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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. +1 I know his activity will get higher so ill just vouch now
  2. Hello? Tatost? I basically gave you 70 dollars of that ring.
  3. +juan seems like a nice idea but maybe higher than just 100 kills
  4. Its bout 50 keys. Send an offer my way and i'll see if I like it. Steam Community
  5. This server has been our most dead server ever, even slender fortress and jb2 got more population with this. It should be remove or replaced with something, but if it is replaced, with what?
  6. +1 I really feel like I remember you, might be someone else but eh.
  7. Shooting people just as he comes around a corner doesnt show hacks, caribou does it and even I do quite a bit. If he had been looking at people through walls and had godly tracking on their heads then I would believe that he was a hacker. But looking at the demo I didnt see him do that.
  8. +1 for unban, he is not hacking.
  9. I... uhh.... I dont know what to say... watching this video made me reflect on my life choices... I realize that I have been a bad person... so I bought a SHAMWOW!!! THEY CLEAN UP YOUR LIFE ANY TIME, THEY CAN EVEN CLEAN UP BODIES!!!1 POOF GONE!!!111111!!1 BUY NOW FOR 19.99 ON xenogamers.com!!!11111!11111111111111///1/1/11/1 BUT WAIT, THERES MORE! IF YOU BUY IN THE FIRST 5 SECONDS OF THIS AD GETTING TO YOU YOU WILL GET 18 FREE SHAMWOWS!\ YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT. 18 SHAMWOWS ONE FOR YOUR DOG, ONE FOR YOUR CAT, ONE FOR YOUR NONEXISTANT GIRLFRIEND, ONE FOR @Bello, ONE FOR EVERYONE! buy now or I will personally send a hitman to your house -Vince Offer(Shamwow Guy)
  10. There is a "bug" on deathrun(I dont know if its intentional or not but) where reds or "runnners" cannot use kill binds at all. Aka typing kill or explode in console does not work on red team, im pretty sure it does on blue for some reason though. @Bello @Rejects ???
  11. where are the arrows to point out where every single xg member lives ;o
  12. @TheSupremePatriot Maybe some of the submissions could be used for that trailer you are making?
  13. +1 plays deathrun quite a bit, though sadly i dont think you will get in because not many xG members are active on deathrun right now. A:10 M:8
  14. Thunder#13921 whenever I decide to play overwatch maybe
  15. dont let him choose he deserves a mistake
  16. nah its quite true, if you look closely that is actually my heavy.
  17. i am now triggered @Tatost you owe me something, i gave you this.
  18. welp, been denied a win 3 times in a row now, nice.
  19. If we had to I'd think our TF2Ware server probably should be changed.
  20. i think somebody is mad :ok_hand: