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Posts posted by Lithium

  1. L 01/17/2016 - 11:12:56: "my mouse is broken<32><STEAM_1:0:120395057><TERRORIST>" say "I love this map"

    L 01/17/2016 - 11:13:08: "my mouse is broken<32><STEAM_1:0:120395057><TERRORIST>" say "Almost every cell has a tp"

    There isn't a single teleport in cells in blackops, nor are there any in parabellum.

  2. What you're looking for is a keyboard with NKRO (n-key rollover). Cheap keyboards, like yours, will only allow you to press a couple keys at a time, depending on how the keyboard is set up. NKRO is mostly found on mechanical keyboards, but I'm sure you can find another keyboard with something higher than 2KRO for less than most mechs are.

  3. When a T kills a CT, it no longer hides which T killed the CT.



    After 5 rounds, a mapchange occurs (not done by RTV).

    Should be fixed now, pm me if its not.


    !call still doesnt work if no admins are on.(Might not be possible)

    !call is not on the server, so it shouldn't work. It was removed months ago due to the fact that the bot didn't work.


    Shot4Shot is still broken

    We just have to wait for hosties to be updated to fix this.


    Tick rate is still 51.2

    This was an intentional change by @Rhododendron to lower CPU usage, it will be changed back if enough people are complaining.


    CT guns spawning in T cells (with CT's name on the gun)

    I haven't heard of this problem, can you give any more details on it?


    EDIT: Also in regards to the occasional server crash, right now there seems to be a problem with sourcemod and menus, so that's also beyond our control.

  4. For reference, the reason provided was "Steam Community Group Ban (cyanidews) Criminal enterprise: Promoting Cyber Terrorism." I wasn't around here in 2012, nor do I have any idea of what group its referring to, but it seems to me like for some reason a large number of people in the steam group were indiscriminately banned (57 people were banned for that exact reason). +1 for unban because it's been 3 years, and it doesn't really seem like a necessary ban anymore.

  5. I'll admit, I did (and do) have concerns about his activity. But it's not like he's a new member who won't follow the rules, or is really at risk for abusing. If it doesn't turn out as well, then we can demote him just as easily. It doesn't cost anything to have someone as mod/admin and there is no limit to the number of people we can have, which is also the same reason I don't think cristo needs to be demoted. He's not on much but he does great when he is on, and we have no real reason to demote him.

  6. I would like someone to explain to me how to port a CSS map to CSGO.

    How to set up teleporters.

    How to set up spawns correctly. (It currently says that both CT and T teams are full.)

    1) It would be really beneficial to use the CSGO SDK, but if that's absolutely not possible, make sure you don't use any entities that don't exist in cs:go - primarily weapons (usp, scout, mp5navy, m3, probably more that i'm forgetting). And make sure you use textures (and models) that exist in csgo, or properly pak the textures if youre using custom textures.

    2) Teleporters consist of 2 entities: first, a brush entity trigger_teleport which you create in the area that you want the client to be teleported when they touch it. Secondly, an info_target point entity in the location they get teleported to. Give this entity a name, and set the destination for the trigger_teleport to the info_target that you created.

    3) Place info_player_terrorist and info_player_counterterrorists (point entities) in the places you want them to spawn.

    Hope that all helps.