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Status Updates posted by DemonicDisaster

  1. To those who like stuff like this, I'm making an gay little blog! Leave me a question in the ask box -----> http://lovelywankas.tumblr.com/
    1. Moosty


      Wow. Didn't even know T-Pain. Plz. I'm T-Pain, you know me
    2. DemonicDisaster


      That was you? XD I was so confused.. my bad
  2. Today was one of the worst days for me... a bird decided to take a crap.. on my glasses.. at lunch.
  3. Today's my bro's b-day... another day where my parents do nothing but spoil him.
    1. Tsuchikure


      just sit back and enjoy your privacy and not giving a shit
    2. SupremeWolf


      How to deal with family. Step 1: Dont give a F*ck.
  4. Uber driver: "I'm close, where are you?" Me: "oh I see you" Uber Driver: "Are you the guy in the middle of the road?" Me: "yeah floor it"
  5. Wait.. where are you and who you visitin?
  6. Well, here comes another depressing year.
    1. Dethman


      come back to our depressing ts3 channel
    2. realBelloWaldi


      Depressing? Why?
    3. DemonicDisaster


      Skool and my life have been very depressing is all..
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. Well, since I made one of these, might as well see what I CAN do X3
  8. When a dog chews up the bottom of your shoe, just land on your knees and shout, "YOU ATE HIS SOLE!!" (soul)
    1. DemonicDisaster
    2. Swift


      ahh, i got it now, "what if the shoes are orange o_O"
    3. DemonicDisaster


      lol I would actually laugh right now if I wasn't a bit depressed right now.
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  9. Whenever I connect to xG ts is says, " failed to resolve hostname". I already updated ts, still no luck. Any ideas?
    1. mrnutty12


      Manually joining through ts menu & IP or using the website link? Usually one works for me.
    2. mrnutty12


      On second thought, if neither connection method works, try changing your teamspeak name, or just wait for it to start working again if nothing else worked. Plus a Google search might help with solutions.
    3. DemonicDisaster


      Alright, thank you.
  10. Who animated you icon? ;o it's really cute
    1. Matsi


      I don't know :( got it a long time ago lol
    2. DemonicDisaster


      It's really awesome!
  11. WHOO I'm a member now~ I think...
    1. DemonicDisaster


      XD makes so much since man
    2. Swift


      You will become xG in 24 hours (like Deth said), but that's when kbrasszzz or Bach feels like closing your thread
    3. SupremeWolf


      24 hours? More like never. #LazyUps
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  12. Whoo! I'm makin a cartoon for my skool then it shall go to youtube!~
    1. DemonicDisaster


      no ;P bein serious right now. Plz tell me if that's true.
    2. DemonicDisaster


      lol I won't be mad at cha ;P
    3. Swift


      Nah, all I have been think is playing/beating the games I recieved the past couple of weeks, beating my times on Sonic Colors, and thinking of something to draw.
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  13. Why am I listening to backwards music so much? I freakin love it too much .w.
  14. why be moody when u can shake dat booty
  15. Why do people have to ruin something good?
    1. SnowyMinion


      They don't want you having fun. Some people take pleasure by making others' lives a living hell.
    2. Barmithian


      They don't want you to win. Wise up. Rise up. Bless up.
  16. Why does my family always have to ruin my good mood when I come home?
    1. Tsuchikure


      sounds like you need to get out asap whether it's your problem or theirs
  17. Why keep changing the lay out of the site?
  18. woah.. dat avatar.. is legit!~ Amazing man!~ <3
  19. xG only cares about memes... smh
    1. Tomahawk


      holy crap that's cool... <---- internet noob
    2. DemonicDisaster


      @[51691:@Tomahawk] shake my head
    3. Bone


      "xG is one hell of a bad meme machine"
    4. Show next comments  15 more
  20. yaaass bday coming up soon
    1. Jpie112


      Got yer present!