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Posts posted by mrnutty12

  1. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




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  3. The Ambassador is a special beast. On one hand it brings the absurdity of high damage from effective infinite range to a class that can abuse running and hiding to exploit that damage from unexpected locations, but on the other hand it is really unreliable when faced with a direct battle.


    If a player has the consistency to get those headshots over and again then it is really good, but you average player who uses it situationally to kill a specific target (eg razorback sniper) because of their less than perfect aim would be better served by a revolver that can be consistently useful for covering escape fire or killing that same sniper making it overrated for the average player. (though those sweet headshots feel really nice when you get them)


    And the diamondback exists so you have a much easier time killing stuff because screw aim in the first place.

  4. I know Blank has been wanting Admin, and his work shows so I think that promo would be fine.


    I don't know Flareon well at all so I have not much to comment there.

    It is rather obvious form previous posts that I think Vac should get mod, so probationary works for the time being.


    I see Kypari on TGH a bit though I have not seen Tekage at all recently. I am gonna wait till I see more of them.


    As for Demonic, when she gets on she does a fine job of moderating, but I agree she needs to get on more.

  5. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




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  6. Replace ! with /, staff should not use the command by using the prefix ! as it would be rather pointless because it would show.



    Also, is this command accessible from the /admin menu

    I used a ! for consistency sake because the rest of them have an !, Additionally at the top of that section there is a blurb about how / hides stuff and such. Common sense should be applied...


    Also, I don't think it is accessible from the /admin menu atm.

  7. The only thing I have against Vacindak is how good his English is. I know he can speak it decently, but is it really good enough for other people to understand? Also keep in mind I haven't talked to Vacindak that much. I'm going off of what I do know about him.

    He can speak it well enough to understand and he can type it well enough too, and SupremePatriot & Armin like never uses his/her mic so using a mic to moderate is not necessary. so I think it is a negligible issue.

    As for knowing him, I would go on surf more because he is almost always on it.

  8. ...And I have been thinking about Vacindak, I see him on often and he has a fair share of calladmin requests for the Surf server. I think it might be worth looking into eventually giving him moderator. Any thoughts?

    So, does anybody have objections to the notion or no? The OP was not really responded to and I really think he would do well.

  9. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




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    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!

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  10. The ban is three years old.

    The Console used to auto-ban after a certain amount of kills in a round.

    Same thing happened here.

    @Goblins @mrnutty12 therefore im down to unban him

    I did not realize that the console even did that. But yeah, I am cool with unbanning him.