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Everything posted by Osiris

  1. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Hero Steam ID: Lol Position: Moderator Time Active: A long time Age: 22 Experience: Former xG Moderator, TF2 Division Donated: No Information:
  2. While I understand why the Donor rule was there in the first place (it helps support the server and ensure staff loyalty), it was a big turn-off to a lot of longtime committed players, myself included. A fortunate few of us were accepted without donating, but for the most part it seemed like anyone with their parents' credit card could "buy" staff, which prevented mature, responsible individuals from ensuring proper player management and frequently created a shitstorm of abuse. This in turn resulted in a high turnover rate among mods, unless they got in good with the admins+, which allowed them to continue their shit while the higher-ups weren't looking. Ultimately, this good-intentioned rule caused a ton of problems and people either didn't have the balls or the authority to revoke it. Good for you guys for finally understanding why this rule causes more trouble than good. I think you'll see marked improvement in the quality of staff when you accept players based solely on their activity and maturity and not how much they paid. (Edit: Sorry for my rant, this rule has just bothered me for quite a long time.)
  3. Sorry I'm late to the party. Really Scoot? 'Cause that kinda happened to me. Hero - Team Fortress 2 I'm not faulting anyone for this, but if the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing that's a bit disconcerting to me. @Scootaloo Edit: Noticed Donor req has been removed. Good call.
  4. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Hero Steam ID: You know it Position: Moderator Time Active: Several years, on and off Age: 22 Experience: Former moderator of xG servers Information: Longtime lurker, sometime moderator. I'm back now and wanna rejoin the kool kids klub.
  5. +1 because everyone else +1'ed.
  6. I think people tend to underestimate Fiddlesticks in general. Probably why everyone thinks you're a troll. Then when you crush them with a "troll" champion, they get all ragey and spout off. But I'm not even ranked, what do I know . . . ;)
  7. I'll add you when I get on next. Username is Armorbound. As a side note, Wukong is one of the most underrated top lane champions. Stealth, clones, a dash escape AND an AoE knockup? Sign me up.
  8. So in case you're wondering if this is a scam, it isn't. It's a free purchase on Amazon. This promo expires tomorrow, so if you haven't gotten it yet, get it while you still can. If you're wary of clicking links just Google it and I'm sure it will show up. Link to free starter pack This starter pack provides you with 8 free champions (normally 450 IP each), 10 XP boosters and 4 IP boosters. Enjoy! NOTE: This ONLY applies to League players on the North American (NA) servers. If your account is linked to another continent then you will not be able to redeem this item.
  9. I'm back, just not on TF2. I play League alot now.
  10. Sorry to necro but this is still relevant for any new players out there. Currently, these are the easiest cheap champs to pick up, in my opinion: Top: Garen, Nasus Mid: Annie, Ryze. You'll have to put some work into Ryze though because you have to practice button combos to make the most of his passive. Jungle: Master Yi, Warwick. But honestly, I wouldn't bother jungling until you get the Smite summoner spell -- it helps tremendously. ADC: Ashe, Ezreal Support: Soraka, Sona
  11. Geez guys, calm your tits. Back when I was a mod we just tempbanned people for a really long time and PMed an admin to make it a perm. No need to give mods perm power, it screws things up if a mod abuses his ban privileges. Mods, just keep an admin or three on speed dial and everything's gonna be fine.
  12. The rune spread on Soraka is BS. You don't need extra armor since she's only played support (or rarely, mid), and gold gain seals are unnecessary since you'll probably take a gold gain mastery and item on support. Go with AP marks and glyphs and HP regen seals and quints. The flat MR glyphs are helpful in the early game for Soraka n00bs but when you're smart/skilled enough to not get hit then you'll find that the extra HP regen is much more useful in the long run. Oh, and take a single crit mark just for lulz for that 1% crit chance -- I always do.
  13. The only ones I can compare through any degree of experience are DotA 2 and LoL. My thoughts, in no particular order: Pudge is basically Blitzcrank with an ultimate like Cho'Gath's Feast Ashe is basically Drow Ranger with an ultimate like Mirana's Sacred Arrow Spectre is basically Nocturne with Zed's Living Shadow and an ultimate like Azir's Emperor's Divide Kassadin is basically the AP equivalent of Anti-Mage Enchantress is basically human Nidalee with crowd control Corki is basically Gyrocopter with bombs and a Gatling gun instead of rockets and an air strike Amumu's ultimate is basically a nerfed version of Tidehunter's ultimate Brand's ultimate is basically a nerfed version of Lich's ultimate I like League more than DotA. Overall, League has a wider selection of items and champions, and while some characters might be railroaded into a single role (Amumu jungle, etc.), combat isn't as abrupt and there is more emphasis on abilities since they become more effective based on your AD/AP/HP/whatever. I play top, mid and support. I recently tried out Sona support (since she was F2P last week) and I'm totally getting her when I get enough IP. Champs below: Top: Garen, Darius, Teemo Mid: Kennen, Ahri, Ryze Support: Soraka, Blitzcrank, Zilean If I get screwed into another role in solo queue: Jungle: Amumu ADC: Ashe I like champions that can be used in multiple roles. Garen and Darius are obviously railroaded into top lane, but the others can be used successfully in at least two of my chosen roles.
  14. I might get back into TF2 just for this.
  15. Awww sorry I missed this sounds like fun
  16. Osiris

    Xg Secret Santa (read) 18+

    I'd love to, but I'm smack in the middle of finals week and putting most of my time into that rn. If this offer extends beyond just 3 days, I'm in.
  17. @Owl You could argue that Teemo is also f***ing OP. But I main him too so trololololol. (Fite me skrubs Teemo only no items Final Destination)
  18. When I saw the name of this thread, I immediately thought of the LoL summoner spell Smite and assumed it was some advanced guide on how to use it. Idk why I thought that ...
  19. Armorbound, Level 9, unranked. Started a week or two ago after months of friends bugging me to join. LoL is my new TF2. Update: Hit L16 yesterday, any ideas on how to play Gnar? I just unlocked the little fuzzball and he's tons of fun, but feels different from the typical tanky toplaners I play (Nasus, Garen, Darius, etc.)
  20. Fighting games I play: Super Smash Bros (Melee and Project M) Favorite characters: Ice Climbers, Marth (Melee); Lucas (PM) Favorite fighting-game music: Guile Stage (Super Street Fighter II)
  21. Sonic was actually pretty good in PM. But I agree, he's totally boss in the Wii U version.
  22. My posts are gluten free.
  23. Congrats @Tekage @Whyte, I know you guys will do a great job! Nuuuu @Dethman why'd you step down? :c (You were gud man, mebbe even da best ...) LOL Hachi finally got demoted. Gee gee.
  24. Sm4sh is Tr4sh. Fite me skrubz. (1v1 FD no items fox only ...)
  25. I totally feel ya about Brawl -- I feel the same way about PM. I've played Melee for much longer, but PM Lucas has been so much more fun for me than any Melee character. So while I concede that Melee is a "better" game mechanically, I enjoy PM more, much like you with Brawl. Any of the Smash games is a valid "best" choice if you bring your personal experience into the mix. If I objectively compare the titles, I would choose Melee as the best game. On the other hand, if I ranked the games based on my enjoyment and skill in them, it would be much harder for me to place Melee over Project M. It's not much for debate, but there's more than one way to rank the games.