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Everything posted by BonfireCentipede

  1. Hey there, Welcome! :british:
  2. "I don't like bonfire so i'm leaving, bye. *disconnects* - Hachi 2014
  3. For 3 buds or offers also has a really short history, Offer here.
  4. I prefer getting my stranges to level up through killing people who are actually playing, Also there's too much other strange leveling up servers.
  5. Should have included the killstreak effect on the pic too.
  6. Just got a new keyboard that glows green on all the keys, looks cool as hell.
    1. Tsuchikure


      til you break it on accident (dropping, spilling water or whatever strange liquids you like) and it stops glowing and/or working overall.. sad times.. happened to be before..
    2. Kypari
  7. Holy shit, that is actually really good
  8. +1 Active and a pretty cool guy. A:7 M:8
  9. Wrath unleashed (This game needs a remake or something so fucking much) Timesplitters tf2 Awesomenauts Chivalry Mario bros 3 and world Shenmue That's all i can think of right now
  10. We should have him versus tails in a squeaker fight, or a poll here.
  11. Someone made a sfm with my homo heavy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7o0do7prN8#t=54
  12. Yes, you can get all weapons in the ring as a cow mangler soldier and you keep Primary and secondary weapons. This of course should be against the rules since you're not suppost to have them.
  13. This guy is the best rapper ever. 8/8 m8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CaXmX5-9Mk
  14. 2 of my most favorite knife party songs put together, Pretty simple really. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-IWRmpefzE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXp6wOg6pxM
  15. Egossi left xg, and i have a better bp than him anyway Link ᵪɢ:ᴀ | Bonfire Centipede's Backpack - backpack.tf
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCIUfek7y2M
  17. I like monstercat music and knife party (if you can't tell by my name it's just 2 knife party songs together) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBJk0Tq3JDU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_lLV669mLQ
  18. Fat engi is love, Fat engi is life.
  19. I definitely want to see the MeeM boss added. But someone should make a fat engi boss and we should add that. Because fat engi is love, fat engi is life.