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Reputation Activity

  1. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to TheFlameAlpha in Gaming history offline?   
    I just can't seem to connect to Gaming History. Is it offline, and, if so, why?
  2. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Dethman in New maps?   
    I say completely get rid of anthology, black ops, legojail, sand, etc. Those are the jailbreak maps I find most people hate. Just swap those out for new ones.
    Edit:lego jail can stay too
  3. Disagree
    Kypari got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Trymb123   
    I would +1, but as stated a lot of times, you need to be 14
  4. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Blizzard   
    You really do seem like a nice guy, but I'm afraid we can't make exceptions because you're 13
  5. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to John_Madden in Blizzard   
    Sorry, I don't mean to be rude to op in a way. But please do read the member submission rules to ensure your application can be valid.
  6. Funny
    Kypari reacted to John_Madden in Blizzard   
    Does anyone ever read member submission rules anymore? @kbraszzz @DrLee @ThePenguin
  7. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Bach in Adventure gamemode   
  8. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Muzzle in Adventure gamemode   
    So @Barmithian had this idea that what if we had a story mode tf2 game mode. The way he explained it was pretty cool. I thought that with @Nomulous coding and @ColdEndeavour map making we could make this work. So barm I'm going to explain what i remember fill in if I'm wrong. You explore around a wasteland or something and fight enemy bots. Now Barmithian had something like with bosses it would be like slender but instead of just running away you fight them. Just think it as a co-op tf2 campaign. doesn't even need a damn story line just a cool little adventure thing. Barm fill in what I missed.
  9. F!$k Off
    Kypari reacted to SupremeWolf in Kypari's Magnificent Shop   
    Don't buy his stuff, he's British. Buy my stuff, I have a bunch of cosmetics on page 4 of my backpack. I sell for pure only and depending on the item i might sell it for cheap.
    And no Kypari I won't stop c: being the salesman is my domain.
  10. Boring
    Kypari got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Kypari's Magnificent Shop   
    Yeah, so it kinda got tedious after me spamming loads of trades into the trading section
    Welcome to my mini-shop!
  11. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Nomulous in New plugin?   
    1) Requires intensive set up and maintenance
    2) Every mod/admin needs to have a special windows client running (which will give you messages on reports)
    3) Ability to be misused by people saying !admin or !mod for no reason and I've seen people banned immediately for misusing it, which I don't want to see happen here.
    4) Undercover is almost impossible to be.
  12. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in New plugin?   
    it will get abused.
    - little kid gets spawn camped !mod
    - omg I'm friendly not using the friendly command and you won't stop killing me! !mod
    - your hacking! !mod
  13. Winner
    Kypari reacted to Insane in New plugin?   
    @Nomulous <3 (bae 4 lyfe)
    So i was thinking we have a plugin that allows anyone on the server to type
    !mod !staff !whateveruwanttoputhere
    and upon entering that a list pops up where that person can send a message to a staff member (or add a staff member) and to bring said staff member over to the server that is in need of help
    Im actually surprised we dont have this in out servers
    imgur: the simple image sharer
  14. Disagree
    Kypari reacted to John_Madden in Manlyduck   
    Immature (from what I've seen on this app). Not very active as I have never seen you on the servers.
    M: 4/10
    A: 1/10
  15. Ding!
    Kypari reacted to Gwoash in Manlyduck   
    [Vouching - Yes&No's]
    You shouldn't vouch for a player if:

    You haven't played with him/her.
    You're not a member of XenoGamers - sorry, but we need our communities voice.

  16. Agree
    Kypari reacted to StarmiX in Trymb123   
    @kbraszzz , close please, under the age of 14
  17. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Tekk in Trymb123   
    Below age, you have to be 14 or older, I'm afraid.
  18. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Hidingmaster in Xgstumpy - mmo   
    Alright so here is the issue. Whether or not spamming ratings is "bannable" does not mean its the appropriate action to take. It is highly annoying and 100% unnecessary. Normally we don't worry about it and tell people to turn off the notifications because of how petty it is. This case is a little different in which Kitty has been told, many times, to talk to a CL or DL/DM if there are further issues. She went against this advice and retaliated yet again.
    There is obviously no reason for stumpy or forge to be talking the way they did in shoutbox, it just isn't respectful. Forge sure in the hell should know that, and stumpy... c'mon.
    Stumpy was already banned for a day and warned due to his actions in shoutbox and posting on the forums.
    I have dealt with issues of disrespect, harassment, unnecessary posting, and spamming about 5 times this week. It's going to stop here. CL's are done dealing with the disrespect and dishonesty that constantly goes on now. We went into most issues with an optimistic look, trying to see what we could do to remedy the situation and make all sides at least somewhat happy. No more lenience from us.
    With that being said here is the decision regarding this thread.
    Stumpy and Kitty (Forge may apply if he continues as well): If CL's, or even others with forum powers, get even the slightest hint of the following
    -Unnecessary arguing
    -Rating spam
    -Passive Aggressiveness
    -Attention seeking
    -Or really anything that shows a lack of maturity and respect for other members
    a PERMANENT forum ban will be immediately applied. And there's no if ands or buts about it. CL's or others with forum powers need to consult with preferably 3 or more others (CL's or others of equal power) before initiating a ban, just to make sure it's in fact justified.
    All we ask is for EVERYONE to be mature about situations. You can have fun and joke around, but know the limits. Remember that although the internet allows you to hide behind a monitor, your words still affect people like it would in a face-to-face conversation. You would think I don't have to remind people about this, but apparently the internet makes you all think that if you can't see someone, why does it matter what I say?
    I highly suggest you don't test our limits with this. Harassment will not be tolerated and apparently this is the action that needs to be taken.
  19. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Kittylicious in Xgstumpy - mmo   

    MMO In-Game Name:

    xGStumpy Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:25344974 Rules Broken:

    Flaming, Insulting, Disrespect, Continuation of previous problems. Evidence:

    I may of left xG but I visited this site everyday when I was in the clan and I still visit the site to check up on things and talk in the shoutbox, you can't simply stop visiting a site you have been visiting everyday for the past few months. I have left the clan and the previous problems against me should of stopped but that is sadly not the case.
    Below is from the shoutbox log of yesterday. This should not be acceptable and that Forge also took part in it is even more unacceptable after he has already been punished before.

    You may check the logs yourselves and see that I did nothing to start the problems.
    Also I shall admit getting angry but who wouldn't? I thought all this "kitty is a 40 year old guy" immature bullshit stopped ages ago. To see some people are still at it is ridiculous. I did keep my anger in check as to not insult back and the picture Stumpy linked was one of those photostops from the previous protest thread.
    Penguin was a witness to some of the messages as seen in the evidence. He also told both of us to stop in which I did but Stumpy continued.
    In anger I rated Stumpy's posts as "fuck you" but it has been said time and time again ratings don't mean anything and if you care about them turn off the notifications. I have been getting negative ratings daily for weeks now and I simply do not care as I have turned off the notifications.
    CLs please do as you see fit I will go with whatever you decide.
    @Nomulous @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster @Gawd @diabeetus @DrLee
  20. F!$k Off
    Kypari got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Last Ct Music!   
  21. Informative
    Kypari reacted to Ohstopyou in New tf2 virus?   
    So I've been seeing this topic spread across the internet like wild fire. It started on FacePunch, then it moved to Reddit, and now its at Tf2Banana. It's about how this possible virus can be downloaded from malicious servers, and then it will crash your computer and trash your steam account.
    I am not sure if this is true (I feel as if it is a hoax), but at the rate that the information is spreading it appears it could be true.
    I've seen plugins that force your computer to download certain files from a server, but that was only with sound files. I mean it could be theoretically possible that a virus could be downloaded through it; however, I am unsure of how it would execute automatically.
    Anyway, if you are paranoid, you might want to change your download settings, on the tf2 options multiplayer tab, so that it will only download maps from the servers. And you may only want to go to xG servers or Valve servers. This could be a massive trolling spree, but you can never be too safe.
    I'd like some feedback if you guys have any information. @Nomulous @kbraszzz @ColdEndeavour @Moosty @TwoZeroFour @John_Madden @Gwoash @KendrickLlama
  22. Not Funny
    Kypari got a reaction from Seanman in Selling a pink bill's for 6 keys, no charge for paint   
    @kbraszzz Close plox, sold for 47 ref pure.
    I bet the server I was on enjoyed the spam.
  23. Agree
    Kypari reacted to kbraszzz in William23199 - team fortress 2   
    Wait out the rest of the ban.
  24. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Gwoash in William23199 - team fortress 2   
    maybe he doesn't deserve the unban, but I don't think his powers should be removed either
    I understand that "donator abuse" is left to the staff member's discretion (when nomulous isn't online himself), but I feel like having an official rule book is necessary, especially with donators perks where people have to pay real money and losing it without actual knowledge would be terribad
    @Nomulous @kbraszzz if possible, take some time to make said rule book, it would be much appreciated to donators
  25. Agree
    Kypari reacted to Haruka in William23199 - team fortress 2   
    ”sorry I'm an uber donator so I can do what I want"