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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by ColdEndeavour

  1. -1


    Your behaviour over this whole ordeal is laughable. @Ohstopyou is a credible and friendly administrator within our community, the chances of him telling someone to "feck off" or to "shut their gob" is very unlikely.


    The man was just doing his job neutralising the disturbance that was your microphone's gain (which was set too high, albeit intentionally or unintentionally), yet you proceeded to use a mundane expletive in place of trying to explain your situation calmly/formally - Not in the manner of a prepubescent child.


    You can wait 1 day.

  2. ai.imgur.com_1O6SOQA.jpg.b8bd0a303ad8d91b02d57b2a7c81700c.jpg


    1.) Adding on to the original map:

    I would need the original VMF file/resource repositories so that things are accurate and stable. Not to mention, adding to the original creator's work isn't a plausible idea imo. The problem with Hammer is that you can only cram so much into one bsp file before things start to break (physics for the most part) and it will not compile properly.


    2.) Creating additional maps to compensate the expansion of the original concept:

    Sounds like a partitioned variation of the OoT map where everyone gripes about it for being too big. While this does seem more plausible, playing LoZ-MM all over again to use as a reference will be a bother. Also, there would be the issue of people wanting to be in a large and accessible map over being in fragmented areas of interest after the hype wears off.



    The original composer(s) has(-ave) a better idea on what they want to do/can do with their work than I would - I don't want to be the one who butchers it. As for the divided areas into different maps, it's very unlikely I will look into it. Hold onto yer arse for the Majora's Mask remake for the 3DS, I'm sure most of you have seen what the dev team did with the OoT remake (beautiful) and Termina Field - If and when they do the remastered Clock Town, it will deprecate the old version anyway.


    White text because white text: I'm trying to work on xG's Christmas present right now. It's becoming a common occurrence where I'm already into one project and someone suggests another. The possibility of me considering this is currently 60//40 (Not interested//I'll think on it).

  3. ========================



    The double-standard in a nutshell.





    I've honestly no idea on why things have to be this way. That comment: "Shouldn't you be begging for food at the homeless shelter? Tramp." made my blood boil. This is beyond mundane, never in my life have I seen such bastardised arrogance directed at someone in the midst of a disagreement over something so meagre - a videogame. At what point is it appropriate to compare yourself to someone less fortunate than you to feel important; not to mention, something that is thoroughly irrelevant? Don't get me wrong, that previous incident wasn't/isn't something to undermine, but your attempt to degrade him after amends were made is undoubtedly disgraceful.


    And another thing, if you honestly dislike this community, then why are you still here?





  4. +1 For shortening ban time.


    I've never seen this person be of any trouble beforehand, and his ban record (prior to this incident) yields the same assumption/affirmation. This ordeal seems to be a misunderstanding as a result of miscommunication. I'd say to give him a second chance.

  5. I've been looking into new plug ins to help with this and one caught my eye. It changes the colour of players that are invulnerable and you get to set the time that they are invulnerable for, as well as the radius. So if they move x feet away from spawn and/or the time runs out they are/aren't invulnerable


    I am more in favour of this being the solution to the spawn camping dispute; as opposed to, making it a ban-able offence that would drive more regulars away than it is intended to gain. Spawn camping is one of the core strategies of Team Fortress 2, granted, being a practice for Public/Valve/Competitive servers - that much is redundant. Trade/Community servers are an entirely different subject matter to consider. As others have stated, trade servers exist for wanderers to drop in and seek another individual or group of individuals to trade with in hopes of gaining profit/acquiring something of their own desire and then proceed to go about their own business.


    However, this ordeal says otherwise - If spawn camping is receiving this degree of notoriety within our community, then our trade servers are being utilised for something other than their intended purposes. Inevitably, players will grow tired of traditional TF2 gameplay, and will look elsewhere for new places to inhabit. Trade servers and community servers alike offer a new experience that typically do not follow said traditional gameplay, something unique/quirky, and are often the first servers to receive any form of notoriety from curious newcomers. Don't get me wrong, trade servers are intended for lobbying traders; however, said traders occupy themselves while they're lobbying and advertising for trades - this includes killing other players and other miscellaneous activities. As for the newer players, they're more than likely drawn in by their search interests while browsing for servers - often for specific reasons or random overall. Of course, we're a gaming community with multiple divisions and multiple servers - each accompanied by rules instated via a general consensus. Let me not be misunderstood, there will always be some tangent of factors to consider regarding a variety of scenarios that are worthy of addressing, yet there is also a line to be drawn between fun and something that is a nuisance within our community - that much is understandable.



    I am still unsure as to how spawn camping came to be SERIOUS BUSINESS in the first place. We've the resources for players to carry out countermeasures to be able to free themselves from such a thing yet it seems that is too much work. The Friendly plugin and the Roll The Dice plugin - Godmode, Noclip, Lucky Sandwich, Toxic, Crits, Infinite Ammo, Timebomb, Homing Projectiles are all utilisable to aid in a scenario like this whether it be in the favour of the camped team and/or the camping team. Why was a last resort considered first; rather than, any input of reasonable solutions? It's ludicrous. At least now, the reasonable solution(s) is(are) being considered. There will always be complaining, yet only so much can be done to serve as an appeasement. We're striving to attract more players due to the loss of many of our regulars, yet we often resort to solutions that end up contributing to the problem - we want users to have fun and feel welcome, don't we? Banning people for playing the game is a bit of a rash decision.




    +1 for that plugin Bach mentioned.


    ** I've been absent for a few days, so I'm a bit out of the loop - I may have missed some important information/changes. And also, I'm not degrading/attempting to degrade those seeking resolutions for the issues within our community. Just providing some food for thought. Also, it's 4 in the morning, and I'm tired as all hell.