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  1. Sad
    Goblin reacted to Red in Good While It Lasted!   
    I`ll be quitting steam and leaving the clan due to the fact I can`t play any more
    and I just got tired..and bored..
    or its just because I was in welding accident and burned my arm and got blinded by from the sparks but yeah..
    I'm pretty much done... I`ll probably come back but that in future but yeah have fun!
    I don`t feel like taggin cause it just too much work..
  2. Winner
    Goblin reacted to diabeetus in Iggy Iggs   
    There's no reason to remove his membership. First things first, the workplace comparison is totally inappropriate given the circumstances. We are an internet gaming clan, almost universally comprised of memers and trolls. We are the shit-stain at the bottom of the filthy-ass scumbucket that is the internet. On a regular basis, people say much worse things on TS and we're totally fine with it. People in this thread use the word "nigger" in their regular vocabulary (*cough* @Kyoko *cough*) yet they're never punished. Why? Because we know that they're not fucking racist. Just because Iggy changes his name to Captain Nazi on steam, changes his avatar and status to a swastika, does not mean that he's a racist. Iggy doesn't have steam groups dedicated to hating ethnic and religious minorities, he doesn't go on rants on TS about how much he hates jews, blacks and immigrants, so from what I can tell he's not a racist. For pete's sake people, there's a nazi server group on TS. Do we punish those people because this makes them automatically racists and terrible people? Of course not. If you honestly think that Iggy should have his membership revoked, then about 50%+ of xenogamers also needs to have their membership revoked.
  3. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Barmithian in Iggy Iggs   
    I'm going solely based off of evidence here.
    I honestly am a bit disappointed in this thread. Putting Nazi in his name and avatar is a bit distasteful, but its nothing to throw a fit about. Putting a swastika (or however you spell it) in his status isn't really a big deal either. I feel like most of this stuff is in a joking matter. He hasn't said anything about killing jews or any form of racism. How is this different from @ThePenguin building a swastika on the minecraft server? We always call @Yu_Narukami a Nazi on teamspeak, but we don't seriously mean it. I understand how you guys see this as offensive, but doing this for 12 hours (as he claims) is not CLOSE to being worthy of member demotion. If our community really feels that they are offended, its better to just warn him.
    My vote is -1 (If it even matters anymore now that I am not a member)
  4. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Kyoko in Iggy Iggs   
    you see a long time ago in a land far far away there were two children, @GreyIgnis and @Hachi , these two used to be pretty chill but then Iggy showed himself to be a neo-nazi. The two friends broke up and founded two seperate divions, Iggy, the fucking faggot division and Hachi Weeabo land. These two fought hard and long, Iggy came so much that hes testicles shrunk to the size of peas. Hachi's mouth was so full of cum that it was coming out of her ears.
  5. Like
    Goblin reacted to Flareon in Inactivity   
    I'm coming back tomorrow afternoon. c:
    With faster and better internet speed.
    And see my favorite people.
  6. Like
    Goblin got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Prostitution   
  7. Winner
    Goblin got a reaction from Dethman in Hello Children Of Xg   
    That poor nig was chillin like a mug until some asshole cookie brands launched a tactical assault on his anus.
  8. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Bach in Hello Children Of Xg   
    I have come to say that y'all need jesus.
  9. Optimistic
    Goblin got a reaction from RinAoi in Prostitution   
    What's with the pornsite-esq ads on the forums?

    Oh and my new favorite:

    Seriously what the hell?
  10. Informative
    Goblin reacted to shwash in Frostbeard   
    -1 1. Not actually 19,
    2. Bought me a B.M.O.C a long time ago with parents credit card without permission and got old account banned. (I have witnesses to support my claim) Had to pay $75 out of my pocket to recover steam privaleges for about 3 months before permed when i suspected he stole again.
  11. Sad
    Goblin reacted to Dethman in Prostitution   
    resembles what you have looked up before :^)
  12. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Goblins in Prostitution   
    The reason I use ad-block. I don't mind advertisements on websites, but it's these kind of advertisements that really questions things.
  13. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Goblins in Protestation   
    Changing numbers in the system always changes things. Whether it is huge or small change.
    One example of why the age requirement should stay:
    In America 16 years of age shows gives a lot of things in life. Federal law appoints you to be able to drive, and you're also considered an adult in the court system (which is pretty big). You can make more decisions as a 16-year-old, compared to someone who is 15 and below. This alone gives more reason to raise the bar on the age requirement. Assuming that when people submit ban appeals/request, member submissions/protests, or participate in the community in general you'll have whole different range of debate. Meaning that things might actually be done with better responses, instead of a shotty reason and a "+1".
    Also statistically, 16-year-olds are more mature than humans that are below the age of 16 in a general population. You can't give a rebuttal with examples like Kypari, Tekage, and Shogun Yao. Them themselves in the general population of xG aren't a large enough number of people to really pull the age requirement down. Essentially they are the one percent.
  14. Like
    Goblin got a reaction from DrLee in Prostitution   
    What's with the pornsite-esq ads on the forums?

    Oh and my new favorite:

    Seriously what the hell?
  15. Informative
    Goblin reacted to Giraffes in Tf2 Vouches   
    Anyone wanna give me a vouch to join your community/clan?
    I am glad I found this server,I met some friends like NitNat,Demonic,Bliz, even Skeletor himself (Bone)
  16. Agree
    Goblin got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Frostbeard   
    You say you've been around for 1.5 years but I've never seen you before in my life.
    You must be either very mature or I just failed to notice you (If thats the case i'm sorry D: )
  17. Agree
    Goblin reacted to Giraffes in Protestation   
    Then why apply for the tag then? Or even have it ?
  18. Like
    Goblin reacted to Bach in Protestation   
    Not once did I tell him he shouldn't be playing a game. I told him to look into ESRB ratings is all. You should probably stop being so ignorant and get off your high horse. I was just trying to educate him since it didn't seem like he knew. Just saying.
  19. Like
    Goblin reacted to xGShadowSpy in Music To Get You Pumped Up!   
    Depends on what I'm getting pumped up for, but it's usually anything from the artists above
  20. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Bach in Protestation   
    Complaining like the kid i am | Xeno Gamers
    No. Just no.
  21. Disagree
    Goblin reacted to Giraffes in Protestation   
    Either way we should get rid of age requorements and just use vouchers.
  22. Not Funny
    Goblin got a reaction from Kypari in Protestation   
    I'm sorry but...

    If you're 16+

    You need at least 10 vouches.

    If you're 14 or 15 years of age

    You need to wait until you are old enough.

    If you're under 14:

    You need to go live your childhood while it lasts.

    You don't really have to be in the clan to be involved on the forums, or teamspeak, or in the games, you just cant become a staff or anything like that. Not really sure why this is such a big deal to everyone.
  23. Like
    Goblin reacted to DrLee in Music To Get You Pumped Up!   
  24. Like
    Goblin reacted to Chrono in D&d   
    to all those that want to play, make an account on Roll20: Web-based online virtual tabletop for all roleplaying games (RPGs) and then I will work on drawing up a loose campaign for you all to follow, you also may want to start reading up on races, classes, and abilities located in the player's handbook here: http://wadness.wikispaces.com/file/view/DnD%205e%20Player%27s%20Handbook%20%28BnW%20OCR%29.pdf/525614484/DnD%205e%20Player%27s%20Handbook%20%28BnW%20OCR%29.pdf so you can figure out what exactly you're thinking about playing, I will help in guiding you during the character creation process as well as any technical aspects during the game. If I get some people ready to go with an idea of what they want, on saturday the 16th I can start that night after I paintball to get going on character creation. keep in mind it can take anywhere from 2-4 hours to create your character.
  25. Winner
    Goblin reacted to Waimalu in Protestation   
    Joining the clan doesn't give you anything you didn't have before, I don't see why you would care to join at this moment. Once you've reached the required age it would show your loyalty to the clan.
    The respect we give to the players is not determined by if one is in the clan or not, but by how they act.
    (Cheesy but true^)