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Posts posted by Lithium

  1. For me, it's because of that one or two groups of buttbuddies that always built huge bases having a clear advantage over everybody else raiding every single thing possible while the PD isnt able to do anything, while explaining rules to everybody along the way saying what they are doing is "legal". It's just not fun.

    Well good thing this isn't Gmod RP. It's a lot less serious and even if you no-life it you won't get that much of an advantage over other players.

    BUT if it's a popular thing right now with the other servers, it could be a good idea.

    As I mentioned earlier, a few xG members have already gotten into it, but I do think it could be a good way to get a lot of new players into xG. Since I first got on the currently only (english) CSGO RP server, their playercount has gone up a lot. Obviously it'd be hard to predict if its going to truly catch on, but if HL2RP is any indication it's likely to be pretty popular. I have heard that some HL2DM RP servers are working on switching to CSGO so there may be more servers up soon.


    I've got 3 different RP plugins saved if @Bleed or anyone for that matter wants to take a look at them or try to port them. I've been meaning to start some work on that myself but I haven't set up a test server yet.

  2. I think more than anything else the point of this thread is to see how many people in xG are interested in playing on the existing RP server. Only once there's enough interested xG members (or an established CSGO div) can we really think about making an xG CSGO RP server, which isn't going to be for a long time anyways.

  3. Hi. Yea theres a CSGO RP server thats pretty much a direct port of HL2DM RP. A few xg members have been playing on it @Crona @Insane @iceekills7 Maybe more, idk. It's pretty fun, they've been getting a lot more players very quickly, and its nothing serious like GMOD RP, so it's nice to just get on and mess around with friends. If you want to check the server out, add me and I'll show you around.


    As for hosting our own server, it'd take quite a bit of work to port the plugin over (theres no public plugin for it yet) and I'm not sure it'd be worth it unless there's more interest. It's certainly likely to be a quickly growing community on CSGO, but seeing as the CSGO div only consists of a locked scrim server who knows if we could get people to play on it. If we did, I've got a couple custom RP maps I've made that have never yet been used that I can port over easily.

  4. Starting about 5 years ago I started my own HL2DM RP server. If you dont know that uses essentially the same version of the source engine as CSS does, and the RP servers require custom configs and setup for every map. Sourcemod works exactly the same in CSS as it does HL2DM, plugins, maps, everything. I ran it from my home pc for a while, until I stopped that to work on maps for a friend's server, of which I was only admin on. For pretty much the next 3 years (on and off) I ran the server (on my own a lot of the time), re-setting everything up every time we switched providers or after we shut down the server for a while, which was fairly often with how much we shut everything down and started over.

    From all that, I know how to setup servers with sourcemod/metamod, add plugins, add maps, add admins, server.cfg (or any config file) etc. I also did some basic scripting for sourcemod but haven't for a while. I've run test servers on CSS and HL2Dm for testing my maps.

    @Sojodak was someone who played on those servers so he can vouch for me. Anyways, from past examples, it doesnt seem like the CSS DL's have had to know anything at all about servers so..

  5. Division:


    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Division Leader


    Cmon guys, we clearly need to do something with CSS. Minigames has been getting some decent population lately yet we still have no one willing to do anything with it (add maps, remove inactive admins). The only active staff members on CSS are @jubens45 , @Bonk , and me, with @Cristo and @Bleed on sometimes. We don't really need many admins or staff members for only one server, but it'd still be nice if at least someone had admin, and if someone could be a DL so we can get some new maps added and broken/boring ones removed. I don't think any maps have been added in over a year, and the only person who can is Bleed, and I know @Legend has asked him to but he hasn't and I don't think he will (its not his responsibility I mean, but no one else CAN do it).

    So if CSS MG isn't gonna get taken down, someone needs to be in charge of it. If there's no one else who will/is qualified, I could do it. I've run source servers before on my own and there's nothing new for me to learn. If not me, @Legend could do it. He knows the basics and definitely would put in the effort.

    But someone's gotta have access who's willing to put in the effort, and right now there's no one in charge at all of CSS.

  6. I wouldn't want him to be in this here organization... If you read his post it clearly states that he is easily swallowed up by peer pressure. Just imagine the horror that could go on with this sort of personality. We need leaders, not followers. -1


    A: 0

    M: 0

    Swag: 0

    surprisingly good point. i think we should go ahead and ban this troublesome individual from all aspects of this organisation, it's pretty clear he's a threat to the healthy function of this society

  7. +1 for only ct's dropping credits. Also for me at least it's a bit buggy, because it says "You have no credits to drop" when I die and then when someone picks up the credits that I apparently did not drop I get a message saying they picked them up. Not sure how that all is supposed to work or what

  8. Hey cool.

    6. Edit Map rotation, narrow it down to <15. (Aug 28) Not completed

    Already got a thread here with a list of all maps if anyone wants to suggest which ones to get rid of.

    4. Change the Terrorists/Prison Guards win screen (Aug 21) Not completed

    I could make a new one with the xG logo and "Prisoners/Guards Win" in a couple minutes to help. Just need to know the resolution.

  9. Rules alone would take a few days to get polished. Its not just one person that would need to work on things, its several.


    As chrono said, those plugins are basic and most likely not functioning. If we are going with option 2 its not going to be shittily thrown together. I would expect jb to be down for at least a week so we can make it worth the time and have a polished result.

    Of course theyre basic, the point is we can get a basic JB together while more advanced plugins are being worked on-to avoid the downtime. A new set of rules shouldn't take more than a day at all, especially since there's already a set of rules: just get the DM's/people with a say in the rules in teamspeak for an hour and decide what rules need to go, and what needs to be added. And it may take more than a week to get all the polished new plugins and stuff, but with all the other, unused xg CSS servers, one could be a test server so downtime is essentially nonexistant.


    Of course, all this requires DM's/DL and people who actually give a shit and put in the effort that their position requires, which I'm not sure we have right now in CSS.

  10. I think some people might be overestimating the time it takes to start CSS JB from scratch. Writing new rules wouldn't take long at all, plenty of plugins already exist that could all be used (Models, muter plugin, arrest plugin, etc.) Backing up all the old plugins and uploading new plugins would take 10 minutes maximum, and virtually no effort. The rules, maybe 30 minutes. Maps, once we decide on maps we want, might take a little longer to upload, but no effort is required to do that. It's not like this couldn't basically be done in one day (except for hub, of course).

  11. Also, I think some people are misunderstanding what I'm saying about hub and such. Sure, it might help bring back a few players who've been asking for it, but the main thing is getting new players to stay and not leave. I've seen bunches of people join the server, try !store and !shop and everything and then get confused and leave. I can't imagine it would take terribly long to get at least a basic hub up and working on at least one CSS server that's actually populated. I mean, its on sliderace and it seems to work fine to me, though I wouldn't know how close it really is.

  12. Other divisions are less populated, but they honestly need some attention from devs and members to make them popular, especially cs go.

    Why is this not true for CSS then? CSS as a whole certainly isn't dying, and I see no reason why attention from devs and people in command couldn't revive it just as easily as another division.

  13. If people think CSGO has so much more potential, lets close down the unwanted CSS servers first and open a couple CSGO servers (MG, maybe surf) and actually see if we can get that going. I don't know how the servers/boxes are all organised but surely there's enough room to keep a couple CSS servers running, especially if that was just going to go to CSGO anyways.

  14. I only joined xG and started playing on the css servers this year, and it's never been *that* populated, but its still always been fun and certainly a place where I spend a lot of my time. We still have quite a few dedicated players who come on every day, and at least one server is populated at some point throughout the day.

    Now, I do see another option, that is somewhat combined with the second. Right now, we have 6 servers: Jailbreak, Minigames, RPG Surf, RPG Surf DM, Bhop, and sliderace. Only the first 3 are ever populated, not to mention they have way more slots than they need. If CSS Division is costing too much, why not downsize to start things off? Pay only for the 3 servers and the slots they need. That won't get us more players though, so on my ideas on the second idea Hiding mentioned.

    On JB and MG, we have new players come fairly often, but many don't stick around long, so we only have a certain amount of regulars. So, what can we do to keep new players interested? As it stands, xG CSS JB doesn't have a whole lot. Bombs, redbull, bank, that's about it. If we can get the devs and any member who can help to work on a new set of plugins, we might be able to have that extra something that makes other players want to stay. Now, as we have so many people asking for Hub, I think thats a great way to start. Why not even come up with something original? For example: A CSS hats plugin already exists, why not take that, add it into hub, but instead of using credits to buy, make it give you hats for "achievements" or something. IE 100 Hours on server? Get a hat. Warden 50 times? Get a hat. Now, that may or may not actually be a good idea, thats just an example. I do think we should get rid of bank, completely. Redbull and bombs are fine, imo. For minigames, a simple hub might keep things more interesting. And of course, we can add more as things go on if its successful.

    I could go on for a lot longer, but I just want to say this: We have other servers and divisions that are populated even less, why should CSS go, especially with so many people who play on them regularly, even if they are mods? What's the point in having servers if not to have xG members play on them?

  15. For good gaming mouse, I'd recommend a Logitech g502, or one of its competitors (Razer Deathadder or Steelseries Rival). They're all great wired mice for gaming, optical sensors (none of that laser crap). I bought the G502 over the other two because it has more buttons that I can bind to macros, a weight adjustment system, and it looks kinda cool too. Its a little bit more expensive than the other two, but to me it's definitely worth it.


    As for building a PC, it's really very easy. Another, more well known custom pc builder is Custom Gaming Computers and Laptops: iBUYPOWER® Gaming PC. It still might be cheaper to build it yourself rather than buy from IBuyPower or CyberPower. I'd get an idea of what specs you want beforehand and try building it on those sites to see if that's within your price range and also using PCPartPicker to get an idea of how much it would cost to do it yourself.