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Posts posted by mrnutty12

  1. While I personally frown upon it because it just looks kinda cheap on us as a group, I don't see a huge problem as far as credits are concerned because credits are an easy come easy go arbitrary currency that I think players can use for their own purposes and really most of what he is doing is voluntary (abuse) for the players. Except for things like changing gravity because that affects how players interact potentially giving the paying individual an advantage.

    However, I could see putting an end to it as it does give a bad and sell out-ish image to xG if our staff are selling usage of their powers, even if it is just paying to be abused.

  2. @mrnutty12 @Goblins

    He still needs a DM vouch, if not, then rip.

    He was rip a little under a month ago...


    The user did not meet the requirements within the allotted time.

    You may reapply in 30 days.


  3. Isnt this accepted now?

    Yes, yes it is.






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  5. @Goblins @mrnutty12

    As you may have seen, CS:GO changed their vouching requirements. If I recall correctly, @Aegean messaged me about that and told me if we wanted to change ours as well.

    So if you guys are interested, it's the right now to post. I personally think we could make it 7 vouches and 1 admin+ vouch (so 8 in total), since us 3 having to approve every TF2 member is fairly difficult.

    Please yes! I like knowing the applicants personally as much as the next guy, but it gets to be a bit much at times. +1 for changes to applications.

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  8. Well, we kinda need more staff right now IMO. I agree with your points, but we could just demote him if he goes inactive again and possibly be a little stricter on him. I think he'd be a good staff member if there wasnt the activity thing.

    I also, for a third time, wanna shed some light on this:

    I mean, we could try Tuna if we are desperate, but I am on the fence there. I am sure Bach would be a fine staff, but he still needs activity...


    As for lowering the minimum hours, I guess? I don't really see the issue @ 20 hours but I suppose people who are going to be active will be active and those who aren't won't. That change would only really affect a few boarderline people and it lowers the expectations on staff who already have activity problems which has been a problem for a while.

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  10. Sounds better, I'll look into it when I'm home since no one else has responded anyways.

    Sorry about not responding, I just didn't have much to say on it so I didn't say much...

    As for a specific set of TGH rules, I guess I'll sit down some time and see what needs to be specified.


    Now, on the topic of Bach's staff application. I get that he has a history of being a decent staff member, but he packs up and leaves every few months (then comes back) in addition to his current less than mediocre activity in terms of hours ingame. I just am not sure if it is worth the trouble of re-promoting him just to demote him for inactivity a few months down the line assuming he gets activity up to standards.

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