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Everything posted by Gugomo

  1. Unforunately, FF2 isn't as popular as our Saxton Hale server, for some reason. Maybe we should put a message advertising it on all the servers for a few days.
  2. Well, you gave it a try.
  3. I just thought everyone wasn't pressing their mic key very well. The main problem I see is sometimes, you may seem to be speaking, and the little speech bubble shows for you, but no one can hear you. And it just turns into a freeday.
  4. The problem I think we have is that there's no real enforcement of the rule besides staff. We need some kind of plugin. A good one. A VERY GOOD ONE.
  5. For April Gibus Day 2015, you should put Rick Roll as the only LCT music for the whole day. That'd be nice. Very nice.
  6. Well, he asked for family-friendly songs, so he doesn't HAVE to implement those songs.
  7. You're thinking of Equally Randomized, I believe. Yeah, it's pretty fun. Lots of madness.
  8. Server: Tf2 Suggestion/ Bug: Suggestion Recently, I've found that the !gs command on certain servers is pretty cool. I'm able to listen to music without leaving my game, and I think it should be implemented if possible. It can be given to donators only or everyone.
  9. +1 Knew something was fishy when I couldn't do any damage to that spy. The plugin should be optimized better to identify whether a kill is freekill or not. Maybe we can change is so that it does full damage to Rebels only. When prisoners don't obey commands, they're usually passive and the others don't attack right away.
  10. Here's some that's TF2 Related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=585W28cfz6Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlruUuuLkoU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI_Es23AWdw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX3KYyc2kdo
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWM2joNb9NE
  12. Holiday Punch is useless in Hale, especially if it's a Hyper Hoovy. Since a heavy can punch even while spook and runs at a constant speed, you might as well just equip Warrior Spirit and keep punching. In practice, all the spook does to the heavy is prevent him from jumping.
  13. +1 Very nice. Wardens are generally well aware of the rules anyway.
  14. Our influence grows...
  15. As we all know, the TF2 community has some pretty good and weird gamemodes. Our community has adopted a few, such as VSH, albeit with homing balls from the moon. What gamemodes do you like the most? A few of my personal favorites: - Steam Community :: Group :: Stop that Tank! Similar to payload, but with a few added twists: There are robots, and you get to play as them. The payload is a giant tank which can be destroyed. And once in a while, you get to play as GIANT ROBOTS. - Steam Community :: Group :: Multiply a Weapon's Stats by 10: The Server Who doesn't like it when your charge n' targe negates fire and explosives completely? Or when your sandman has 10 balls at once. Or how about when your knife is pretty much a shank-machine? This gamemode makes all your weapons' stats powered up by x10! - Steam Community :: Group :: UberUpgrades mod Uber Upgrades is a gamemode similar to x10, but instead of pre-determined stats, you can upgrade your weapons in any stat! You can make your flamethrower's fire as wide as 4 heavies, and make you run as fast as a BFB scout! You can even make it so your Uber charge lasts for 5 minutes!
  16. He's good in my book. +1 A: 8/10 M: 6-7/10
  17. I do agree that Saxton Hale is easier than regular servers. The best option is to either remove or tone down Homing balls, 520's, homing arrows, and Hyper Hoovy. Homing Rockets aren't very OP since they deal damage based on the the location of the hit and the location of the soldier that shot it. So if it hits Hale from very far away, it'll do less than 100 damage. If close-up, it'll do more damage, but Hale is more likely to kill you and homing takes a while to begin it's curve.
  18. Ban it, it causes more problems than it does good. If a demo man has the BASE and Sticky Jumper, it can cause the round to delay for a long time. It also isn't needed on Hale, because I rarely see anyone use BASE jumper when I'm on.
  19. Nomulus, you made the best idea ever. Last CT has never been so amusing. Also, got this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoN23O6YWWs
  20. I was on a few other Jailbreak servers once and one of them had Yellow prisoner skins. If the skins don't conflict, then I'm all for them. It adds the feel of being a prisoner.
  21. The title is kind of...misleading. I thought it meant TF2 classes since this is in the TF2 discussion. Shouldn't this be in the off-topic section or something?
  22. Here are few of my...um, "creative" suggestions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktbhw0v186Q This one isn't necessarily fun, but I think it fits the mood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhgWu-h1h6o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fzqnknxxj98 And this would certainly fit the situation if you are a certain arsonist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZImgGi10iv0
  23. On hale, there's limited power to kick or ban players. There have been many people who have broken the rules deliberately or have been mic spamming. I propose we have a vote option similar to the one on Jailbreak.
  24. I agree, while RTD is fun, it is gamebreaking on Hale. Far too often have I seen someone roll toxic and run towards hale, thereby shortening the game or even completely killing him. It's the equivalent of a hale quitting.