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Status Replies posted by Bone

  1. Apparently I can't criticize a staff member who doesn't do anything constructive at all other than trying to look like he is
  2. If you're trying hard to enforce a minor rule while everybody else is having fun on jb, please just gtfo
  3. Fuck the Dragonborn DLC's pitiful excuse of a 'story'. I cant believe bethesda would shovel that much freakin shit into their game.
  4. xG only cares about memes... smh
  5. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, got accepted as a member ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. Finally not dying anymore still Scottish though
  7. xG'ing while at work
  8. I don't know what to put here....
  9. Hypocrite alert @[106807:@Bone]
  10. #cheapgas 1.72 a gallon in Arizona!
  11. I like to lay down on the floor like trash
  12. Gunna make an animation, I just need the program. Suggestions?
  13. can we get a Melee Division, I'm sure my Dr. Mario skills can beat any skilled Roys
  14. That snowy person? Not very ice. Quite cold hearted and needs to chill out. Xdddd
  15. billie jean is not my lover
  16. hey everyone I'm a member of the tf2 div and I like to +1 every member sub no matter what and putting lennies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) LOL FUNNY MEME! XD
  17. Merry stay at home and watch porn all day day. Hope you all got enough socks in your stocking for today
  18. quick question: what do you do when you find your parent's alchohol stash
  19. @[106807:@Bone] Will you marry me if I cook you ribs, teach you manners, and draw you naked bananas? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  20. Don't judge me. I needed the batteries for my xbox controller. So what if it came from my grandmas life alert.
  21. ok, but where's sans, undyne, or asgore in smash?
  22. this is definitely me when im driving ;]