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Posts posted by mrnutty12

  1. @mrnutty12 WELCOME!

    Now first thing you need to do is demote me. I'm seeking freedom and for osme reason I'm still a DM without being a DM. I will pay you in gum...

    I have to refuse, gum is a food I cannot consume, largely due to having braces. Pretty useless as currency for me.

  2. I know people complain about not being able to see things on the night one very often, and I have not seen the third. So my vote goes for the most popular one: jail_minecraft_dynf_v10d


    EDIT: Now I have played the third one, and it has less to explore/hide in and the map's natural lighting effects are turned too high which makes everything glow as well as just be generally really off looking. My previous vote stands.

  3. Well, Asylum has some areas that currently cannot be reached by all of the zombie classes, With his fixing of the map for quality of life updates I would say; yes +1 add this.

    I can personally attest to the annoyance of being forced into a certain squishy class just to reach the survivors at all.

    Plus he is adding some pretties to the map so it (should) look nicer. I love the sunlight too! such Vitamin D ;)

  4. Hmm, games to get...


    Well for single player I would recommend...

    DOOM(2016) and/or the original DOOM/DOOM2

    If you like Star Wars (old cannon); go for the Jedi knight games then Republic Commando then Empire at War

    Half-Life (1 and 2 + episodes)

    any Civ game

    Portal + Portal 2

    and Quake (maybe + sequels)


    As for multiplayer...

    Star Trek Online (MMORPG) (free)

    Fistful of Frags (free)

    Guns of Icarus Online (singleplayer for the game was meh, multiplayer is amazing with friends)

    Sven Co-op (free)

    Rocket League

    Killing Floor (KF2 is meh atm)

    Any Unreal Tournament game (all of them have active userbases) (Newest one is in open testing w/ community and free, just look at their website)

    Minecraft/Terraria if you like that sort of thing

    Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (and maybe the Deadliest Warrior expansion if you like it a lot)

    And maybe No Man's Sky when it eventually comes out


    Those are just some games Off the top of my head that have given me a good time, many of them are infinitely more fun with people.

  5. The map had a lot of issues with glitchy and inconsistent ladders as well as being fairly tough to navigate in a pinch.

    There were also a plethora of really good survivor spots that were absurdly hard to beat without very coordinated zombies.

    Functionally it was fine, but the map itself could use some more polish and refining of layout.

  6. Note I said "Team Fortress" and not TF2. The original TF was where rocket jumping was "invented" by the players, and no, it was not intended. Also, play some Lucio if you're still convinced there's no skill based movement in OW. =) And what I said about TF accidentally creating rocket jumping is a fact. I couldn't give less fricks about your opinions, I'm just correcting some of your incorrect facts.

    TF didn't even create it... It was a bug with the original DOOM engine, not inherent to TF. Also, RJing was more discovered rather than invented. Granted it didn't get much vertical movement until games like quake (which QWTF was made on). A simple google search is all it takes.


    Quake TF DID NOT create Rocket jumping, it just was created on the same engine as the feature and became popular among the players. Due to Valve's lax policy with it around the creation of Half-Life, TFC had the feature in the engine as well. Players enjoyed and used this as well as things like bhops so much that Valve decided to implement the feature into TF2 when their stance on the subject was more clearly defined.


    I don't care how much you care for my opinions, but if you are going to correct some facts, at least know the correct origins for it.


    On the note of Lucio, he can run on walls. Ok, still not all that hard to master IMO. He may be harder movement wise when compared to other characters, but it still really isn't that hard. (side info, in the open beta Lucio was my second most time played, right behind Junkrat [also features an explosive jump])

    Even then, One or two out of 21 is not all that much.

  7. really?


    talking about tf2

    -more words-

    literally an entire paragraph dedicated comparing it to tf2?

    i would also like to point out



    yeah but i guess you didn't talk about tf2 that much

    also you talked about tf2 for 258 words out of 1134 words, roughly 23% of it, almost a fourth.


    Well I suppose I could have found some oddball turkish indie developer for an example of hard counters, but I wanted an understandable example of a concept that I thought was bad. Sorry for making an idea understandable for most of the people here. The idea was about hard counters, not TF2 anyways.


    Second, none of that is even in paragraph format, nor was it intended to be, it was just a few observations I thought about when playing and decided to include them because why not? I suppose it was auxiliary info, and thus unnecessary. Really it wasn't there to make a point but rather as arbitrary thoughts. If you want to count that as part of my pros/cons then go right ahead, but it wasn't intended like that.


    Third, well I could make another write up of comparisons, but you seem to have taken issue with my first observations. Also, that payload... I could think of maybe one other game that has something similar in game play terms(Chivalry medieval warfare cart objectives) but that happens to be a class based melee FPS (first person swinger?), and not an exceedingly popular one at that.


    So in actuality about one of my actual issues was explained using TF2 terms, the rest was either auxiliary info or there for emphasis.

  8. what im gettin from this is....


    -1: not TF2

    Besides my side thoughts at the end and some simple comparisons for map references, I actually don't mention TF2 all that much...

    Things like lack of community involvement, broken mechanics in a genre based on player skill as opposed to much more strategy based thing have very little to do with TF2. Not that strategy is bad, but they shouldn't sacrifice skill for strats.



    Blizzard was avoiding this on purpose, just btw. In Team Fortress, rocket jumping was not a mechanic that was intended at first. Blizzard added some movement that was meant to be in the game, like Junkrat's shift ability. I also wouldn't call it "skill based" movement, considering I had a right click bind on soldier that pretty much rocket jumped for me.

    First off, RJing was in initial trailers for TF2, and it was in all the predecessor games... Also, congrats you can do basic jumps, now get on to that actual complicated stuff like


    Also, it is an opinion for a reason, I just happen to prefer skill based movement. If you didn't see it, there is a big bolded bit of text that says they are my opinions.


    half of that spiel was calling it too similar to tf2 then you end with "this plays nothing like tf2"

    I make some comparisons on maps and some of the characters, but they also added a lot of more heros than just our 9 familiar in TF2. Naturally with how they changed game balance with additional characters, ults, differently emphasized weapons. They can have similar characters and still play radically differently, (see Battlefield and CoD). Similar in base concepts but branch out much differently from there. Besides some personal ideas on similarities between isolated balance choices, where do I go out and say it is too similar to TF2? If anything, that would be a plus in my book.


    Overwatch is a darn good game, And it isn't tf2. Mei isn't the pyro, zarya isn't the heavy, mercy...alright mercy is 100% the medic, only can fly and revive dead players, so it would be better, but mercy can't overheal.


    It's mechanically so different from tf2, you can tell the devs looked at tf2 as a jumping off point but they really aren't similar games. They wont threaten each other.

    Ok, I just said the design principles behind the characters felt similar to others that I am familiar with, just my personal thoughts on similar characters between class based, objective driven, cartoony first person shooters (similar at a very basic level???).


    also, I believe I said something along the lines of that bolded bit...


    Oh and before I forget, this game plays nothing like TF2...




    For the record, Fallacy of Division:

    It is committed by inferences from the fact that a whole has a property to the conclusion that a part of the whole also has that property.

    Meaning that assuming that something true of a thing must also be true of all its parts is a false assumption. So while some of my issues with the game may be related to certain other games, that does not mean that all of them are complaining about the lack of certain features present in other titles. Many of them are general complaints for the general benefit of the game. Like community content, or a server browser, or a higher tickrate, or tools to deal with less than pleasant community members, etc.


    If you are going to disagree, why don't you explain why having none of things like those would make the game better instead of just dismissing me.

  9. Well, overall Overwatch could be really good, but I have a few gripes with it. (see below)




    1) Maps, They are chokey as hell and can be very easy to lock down with certain heros/combos that make the game incredibly slow and boring to play while you try to break the stalemate. Most of the KOTH maps are manageable however, though they have their moments of chokepoint hold contest. (example of maps that people don't like because they are full of chokepoints; Dustbowl, Goldrush, Hoodoo, Hydro)

    Also, they have taken much from TF2 in terms of balance (eg. Mercy-Medic similarities) so why can't the learn map design as well?


    2) Team Colors, The lack of team colors can be a bit hard to get used too, especially with all of the visual clutter that goes on particularly in team fights where the chaos and flashy effects can make it difficult to quickly assess who is on what team. Other games can get away with this more because they don't have the same sort of chaos on the player's screen. (Seen in games like, Guns of Icarus, Chivalry Medieval Warfare, Star Wars battlefront [any of them], Unreal Tournament, Fistful of Frags [to an extent], and many more)


    3) Visuals, Overall this game, while pretty, does suffer from a large amount of eye-grabbing, flashy, and visually obstructive effects (though it has been lessened since the earlier stages) that can make it hard to identify a lot of things. (a couple of games that clutter your screen for no good reason; CoD, Battlefield, or Kiling Floor 2 at times [Think about those chaotic fights with lots of body parts exploding...])


    4) Character silhouettes, Basically, a distinct outline each class/hero has that makes them easy to identify. IMO the biggest offenders here are McCree, Soldier 76, and Reaper as they all have similar body types, and the skins can help blur those lines some as well. Some others are easier to tell like Roadhog or Zenyatta (spelling :confused:) so it is more of a cse by case business, but can be vital info in some cases.

    (Games with Good Character Silhouettes; Chivalry medieval warfare, star wars battlefront I&II, Battleborn to an extent, Star Wars The Force Unleashed [repetative gameplay but they made sure you knew what you were fighting], both Killing Floors, Guns of Icarus [original,online,new co-op], and ace of spades to name a few)


    5) Excessive stuns/slows/movement control, It may work in other types of games, but movement control is outright annoying in the FPS genre. Not to mention the classes that have the most prominent movement impairment have some serious hard hitting attacks/abilities. cough cough Mei/Roadhog/Junkrat/McCree Cough Cough

    (most fps games don't have it)


    6) legal Aimbots/wallhacks, I get that Ultimate abilities are supposed to fit with the theme of the character and all, but aimbots/wallhacks are both unfun/unfair to fight and generally annoying. Plus hackers are that much harder to find out.

    (Call of Duty and DOOM are the only games I know of with full on wallhacks, even then it is for one player against one player)


    7) No vote kick system, self explanatory, you are stuck with that hacker/afk/troll...


    8) lack of community content, as a mapmaker I find this one kinda depressing, you won't find amazing community maps like many of the maps Valve has added.

    (Note: for the future, I have not heard about any mapmaker software included in the release)

    (Extra Note: Many games have mapmakers, DOOM and Ace of Spades have them built into the game menus. Others such as any source game, Chivalry MW, both original SW Battlefronts, both Killing Floors, Quake, any UT game, and many more allow custom creation of maps)


    9) No community servers, from what I have gathered there won't be a server browser, forcing everyone to lay the game exactly how it was designed, so no casual competitive (competitive configs, but playing for fun. Think TF2Center type things) or fun type things unless Blizzard decides to make it an official gamemode.

    (some examples include, UT, Quake, any source game (minus portal and maybe L4D), SWBF I&II, SW Republic Commando, KF 1&2, Chivalry MW, older CoDs, Minecraft, and ARK survival to name a few)


    10) Customization, I hear people praise this game for it's customization options like sprays and skins when you have far more in depth systems available. Not that it is bad, but it could be better.

    (Games like Loadout, DOOM, Minecraft, and KF have commendable customization to varying levels)


    11) 20 tick rate, Should be a thread with infos on reddit, but I heard there was a tickrate of 20 on official OW servers. For reference Valve games run on 64 tick servers by default.

    (Literally the only near mainstream game that have 20 tick servers is CoD, and they have lots of lag complaints...)


    12) Hard counter all over, It isn't fun to be destroyed as a spy just because someone went pyro, odds are they are 10x worse than you, but they killed you just because they chose your hard counter as a class. Same applied in Overwatch, some characters just destroy others without much one could do about it. Soft counters is a much more enjoyable style where while one class may have an advantage in a fight (eg scout v demo) you could still outplay that soft counter because you were better than them at the game (demo lands pipebombs on the scout). (or chivalry, where the archers counter things like the MAA because they can one shot him easily, but get walked on by knights because of the shields. It works there because a properly skilled player can evade pretty much any counter, but it is certainly a counter system)


    13) Pointless progression system, It really is just kind of an arbitrary number there to feed your hubris. One could achieve a high rank just by sheer amount of games played as opposed to skill. If there is a point to it, please point it out because I can't find one.

    (given, it is like CS:GO in that you need a certain amount of levels to get into the competitive que. Not a huge fan, but at least it has a point)


    14) $40 price tag minimum, Fairly self explanatory, not everyone has money and some people don't think this game is worth $40+ at the moment.


    15) Lack of skill based movement, Besides something like Junkrat's conc mine there really isn't all that much skill based movement (eg. explosive jumps/bhops/damage surf/rampslides/ect.). Instead the movement is very 'press x button and get launched into the sky' or 'press y button and move to z player'. While this may not be extremely vital, it does detract a lot from vertical play and skill ceilings by limiting them to simple options or none at all.

    (many games since DOOM [the original] have had skill based movement, seen in modern day source games and games like UT/Quake)


    All of that said, There are a few things this game got right.


    1) The maps are very pretty, it is a visually stunning game and is fairly well optimized.


    2) It can be fun at times and better players will do better


    3) they encourage good team composition


    4) Accessible at any level of play


    5) Has built in competitive from launch


    6) Plenty of variety


    7) NO RANDUMB CRITS <--- big one


    8) Fix a lot of balance issues that certain games suffer from (TF2 and useless classes)


    Extra thoughts... Not for any purpose but some observations made whilst playing.


    They made the Pyro(Mei) even more infuriating to fight by strapping the Natascha and Sandman's lovechild to the flamethrower and made it really cold.

    Demoknight (Reinhart) was made into a useful thing that actually meaningfully contributes to the team outside of fighting potatoes.

    They made the demoman white... Also, rip stickies.

    Soldier(pharah) now takes even less skill than before.

    Mercy's pistol is actually worse at self defense than the syringe guns, at least assuming you don't have aimbot tier accuracy, but with some of these characters...

    Zarya plays much like heavy, she has lots of hp, the ability to block damage and to block damage for allies (block vs heal, sandvich), a primary that is only effective in close range(minigun), and a useless melee attack(heavy melee in general.

    If Blizzard ripped so much out of TF2, then why couldn't they make better maps (less reliant on gimmicks like choke points) or at the least, bring in people who know map design/balance?


    By no means do I think it is bad, just flawed. Like certain other games I play...Cough TF2 Cough

    Oh and before I forget, this game plays nothing like TF2. It's like comparing CoD to Battlefield, similar but very different at a base level.


    My 2 cents for now, I probably missed some stuff, but meh.


    EDIT: Grammar n' stuff

  10. Considering how Trump's media coverage is off the charts, and many people vote for the first name they recognize I would say Trump wins the election vs Hillary.

    However, should the republican party throw up another candidate to split the vote and forfeit the presidency, we could see Hillary go into office.