inspired by the mod Defense of the Ancients for the video game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. It is a free-to-play game, supported by micro-transactions. It was first announced on October 7, 2008, and released on October 27, 2009.League of Legends was generally well received at release, and has grown in popularity in the years since. According to a 2012 Forbes article, League of Legends was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played. As of January 2014, over 67 million people play League of Legends per month, 27 million per day, and over 7.5 million concurrently during peak hours.

    Free to play and addictive as hell, League of Legends delivers a really entertaining, competitive environment for RTS twitch players.
    When it comes to actually playing the game, something that's obviously very important, LoL provides an addictive experience that should feel reminiscent of any other game in the genre.
    Oct 26, 2010
    I've been playing this game for a while, and no, it's not just a mod. The graphics are a bit low poly, but when 10 people are fighting eachother onscreen at once with lots of particle effects you don't want to be chug because of the trees, terrain, or mobs being too high res.
    The game runs very smooth and that's what counts with a PvP game or a MOBA.
    There are tons of champions to choose from and half the fun is learning all of them. I highly recommend this one.

    League of Legends - Play For Free
    League of Legends - Play For Free
    League of Legends - Play For Free

  9. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Chrono in Gg   
    Who promoted him back to member? If you don't make it known to the staff that it is a joke (either white text it when you start or tell us) then it is taken as a serious thing. You were demoted for leaving, as was Audible. As such, you have left. You can re-apply, but you cannot come back a couple weeks later and just say "haha, it was a joke. gg wheres my member/powers guys?"
    @DarkWolf6052 @Hidingmaster @Tsuchikure @ThePenguin @Kyoko @Nomulous @SuperMaddud @Bleed @Forest @MuffinMonster @SkitZoFrenzly. @Gawd @diabeetus @snakeboyeric
    (tagging higher ups so they can note the wrong that was done setting him back to member, unless there is evidence of his stating it is a joke prior to his posting of the thread and demotions for the reason of leaving, he will be set back to non-member and will have to re-apply.)
    also, @Lemons you should read this.
  10. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to xGShadowSpy in Selby9409 - Counter-strike: Source   
    +1 for unban, Selby is a long time player and knows the rules well, this seems to just be a mistake. Shorten to 1-2 weeks btw, not immediate unban.
  11. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Haxx in Selby9409 - Counter-strike: Source   
    It was ba_mario_party_v4, It was on a game called Hexacon heat - It is like a manually controlled simon says as you push the button each time for the colour for the platform. (Which was how the mass happened). Warden ordered ts to get into the game. However did not tell anyone to activate it as warden was trying to get the game set-up. This was when he pushed one of the buttons and killed 4-6 of them. However i +1 for his unban because it was an honest mistake and the map was new, we actually didn't know what the game did. And he has somewhat still been active on the server.
  12. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to Selby9409 in Selby9409 - Counter-strike: Source   

    Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name:

    Profit Grapefruit Steam ID:

    Steam Community :: Profit Grapefruit Information:

    Hi. I got banned for massfreekilling I guess, but it was an honest mistake. There were a bunch of Ts on a Simon says pad and I pressed a color button, I didn't think they would all be slaughtered. They were already about to play, but i guess that's still freekilling. I would much appreciate an unban from CT, I know the rules better now.
  13. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to SkitZoFrenzly. in That Wasn't Long   
    OOOOOoooooohhhhhhhhHHHHHH (Notice how I put different sized letters, meaning this is a serious insult.)
  14. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to ThePenguin in That Wasn't Long   
    Creating a 1337 mlg 360420NoScOpE clan of his own
  15. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Nomulous in No_name - Counter-strike: Source   
    @Hidingmaster I would disagree, for a first unintentional offence which he saw someone else doing (which happens often in TF2 where mods just clarify the rules quickly, before something happens, where here it seems no one told him otherwise until after the ban). I would like to argue 3-7 days would be more appropriate. Since a mass still happened.
  16. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to nebulastar1 in Begging Like A Bitch   
    I suggest perming Bleed.
  17. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to LeToucan in Begging Like A Bitch   
    I suggest perming anyone who begs.
  18. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DrLee in Totes Friendly   
    Needs more cowbell
  19. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Voly in Totes Friendly   
    Bruce Willis that bald nigger
  20. Friendly
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DrLee in What Happened To Saxton?   
    Fucking Lee.
    I mean that in every way possible.:sneaky: >:)
  21. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from ForestFire in Guntoss Rule That Needs To Be Added   
    how can this suggestion be real if our eyes arent real
  22. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Jaybreeze in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    Go play in traffic.
  23. Optimistic
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in Guntoss Rule That Needs To Be Added   
    how can this suggestion be real if our eyes arent real
  24. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Forest in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    He isn't being rebanned for the whole "mother" thing. I'll recap for anyone who's confused.
    Vinyl was re-CT banned because he wasn't supposed to be unbanned in the first place. His second to last Ban Protest that involved Poncher denying it determined that he was to stay CT banned.
    After an undetermined amount of time, Vinyl asked a Higher-Up to unban him (not sure what the context here is) and the Higher-Up mistakenly overlooked the wrong Ban Protest (the one in which Aegean accepted his Ban Protest [the first Ban Protest]).
    Because of this mix-up, Vinyl was wrongfully unbanned for a Ban Protest he had been unbanned from prior to the one that was denied. So to re-cap, he was unbanned from a Ban Protest that was already dealt with way back, when he was supposed to remain CT banned for his actions after that Ban Protest.
    Further information:
    Intentionally mass freekills, blames on "dying mother"
    1st Ban Protest = Accepted
    Vinyl is unbanned.
    Mass freekills again at a later date.
    2nd Ban Protest = Denied
    Vinyl remains banned
    Vinyl proceeds to get unbanned from Ban Protest #2 under the reasoning of Ban Protest #1 by Higher-Up by mistake. Vinyl then admits to this act and is later re-banned as his being unbanned in the first place was 'illegal' due to Ban Protest #2 not being accepted.
  25. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to SpermytheCat in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    "guys someone broke into my house and raped my cat unban me pls"
    "ok sure"
    "I was jk, i was the one who raped my cat lel. Unban again?"