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Posts posted by Kypari

  1. It's was a person called Lucy Mcellion who messaged me about pip.

    Lucy and Princess Twilight sparkle were there to see the bodyblocking as they were on Blu on frantic Factory when it happened, pip was among one of the peopled from RED joining in on the bodyblocking of teleporter 2 which I've warned people to stop doing.

    They are both regulars. I would trust them too.

    However, I'm going to stay neutral.

  2. You could have warned ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Though that is true, Flareon is new to moderating and is going to be pardoned for the first few weeks for little mistakes.

    Multiple people complained about you two days ago on trade gaming about you body blocking and yesterday I get a message from a person telling me that you repeatedly bodyblocked.

    Who were they? If they are xG members, I'd definitely trust them.

  3. trade_abstract_augemented (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Trade) - GAMEBANANA

    cyberpunk (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Death Match) - GAMEBANANA


    Here are two more I think should be considered. Abstract was a good map all-around, and one of my personal favorites. Cyberpunk had many complaints about the music spam, but I'm thinking maybe we could get someone acquainted with Source SDK to fix that. Thoughts?

    I love Cyberpunk. However, many people have left because of it @Moosty can explain (I think it was him who had a friend who left the servers because of Cyberpunk).

    Abstract was a great map. Add back plserino

  4. I knew this would happen one day.

    @Gr8_Butt_M8 probably doesn't like being known as xG's retard. I hated it.

    When me and @FoRgE didn't like each other, he insulted me so I insulted him. Eventually, I just stopped going on teamspeak. Then, I went back on later and we were cool after that.

    I do agree that @Gr8_Butt_M8 needs to stop being rude n' stuff. However, this applies to a shit-ton of people on the forums, teamspeak, the servers - there needs to be an end.

    However, after that little story, I can't +1 or -1 as there's no proof, but this is typical of Dillon.

  5. I'm having a moment in life where I have no fucking clue what to do. I'm bored of everything, including TF2. I'm going inactive as of this, but I will go on if someone needs me. I will still be active on the forums of course, but I won't be on the servers too much

    After I've posted this, I'll probably be more active