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  1. Drunk
    Barmithian reacted to kbraszzz in Jpie112   
    +1 Let's play Civ V
    A: I'm DL
    M: I'm DL
    Fuck ratings let the scot run free.
  2. Agree
    Barmithian reacted to Tsuchikure in This May Or May Not Be The Best Time, But I'm Leaving Too.   
    This has got to be the longest-lasting useless thread i have ever seen
    (implying all threads aren't useless)
  3. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in This May Or May Not Be The Best Time, But I'm Leaving Too.   
    S I C K T H R E A D B O Y S
  4. Sad
    Barmithian reacted to Christian in Xg Fax Machine Is Gone   
    I get called stupid and other stuff even though i like to act like it... but when i don't do that stuff it still happens to me
    Though I will still come on Teamspeak sometimes
  5. Funny
    Barmithian reacted to DrLee in Dethman   
    You're both dumb.
  6. Agree
    Barmithian reacted to Liekos in Remove Homing Arrows   
    A low life scrub mod like me needs these arrows!!! D:
  7. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Removing Credits And Store   
    now i cant be pimpin. thanks obama
  8. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Petition to this xg's official theme song   
    10/10 song
  9. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Tirisgarde   
  10. Sad
    Barmithian reacted to CoolyCooly in Well, sorry for the inconvenience.   
    Well @Tomahawk @Thunder and Raging turtle welcome to the bottom of the food chain and feed my cat for me ;'c
  11. Like
    Barmithian reacted to Snipes in Well, sorry for the inconvenience.   
    I'm tired of being the fragile pawn played by the hand of the community, and i feel i can't hold myself responsible to represent a society as unstable internally within as xenogamers. While i try my hardest to have no qualms and make friends with everyone, its hard when the clan is so often shook by the simplest of issues between two people. When your clan's root is the word Xeno often, a prefix generally diverse, than enforce the fucking anti-racism. Maybe im just ranting off topic but i can't stand some of the stupid quarrels that stem from assholes who cant fucking understand goodwill and have no integrity. Its not honestly the clan that makes me mad, its some cocksuckers who think that their fucking hilarious. I'm talking to you @ASock
  12. Agree
    Barmithian reacted to Vector in To Clear Things Up   
    bach doesn't talk to you about your demotion until months later though.
  13. Not Funny
    Barmithian reacted to Forge in Bye   
    The fact you basically left xG because you lost your position as staff DEFINES why you're unfit for the position, Goodbye Cooly.
  14. Drunk
    Barmithian reacted to CoolyCooly in Mlcastle   
    Well I cant load ml castle and I've tried downloading the map and a lot of people on my friends list have been having the same problem. (If there is any other way pls let me know)
    Also I think the reds kinda have an advantage with 1 cell with a opening in the back and making people spam deaths witch causes people to spam deaths and crash the server.
  15. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Whats up guys?   
    I guess you could say you weren't really causing a commotion when you were gone.
    I'll show myself out.
  16. Sad
    Barmithian reacted to Dethman in Confession and apolgizeing   
    I needed to make this so i can get somethings off of my chest and explain why i am so immature. I am about to share something really sensitive about me and you guys might have mixed feelings. if you feel like this is bullcrap well i wish it was too, but sadly it is not. This story will explain why i am so immature and why i get really angry or bi-polar when they say certain things.
    If you think this is an attention whore act well you should really reconsider. I am not the one to try to be attention seeking.
    It all started when i was in 8th grade and it was during Christmas break, i was in a relationship with some girl for 14 months and i thought it would go on forever at that point. Well.....she ended up breaking up with me and my life started to spiral downwards from their. about 2 months after the break-up i was really heart-broken still and my "friend" noticed it and told me to do something that i have regretted ever since. He told me to do heroin for the pain and mistakenly i did do it and got highly addicted. For around 3 years i was a user up till the day my dealer died from an OD on pills. After his death i was really down and really wanted my high but never got it. My grades were going to shit and my parents lives where going to shit, my dad got addicted to pain meds and my mom could not handle me anymore and decided to stop taking care of/talking to me. I decided one august day to find a new dealer. That day i bought a whole shit ton for around $200 and injected it all. I had almost killed myself from an overdose on heroin and was only saved because my doctor shot an extra thing of adrenalin into my chest. I woke up and realized that heroin was not worth my life. I went cold turkey after that and luckily did not get sucked back in to the world of addiction. As a result of this though, my life was still socially bad. I decided that i should act stupid to be cool. My life is starting to turn around for the better and i have realized that my immaturity needs to stop, it is not making anything any better. My dads addiction is still bad but he has been checking into rehab a lot. My mom and i have actually been getting along now. In general, my family is actually becoming the family we have not had in about 5 years. I would like to apologize to everyone that i have been a douche to. And thank all the people who actually dealt with my immaturity and still actually talked to me even though i was annoying.
    This community has always been great to me. This community and 2 of my IRL friends are the only ones who know about my homosexuality. I feel like i needed to explain why my immaturity was so bad. This is what i was talking about yesterday in teamspeak but i decided to say the full story here. Again thank you guys and i apologize for all my misbehaving and immaturity.
  17. Sad
    Barmithian reacted to Forest in Long overdue (stepping down)   
    The hero that xG needs, but not what it deserves
  18. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in I'm depressed   
    I'm assuming this thread was made because you need support. Anyways man, don't worry. Stuff like this is regular as part of life and it will get better eventually.
  19. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in I'm depressed   
    I'm assuming this thread was made because you need support. Anyways man, don't worry. Stuff like this is regular as part of life and it will get better eventually.
  20. Agree
    Barmithian reacted to Tsuchikure in $10 lol gift card for sale/trade   
    So... how about a copy of the legendary Bad Rats? I heard it was an amazing game.
  21. F!$k Off
    Barmithian reacted to Muzzle in Good team? thought? gen 4 hgss   
    Don't listen to @Swift or @Barmithian
  22. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    Ok, I've finished watching the demo. The warden NEVER said that the reds had to wait for his OK to start dodgeball. As such, the first round, all the blues started triggering the traps and the warden never freaked out and neither did the reds. The second round, it was the exact same circumstances, but matsi triggered the traps when the reds weren't really expecting it. He also triggered them efficiently, which killed all the reds. Due to these 2 events happening simultaneously, many people freaked out because it caught them off guard, and they claimed it was freekill because "the warden didn't say go yet." However, unless the warden clarifies he must say go first, which he DIDN'T, its fine to start triggering the traps whenever. +1 for unban. Matsi didn't freekill.
    Just as a side note, this is something I always stress as warden. Sometimes I will tell the reds to go to obby and they wont start because I didn't say to start yet. My response to this is always that unless the warden clarifies when to start, you are allowed to begin once you reach there.
  23. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    Ok, I've finished watching the demo. The warden NEVER said that the reds had to wait for his OK to start dodgeball. As such, the first round, all the blues started triggering the traps and the warden never freaked out and neither did the reds. The second round, it was the exact same circumstances, but matsi triggered the traps when the reds weren't really expecting it. He also triggered them efficiently, which killed all the reds. Due to these 2 events happening simultaneously, many people freaked out because it caught them off guard, and they claimed it was freekill because "the warden didn't say go yet." However, unless the warden clarifies he must say go first, which he DIDN'T, its fine to start triggering the traps whenever. +1 for unban. Matsi didn't freekill.
    Just as a side note, this is something I always stress as warden. Sometimes I will tell the reds to go to obby and they wont start because I didn't say to start yet. My response to this is always that unless the warden clarifies when to start, you are allowed to begin once you reach there.
  24. Agree
    Barmithian got a reaction from Dethman in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    You can't be negative vouching a ban protest when you are just going by what other people said. That's not valid at all. Anyways im going to watch the demo before I make a decision
  25. Agree
    Barmithian got a reaction from Matsi in Matsi - team fortress 2   
    Ok, I've finished watching the demo. The warden NEVER said that the reds had to wait for his OK to start dodgeball. As such, the first round, all the blues started triggering the traps and the warden never freaked out and neither did the reds. The second round, it was the exact same circumstances, but matsi triggered the traps when the reds weren't really expecting it. He also triggered them efficiently, which killed all the reds. Due to these 2 events happening simultaneously, many people freaked out because it caught them off guard, and they claimed it was freekill because "the warden didn't say go yet." However, unless the warden clarifies he must say go first, which he DIDN'T, its fine to start triggering the traps whenever. +1 for unban. Matsi didn't freekill.
    Just as a side note, this is something I always stress as warden. Sometimes I will tell the reds to go to obby and they wont start because I didn't say to start yet. My response to this is always that unless the warden clarifies when to start, you are allowed to begin once you reach there.