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Posts posted by OneGlove

  1. >nords are better than samurai

    Anyways, seriously man, though I haven't seen you on anymore you've been literally the longest lasting friend in this community, from old day JB to even now. Have fun in your stupid game new title. If you do come back this'll be awkward but I've been wanting to say it anyways, so see ya nerd :cool:


    also does this mean i get your sniper and spy stuff cause if it does id be grateful just sayin

  2. This might just be me, but I really don't see why this is such a big deal. It's literally as simple as testing out no random crits, if a large group of people complain then put them back on, it's not like removing random crits is gonna brutalize every single server xG owns within a week. :mad:


    Also to those arguing "but blues need crits on mwardays", thats why they would be removed altogether so its not unfair to one side or another..right?


    Let's try to keep the JB and Surf servers out of this, as @Vexx most likely intended to keep the thread at ONLY the trade servers.


    Thanks cleb.

  3. Naw I'd say mainly just the trade servers like Pokemon and TGH. Mainly since it can be useful on Jailbreak and other servers but I would still be fine with all




    Random crits should be removed from tgh pokemon and surf.


    Even though these are casual servers, it's still very annoying to lose just because of rng.


    On jailbreak it gives rebels more of a chance to rebel and actually kill, so it should be kept on there.


    You nerds need to lighten up and have fun.


    If you get rekt by a random crit, then it's lolgg. Just RESPAWN. Have fun. It's a trade server. Clocktown=/= Nuketown there's no need to be the stereotypical edgy scout ruining the fun (@Vector lub u bb) Nobody is thinking any less of you because you got layed out by a crit on a trade server. Just laugh it off.


    Also just putting it on tgh seems odd, if we remove random crits do it everywhere. There's no need to nitpick JUST tgh every time.


    And If we do it, it should be a trial, like @Shadower said. It's gonna be controversial either way. Might as well know for sure.


    But this is rambling, so in the immortal words of Randy Jackson:

    "It's gonna be a no from me dog"



    -1 Are you trying to kill our population? Quite a bit of our population are more "competitive" players.


    Team Fortress 2 was made with random crits. If people cant deal with a function of the game, that is their problem. The competitive people are those who come back the most. Crits are what make things interesting.




    Better not on surf. No one complains about it on surf; most of us find it quite hilarious as we do duels and stuff.


    Random crits being removed won't ruin the population at all? How would it affect it in any way? I want to keep random crits but I don't see how that is going to affect the population.


    Well, well, let's see here. I see a community not admitting to their own useless frustration. Oh, what's this? A "TF2" player I've never seen on the servers arguing to keep crits on! This is gonna be good, Steven.


    First off, most of what @Moosty said. Actually, all of what @Moosty said.


    Now, I don't see why Pokemon and TGH have such a hard time accepting such game mechanics as binds and crits. They are literally such a small thing that they're useless to fight over. Nobody likes seeing them, but everyone despises others who complain about them more. Everyone who's given a +1 because they hate being killed due to RNG needs to either get good (seriously not in an edgy meme way) or take a break, as they've been playing so long that their keyboard and mouse are sweating due to lack of time away from keyboard. You can be whoever, but if you complain about crits or being killed, I'm gonna either target you for killing you in the game or just look at you with less respect than normal.


    The fact that random spread is being used as an excuse to use this is bullshit ang hilarious. What is random spread, and how could've it been so retarded-like that we removed?


    Suck it up, buttercup. -1

  4. Are we to the point that we are getting either frustrated/triggered/whatever the fuck at a god damn meme?


    I feel that Goblins summarized all of my feelings up extremely well, so this is what I'll say. Let's forget the fact that I myself have a lenny bind and say I'm nothing special, just browsing around on the servers and see this really neat one called [xG] Trade Gaming History. I'm like "hey, this looks chill" and I join. A few seconds after I join, I start to play and I get killed by a Sniper with an Australium Sniper Rifle, who says in chat after he kills me, "Lol get good scrub ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" Am I going to rant off about him and his edgy meme ways? No. Am I going to leave because it is socially upsetting to be "Lennied" after being killed? No. I'm going to respawn, and show him who's boss. This happens five times, and then he begins to spam the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) in chat, at least four times. He is then muted by an admin for spamming. Was that hard for me to go through? I don't think so. If anything, it should have paid off when he got muted for spamming instead of me crying about it or whatever you people do about lennies now a days. If you really feel that it is necessary to make a damn filter over an easy to look over meme, go ahead. But another good idea is to step back, and really say "You know, why is this being made such a big deal?"


    Also, though a meme, Shadower also ended up satirizing the situation pretty well. Come on guys/girls, look at this from a spectator view. Disabling lennies might be a good thing, but it's just a meme. Grow a pair, buckaroo.


    but thats just me lol

  5. +1 Know this from experience, I think that we should take out the 3rd and first one and just have an option that says "Toggle Death" meaning "Toggle if you'll be chosen for death" and then have it say in chat "You are currently selected/not selected for death."