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Status Updates posted by Bone

  1. Got the job, start sometime in the next 2 weeks
  2. Vote on my dang thing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=525401788
    1. Bone


      I never thought it was a good idea. It's literally just a test upload for unusuals since I previously had no idea how to do so
    2. Goblins


      Ahhh, I see I see.
    3. Kypari


      I love the idea haha, doesn't really look appealing sadly :<
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. Have a job interview Monday, hope I don't blow it
    1. realBelloWaldi


      good luck have fun
    2. Blizzard


      Skeletons don't have a respiratory system so you can't blow anything
  4. "This is a product I endorse.... on my hat..."
  5. "You can't see time" -Juan Seena
  6. Oh look, I made a thing https://xenogamers.com/threads/35569/#post-239489
  7. Playing in late night VALVe pubs = Majority of the other team being Phlog Pyros
    1. Jpie112


      https://gyazo.com/70ad4e745e1d48a970f44981443b0fd8 Valve server, a few days ago
    2. Bone


      @[51118:@Jpie112] Oh god, that's hilarious
    3. Egossi


      pubs are literally nothing but w+m1 pyros, battle medics and full charge body shot machina snipers
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Have there been any changes in the situation with your Account?
    1. Rogue_Skittle


      no im still waiting for them to unlock my account so i can moderate again
  9. Been gone for a few days. What'd I miss?
    1. Bone


      @[51118:@Jpie112] That sounds hilarious, I need to join and see this. @[3389:@Tsuchikure] Oh, so pretty much what normally happens here? :^)
    2. Tsuchikure
    3. Rogue_Skittle


      i got hijacked
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. "It's time to chew ass" -Dik Kickem
  11. "War has never changed" -Solid Tunnel Snake
  12. Hey, you say "Tomato" I say "Demater-morts"
  13. The new TF2 update has brokeled FF2 and now I'm sad
    1. Giraffes


      Will it ever be fixed? Find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z
    2. SupremeWolf


      Don't be sad. Be glad.
  14. Getting back into playing Dota 2.... Help...
    1. Goblins


      Uh, I play Meepo alot, but it is a bit higher skill level that you are right now. Personally I like heroes that hit hard and end up wiping the deck clean. Wraith King, Lifestealer, Faceless Void, Luna, Razor, Naga Siren, Juggernaut, Tiny, Legion Commander, Bristleback, Weaver, and Slark.
    2. Bone


      Ah, alright. Love me some Jugger, I want to try out Wraith, and am currently trying to learn Axe 'cause well... Axe... Tusk is also pretty fun
    3. Goblins


      Axe's who lane cut always piss me off. Should learn how to do that and when to do it. That is, if you play lane axe.
    4. Show next comments  6 more
  15. If anyone knows how to rig models to TF2 Skellingtons and can explain it to a dingus, lemme know
  16. I am now xG's official Skeleton. MYEH!
    1. Kypari
    2. Ohstopyou


      Welcome back, Dr. Spoopy Skeleton
  17. Burninating the countryside, burninating the peasants!
  18. Gonna be kinda inactive this week. I actually have work for once
  19. "A big mug of my mug up your mug *sip* AHHHHHHH"
  20. "The only thing we have to fear is- OH GOD A SPIDER! KILL IT!"
  21. Don't know if you've seen this before, but I thought you'd like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLTz56PJJT0
    1. Rejects


      Ye I've seen this, it's the only part of the cartoon series I've seen
  22. "C'mon, step it up!" - Captain Falco, from Ratchet & Snake
  23. Due to my dingus internet my TF2 activity has been limited to late-night
  24. An Apple a day will keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough
  25. Welp, I'm a member now. Now I just need to stop bein' a dingus and post on the forums more