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Status Updates posted by mrnutty12

  1. Got braces off today, having all the corn popped or otherwise!
    1. james8470


      He hee! I remember when I got mine off. It's like the scratching of fingernails on a chalkboard but on your teeth, right? Congrats bro!
  2. ♫'Tis the season to be Nutty♫
    1. Tatost


      I think someones gonna nut themselves on Christmas.
  3. >MFW Marching band camp takes more hours than my job and I still don't get payed for it.
    1. mrnutty12


      Drumline; Bass 5 (The biggest one)
  4. #Finalsweek so imma be a bit inactive for studying reasons.
    1. Thorax_


      Bust those tests nuts ;)
  5. On vacation and I end up watching 3 kittens for a week... So cute and snuggly!
  6. Stuff n' things
    1. Vacindak


      increase your fov
  7. Finding that new DOOM singleplayer surprisingly fun. Especially after that multiplayer beta...
    1. Jon_N64


      ur surprisingly fun *demon winky face*
  8. Something.
    1. Thorax_


      Yes, I like this something. I think I know what this 'something' is. winky face
  9. Ironically, I have less freetime in summer.
  10. May the 4th? pfft, Revenge of the 5th is better.
    1. SnowyMinion


      You know what's da best? Dezz nuts
  11. #TeamHeavy
    1. Goblins


      You mean Team America? Get it? I am very funny!
  12. I'm gone for the weekend... Heads up I guess.

    1. ProjectXenome


      Could've swore I seen you on surf earlier today or perhaps your absence is already having an effect on the psyches of the xg community.

      Are you on vacation or something?

  13. "I could, but I won't."
    1. Egossi


      You could play tf2 for 8000 hours but you couldn't cause you already did I mean you could play tf2 for 80000 hours, but you wont... right?
  14. Well, the Cubs won. 108 years of sucking at baseball and we finally won.
  15. Out of town again...
  16. I just don't know anymore...
  17. Sticks out for Harambe -The Drumline
  18. MRW TF comic happens http://i.imgur.com/Gw1YTHi.jpg
  19. Back from a weekend of water sports and some rope burns to boot!
  20. Out of town for a while...
  21. Playin' Star Wars DnD, was basically a nigh invisible wolf man with brass knuckles beating on stormtroopers...
  22. Still vacationing...