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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. Thunder


    -1 as bad as toon link in smash 4 A:8 M:1
  2. from what i have heard kypari's internet is fucked so they cannot make dates at this moment
  3. Thunder

    Game Division

    +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
  4. +1 what is love, baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no more A:8 M:9 @Vexx @mrnutty12 Im quite sure thats enough vouches
  5. +1 SKAP DAP DIDDLY DOO A:9 M:87? This is a member application right? But in all seriousnessnessnessness(why do I hate that word) sylux is really active and has boosted up his maturity a lot on the past year. Most definitely would be a great moderator.
  6. +1 boopbap plays on deathrun sometimes? A:9 M:9 @mrnutty12 @Vexx thats 7 and a higher up saying yesmiman
  7. it would be nice to not play ecruteak and goldenrod 24/7 +1?
  8. Thunder

    Game Division

    yo ROTMG division, im willing to bet that no one except @ShowDowGD plays it
  9. -1 toxicity=23? A:8 M:2
  10. I wish I hadnt lost my 250k credits on tf2
  11. DL's usually dont do this kinda stuff @Vexx @mrnutty12
  12. i found the box its under your fourm name
  13. didnt know you got demoted and promoted but still wear the DL tags thanks for the title though
  14. Also, now that Deathrun is back alive at about at least 10 people per day and 20 on weekends and since i'm almost the only staff that plays there often it would be nice if any of the higher ups took a look around to see candidates.
  15. @Ruby_da_Cherry @Vexx @Rejects @mrnutty12 What are your thoughts on this. Looking at it it does make sense unless you can use your lvl 99 charisma and tell me and tat otherwise.
  16. I honestly think that the random png image that looks out of place as hell goes well with the memey xG nature
  17. about as exciting as that kypari one
  18. +1 We unbanned a dude who did the same thing. This guy got banned using the name LOLER and was banned by rejects i think.
  19. Thunder

    Game Division

    Destiny 2 whenever it comes out. It would be nice to have a team to do things with.
  20. When is this going to come out and is it going to be bigger than hyrule?
  21. Look at his profile, you can see he has other aliases like "JoeyWorldTour" or "xG JoeyWorldTour" and itskinna23 made a submission under that and it hasnt been 30 days yet. @Vexx @mrnutty12 please close.