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Reputation Activity

  1. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Bye.   
    good luck
  2. Drunk
    Barmithian reacted to RichKnight in Populate tf2   
    Already joined the group. Sounds cool.
  3. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Bye.   
    good luck
  4. Boring
    Barmithian got a reaction from Dethman in Bye.   
    good luck
  5. Sad
    Barmithian reacted to SupremeWolf in Martleshane02   
    I Don't know you. Never seen you on the servers. And Ewww if you're from JB. Other than that good luck.
  6. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Goodbye from lieutenantdan   
    It was nice seeing you on teamspeak
  7. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Gottagofast   
    I often find myself needing to go fast. +1
    A 8
    M 8
    8/8 gr8 m8
  8. Agree
    Barmithian reacted to Forge in How did you guys make up your usernames?   
    I'm FoRgE because Anvils are too mainstream.
  9. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Last Ct Music!   
  10. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Dr lee   
    10/10 thread
  11. Not Funny
    Barmithian reacted to kbraszzz in Cya around i guess   
    Get better soon.
  12. Not Funny
    Barmithian reacted to Muzzle in Adventure gamemode   
    No you did
  13. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    I agree with SOME things that OP said, mainly about teamspeak segregation and some people not caring, but I feel like our higher ups in tf2 really put efforts in to better the division. @John_Madden and @kbraszzz have started multiple "pop this server" nights and didn't just sit around when our plugins broke after an update. @Nomulous has created multiple servers and coded many different things based on what we voted for on the forums. We have also been trying to recruit people from our less popular servers. Anyways, xG is not as good as it has been right now, but that doesn't mean everything is bad
  14. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Unusual server rules   
    Apparently vector is the only admin
  15. Sad
    Barmithian reacted to John_Madden in Unusual server rules   
    "That would mean Vector will have his hands full if our server takes root and generates a lot of traffic."
    I guess we don't exist @TwoZeroFour @Barmithian @BonfireCentipede
    Edit: Honestly, it's kind of disrespectful that you act as if we (the others admins) don't have the same leverage. We pop trade servers (sorry if it's not TGH, but nonetheless we pop our other trade servers) and we hope you see us as admins for all servers.
  16. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Unusual server rules   
    Apparently vector is the only admin
  17. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Forge, Muzzle, Izanagi, Kendrick, Starmix, Moosty   
    Alright, I'm going to give my opinion on this matter. I knew this issue couldn't last forever and action needed to be taken. The first point I'd like to say is that kitty becoming mod is not her decision. If you don't think she should have become mod than that's an issue you need to bring to the higher ups. Second of all, the disrespect is way too high and unacceptable. The TF2 xg community is pretty much crap right now due to this conflict. Kitty has presented a lot of evidence of disrespect and I will be surprised if nothing happens from this thread. I'm not going to +1 or -1 right now, but I think that the disrespect some people are showing Kitty NEEDS to stop. Its on a much higher level than other conflicts in the past. The users mentioned in OP definitely need a warning. Last thing I'm going to say is that I honestly don't care if literally everyone in TF2 hates me for not being against kitty. I'm going to stand by my opinion.
  18. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    :loldidntread: On the up side, dr has gained popularity
  19. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Remove the sticky jumper from jailbreak   
    sure +1
  20. Smelly
    Barmithian reacted to SSFebreze in Ssfebreze - team fortress 2   
  21. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in :waving:   
    who is this nerd
  22. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Jail break abuse   
    It pisses off when people discriminate against wardens who are young in age. This is definitely not ok. +1
  23. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Bach in Tf2 Jailbreak During European Times   
    I seem to be on during part of the main time the Europeans are on, probably because I live on the eastern US coast. There is a bunch of bad shizz that doesn't get taken care of.
    Yus, I like this +1
  24. Funny
    Barmithian reacted to Chrono in Frame rate pls   
    after every patch a new wave of potatoes gets told to go fuck themselves. nothing new.
  25. Salty
    Barmithian got a reaction from Tsuchikure in What can we do to increase traffic?   
    :loldidntread: On the up side, dr has gained popularity