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Posts posted by ColdEndeavour

  1. Are the trees going to be annoying?

    If not then it looks great :>




    The tree models themselves do not have any physics data; however, the trees are encapsulated by clipping brushes.




    A tree that covers a 128x128x256 volume will not have any physics data, yet the clipping brush that was placed in the exact same volume will server as a collision instead. What the clipping brush does is that it will deny player movement through the specified volume; however, anything else can pass through the volume (ragdolls, bullets, rockets, stickybombs, etc).


    It's an improvement over the appalling setup I had with Ecruteak where nothing could pass through, yet a step back from pkmn_goldenrodcity_b3 which allows almost everything to pass through. In essence, the new cheap trees do not obstruct anything - the clipping brush only negates navigation through a specified volume.


    I opted for the cheap trees because,

    1.) It's easier.

    2.) It's cheaper than a 3D model that has far more polygons being rendered at all times within the scene + all faces being rendered.

    3.) It doesn't tax the memory limit during compile time as much as a world brush-based tree/func_detail/func_lod/whathaveyou.

  2. Well,


    About 1 year ago, around the holidays, I had planned to give you guys a Christmas present before I left.

    However, things didn't work out that way, and the map just got put off to the side for a long time.


    Over the past few months I have been working on it bit-by-bit, whenever I could get around to doing something with Hammer, to bring this map up to a publishable standard - to share with everyone.




    It's because when I got back into TF2 in 2012, I started looking into playing on custom servers. Nintendo themed maps were the most interesting to me at the time, so I searched for servers using maps based on a Pokemon game.


    I typed <<Pokemon>> into the filter dialogue, and I scrolled down the list looking at the player count.

    Most of the servers were empty or had too little a number of people on it; however, near the bottom of the list, there it was, [xG] Pokemon Trade Centre 30/32.


    Upon joining this server, I was met with interesting people whom were regulars, and over time I kept coming back because it was an exciting experience being able to play something that was something other than vanilla - this also introduced me to the trading aspects of the game that brought me interesting amounts of profit. Needless to say, this server is also what introduced me to xG as a whole - eventually using the /servers command that led me to Nintendo64tress/TGH where I encountered even more interesting people.


    I made this re-touch of a map as a personal -thank you- to this community, but, most importantly, it is a gift. The original map that was done by Frewie was cut off in Beta 3 as "finished", yet there were a number of things that needed to be addressed/fixed; therefor, I thought this was a good idea (back in October of 2014).


    **There is a 'readme' in the .zip archive that will list the details of what is different or the same with this map from the other map**











    -Download Link-


    If something goes wrong, just say something. I tried to make this a smooth and simple presentation, but; then again, I'm just a person that's capable of mistakes like everyone else.


    Version 1



    Version 1 - B


  3. Can't do a formal vouch, but I'm dumbfounded by the lack of support.


    [dated information]

    I remember Luceh being on the rotation server a lot and would go on TGH. Never caused any issues, isn't a turkey.


    It seems that this is still accurate.


    Other members appear to share some cognisance of this; however, not many are willing to give Luceh a chance. :с

  4. Uhh...



    trade_gebunkerii_r3 [04/05/2014]


    xg_bunker_v6f [24/08/2014]

    (or the edited public posting)

    trade_goldeneyebunker_v1 [23/11/2014]


    Whatever floats your boat, I guess.


    I'm more than certain that anyone who has been on TGH from July 2014 - October 2015 and hasn't deleted/cleared their HDD or Steam/TF2 repositories should have any of these two maps in their: "Team Fortress 2\tf\download\maps" folder.

  5. On the tf2 trade gaming history server, on the delfino plaza map, if you stand right next to the wall that separates spawns and you look the right way, you can throw sandman/wrap assassin balls/cleavers/flames through it, potentially hitting the other team


    Okay, thank you for pointing that out. I appreciate the input. I'll look into it.


    I would have liked if that statement was more specific about how you look at it "the right way", but no worries, I might just make them separate rooms in the next release.


    Also, for future reference, there's already a thread posted for bug reports regarding this map that the staff have been so kind as to make it a part of the other stickied threads in the TF2 discussion forum. Just pointing that out so that every time someone finds a bug, there isn't a dozen of threads being made for individual reasons.

  6. If I were to do anything with Ecruteak ever again, I would prefer to start over from scratch. Considering I made this over a year ago, from then until now is an extra year of experience with Hammer. What I'm getting at was that this build was shite (as some may be doubtlessly aware and/or agree).


    Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I gave the all-clear for anyone that wants to decompile, edit, and redistribute the map.


    Anyway, if I ever get around to it, I may think about it.

  7. Hell, he's got a point. I probably would have never found this community if it weren't for me searching "Pokemon" in the server browser - then seeing [xG] Pokemon Trade Centre :: 32/32. Afterwards, I stumbled upon the Nintendo64tress server (now known as TGH) via !servers.

  8. You could redo Goldenrod entirely. That was going to be my Christmas present to xG back in December - it isn't difficult, most of the brushwork could be done in mere hours; textures can be time consuming for the right stretch to scale ratio.


    You have the talent and resources, it is something you should consider.


    As for those trees on Ecruteak, just disable their collision by mass selection and wrap a clip-textured brush around large sections or whatever you wish to do.


    Even though I found out the override and can use TF2 again, you take the torch. Best regards.



    Must not be done.


    Terrible things might happen.... Very very bad. Nuh-uh.


    I don't think Norbit deserves a sequel..., or whatever else is affiliated with this genre of MacDonalds.

  10. EDIT: 13/05/2015


    Both maps are bad and are being withheld from GameBanana for I am currently unable to devtest without a functional TF2 client (details below). Anyone who wants to decompile, repair, and re-distribute has the all-clear.


    I am deeply sorry about the inconvenience .




    You have my attention.


    I have had no Internet since Christmas morning (discontinued during midnight hours - right now I'm using local wifi with some old dysfunctional 4th gen iPod). It's within real-life inconveniences, I will leave it at that. The point is that TF2's Smissmas event updating queue was in the process of being distributed amongst Steam - my ISP closed my address while it was updating, the result being TF2 is deadlocked and I cannot use it for testing purposes. Therefor, any projects for TF2 are either on hold or cancelled until I deem it to be an appropriate/stable circumstance to renew my subscription. That is why my Delfino Plaza project is for GMod and incompatible/unsuitable for TF2.



    Celadon City - That map is dead, I'll throw that out there.

    I did not do a good job with it, in fact, it's rubbish to me - embarrassing really. The comment about that one door not leading anywhere - did it lead anywhere in the original game? It did not (Gen II). As for the quiet music - I tried. My studio headset broke and I have yet to replace it, therefor, I ended up using those mediocre earbuds apple packages with their products. End result was dodgy audio quality (audio perception for quality output).


    The playability of the map is trivial - The last time I used it was in early Q2 2014 - It's ugly, but it works with some balance faults in mind and general performance drawbacks I tried to curb with that disgusting fog. I should get rid of it on GameBanana - but I leave it there wih the idea of "one man's trash is another man's treasure". Anyone who wants to modify it has my All-Clear.



    Ecruteak City - I consider that map to be final despite the team balance problems and the horrible fog/draw distance and whatever else I've forgotten about. This one is arguably better off than Celadon in terms of development, completion, and accuracy. This one has been subject to severe ridicule - and I can't blame anyone for it but myself. If you guys use this, your choice.


    Also, feel free to modify this map, too.



    Ecruteak is better off than Celadon.

    Feel free to modify.


    Not sure when I'll be kicking again in TF2.

    Rip in Poland.