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  1. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Vector in Furry Superheroes   
    and you wonder why people are sick of your shit.
    jesus christ.
  2. Disagree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from Matsi in Anyone Interested In A Rust Div?   
    Edited down version of what I said originally (I edited out the me being retarded part): No.
  3. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Charles in Anyone Interested In A Rust Div?   
    I want poptropica division... Or even a funbrain division... OR BETTER YET, A populated CSS division
  4. Disagree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Anyone Interested In A Rust Div?   
    Edited down version of what I said originally (I edited out the me being retarded part): No.
  5. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to ScubaCat in Scubacat   
    scuba cat for leader of xg 2014.
  6. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to diabeetus in Duckii Jr   
    8/10 for activity? Hardly. Here are some links to his activity, you can see for yourself how little he's played over the last few months: Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History
    DuckiiJr has only held up steady activity for the past 7-9 days. Anything before that and his activity pretty much falls apart for several months. When you get past the 14th of January, his activity falls dramatically, going from connecting every day (like he has this week or so) to only connecting a couple of times a month. In fact the last time he matched or exceeded the activity seen in the last week or so was about 8 months ago, during last May. His activity did spike a little in July, however it wasn't that much (never exceeded 2 hours per day, in fact most days it stayed below 1 hour). The hypocrisy seen in a lot of these posts is actually quite hilarious, considering DuckiiJr has pretty horrendous activity. Being kinda-sorta active for one week simply isn't enough, and anything past that week DuckiiJr really has nonexistent activity.
    We have more than enough drama already in xG, and we really don't need DuckiiJr causing any more to be honest. I really see no evidence of him being "changed" or "back to the old DuckiiJr" from what I've seen of him in-game he seems to act pretty much exactly the same as he used to. There is no real assurance that he won't do the same shit he did that originally got him banned, which could seriously put xG in danger. The fact that he was still in another clan when he had this posted doesn't help his case either. I also don't see any evidence on DuckiiJr's forum account on QIG to support that he's actually left the clan, aside from removing the tags from his name (in fact on his account it still says he's a junior member, so it appears he actually is still in QIG).
  7. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Matsi in Duckii Jr   
    -1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...
    He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.
    I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.
  8. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Aegean in Duckii Jr   
    Uhhh god damn it I'm just about to go to bed and I see this thread.. I'll post why you SHOULDN'T accept him when I wake up.
    "Side note" Silence/Rhododendron was the main reason *although I never argued with him about it" that Ducki Jr. was banned from servers and not allowed to be affiliated with us for the most part. I'm not xG anymore, and obviously community has a big say, but trust me, this is just as bad as giving someone like Netex another chance. Also, how are you guys giving his activity and maturity a fucking 8-9 out of nowhere?
  9. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DrLee in Mc Community Night.   
    I'd like to see a race, especially since we have that cars plugin thing now. Maybe a community build contest?
  10. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to diabeetus in Britt   
    Actually, Dutchy's average connection time per day (for the two weeks before he was accepted) was about 6 hours (the least he played per day was still over an hour, more than a lot of staff for CS:S). Like I -1'd Dutchy's app for lack of activity, I'm going to -1 this app for the same reason. You are a lot of fun to play with, but you simply don't have enough activity to be ready for member. Unless you have several days of activity hidden away on minigames, you've barely played on the CS:S servers. From looking up your steam ID on rank.xenogamers.com you only show up on 4 xG servers, 3 of which you are active on (the last one has 0% activity). Your total play time for these three servers is about 2.5 - 4 hours. While you certainly have the maturity aspect of membership down, you need to get more active before you can get member status. Links to activity: Xeno Gamers - Player Information Xeno Gamers - Player Information Xeno Gamers - Player Information
  11. Disagree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Warriorsfury in Britt   
    "Its all about QUALITY not QUANTITY"
    Silly fucker ;)
  12. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from Charles in Britt   
    -1I don't know what has gotten into you guy's heads. She hasn't been NEARLY active enough to even be considered for a membership. (ShadowSpy, really? You -1d Dutchy because he'd only been on for two weeks, even though it was nearly every day of those two weeks. Dutchy666 - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers ) If we combined her playtime under this new account, "Britt <3", and her old one, "L0VE <3", we get a grand total of 8 hours on our CSS servers.
    One you've been playing for a while, I'll gladly +1. Unfortunately, for now at least, I can't.
  13. F!$k Off
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Britt   
    -1I don't know what has gotten into you guy's heads. She hasn't been NEARLY active enough to even be considered for a membership. (ShadowSpy, really? You -1d Dutchy because he'd only been on for two weeks, even though it was nearly every day of those two weeks. Dutchy666 - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers ) If we combined her playtime under this new account, "Britt <3", and her old one, "L0VE <3", we get a grand total of 8 hours on our CSS servers.
    One you've been playing for a while, I'll gladly +1. Unfortunately, for now at least, I can't.
  14. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from diabeetus in Britt   
    -1I don't know what has gotten into you guy's heads. She hasn't been NEARLY active enough to even be considered for a membership. (ShadowSpy, really? You -1d Dutchy because he'd only been on for two weeks, even though it was nearly every day of those two weeks. Dutchy666 - Counter-strike: Source | Xeno Gamers ) If we combined her playtime under this new account, "Britt <3", and her old one, "L0VE <3", we get a grand total of 8 hours on our CSS servers.
    One you've been playing for a while, I'll gladly +1. Unfortunately, for now at least, I can't.
  15. Not Funny
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from xGStumpy in Who Is Worse Jacob Or Me   
    racist vote, there is no me option
  16. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Hidingmaster in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    I haven't the slightest idea why you continue to disrespect Matsi, continuing to do so won't lead to anything going your way.
    But what Matsi did is completely fine. Adam knew the rules and he decided he wanted to break them and disrespect matsi. What was he expecting from it? Matsi to laugh about it and give him a prize?
  17. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Hidingmaster in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    To sum it up, Matsi followed the guidelines and no matter what admin book you go by, when someone just got off a week ban for the same offense, there is more than enough reason to mute/gag right away.
    Also adamsaur has been server banned for one day due to the repeat admin disrespect. Next time won't warrant a day ban, but something along the lines of a permanent ban.
  18. Not Funny
    MrJeeblez reacted to xGStumpy in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    Gonna have to +1 for abuse because I've witnessed numerous incidents involving Matsi and pre-mature gagging/muting. As said many times before Matsi, you MUST warn someone beforehand.
  19. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Forest in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    If someone was spamming "nigger" in chat, are you going to type out your warning before gagging, or are you going to gag them and prevent them from spamming the chat? By the time you type out your warning message, the chat log could be completely flooded with the racial slur. Whereas you could gag them quickly, and then warn them without the chat spam before ungagging.
    Same goes for muting. Chances are, your voice won't even be heard over the person yelling into their mic, therefore you should mute them and then warn them before unmuting.
    :Old Man:
  20. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from SpermytheCat in Onyxraptor - Counter-strike: Source   
    Well, unfortunately Onyx, as much as we sympathize with (read: laugh at) your reason, there isn't much to do. You freekilled. If we were to jut let you get away with it, who is to say that it wouldn't open the door for others to use the same (read: retarded, overused) extremely reasonable, likely, and well though out excuse? 'Tis sad indeed.

  21. Not Funny
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from xGStumpy in Mega And His Fetishes   
    The type of sick, twisted mind that comes up with this sort of thing... It's not healthy. He needs help.
    He said, and I quote, "I masturbate to a picture of my sister's face taped to a goat, which happens to be covered in mayonnaise with three hot dogs shoved up it's butt." End quote.
    This is just sickening.
    @@Tsuchikure @@Bleed @@DrLee @@Chrono @@Kyoko
  22. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Yu_Narukami in Mega And His Fetishes   
    Spoken like a true SisCon
    11/10 would happily hear again
  23. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to ThePenguin in Mega And His Fetishes   
  24. Agree
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DCook in Onyxraptor - Counter-strike: Source   
    Well, unfortunately Onyx, as much as we sympathize with (read: laugh at) your reason, there isn't much to do. You freekilled. If we were to jut let you get away with it, who is to say that it wouldn't open the door for others to use the same (read: retarded, overused) extremely reasonable, likely, and well though out excuse? 'Tis sad indeed.

  25. Informative
    MrJeeblez reacted to Matsi in Mega And His Fetishes   
    Ever seen the movie "The Cowboy Way" from 1994? It has the following scene(copy pasted from IMDB Quotes):
    Chango: What's a baby cow gonna do to me?
    [sonny shrugs and pulls down Chango's pants]
    Chango: Hey come on man!, what you doing?
    Sonny: I am embarrassed, our friend here isn't wearing any underpants.
    Pepper: [pulls a baby calf out of the barn and the calf starts snorting] He sees it!
    Sonny: Damn, that hungry devil thinks your little wee-wee is his mama's teat.
    Chango: Hey hey man, you guys can't do this.
    Sonny: I'll ask you one more time asshole, where's Teresa?
    Chango: I ain't telling you shit!
    Sonny: It's your call stubby, let him go Pepper!.
    [Pepper releases the calf and it makes its way towards Chango]
    Chango: whoa!
    [begins to moan as the calf begins to suck his penis]
    Sonny: Damn, that looks like it hurts.