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Posts posted by Lithium

  1. Something that pulls up a window linking to the staff roster would be as simple as adding a line to the webshortcuts config, although I'm not sure if that's on jailbreak or not. A plugin that has a list of in-game staff would be a bit more work, but nothing too difficult either.

  2. In the next few days, there will be a bunch of new maps on the server! (if they're not already, @Bleed)

    We went through a bunch of maps and found 6 we think will definitely be good maps to have, as well as one other to try for a bit.







    And one we're not sure about yet : jb_prison_cell_b1


    A few of the less popular maps will also be removed, but we need some opinions on a few other maps:


    jb_obama_v5_beta (Still new, some people don't like it that much and its not that popular - so far)

    jb_prison_cell_b1 (Being added, not sure if it will be good enough)


    If you have any thoughts on these maps (or any other maps on the server), tell us your thoughts!

    @SkullKing @Snackbar @Duke @Tsuchikure @DrPepperPhreak @DrLee @Bonk and whatever other xg members actually play on it

  3. We can fix this by removing the invisible entity via Stripper Source. I can do this when I have time.


    Or if someone wants to speed up the process. Decompile the map and open it in Hammer and find the entity. Give me the entity name and classname.

    There are 2 entities other than the props, a func_tracktrain (named cell_track) which the props are tied to, and a func_wall_toggle (named cell_block).


    That being said I advocate for going back to the other canyondam..