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Everything posted by Caleb956

  1. Post video of gaben saying welcome to international pls. kthxbai
  2. YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Super active and mature, give this man mod right now. +1
  3. Ur avatar is beautiful.
    1. Floppy


      You could have simply said I'm beautiful, Thanks kween ❤️
  4. In tf2? The max ive seen the tf2 jb1 lately is like 28
  5. In tf2? im talking about tf2 xD
  6. Just leave jb2 ded pls. Jb1 never reaches the cap anyways, theres no way jb2 will xd
  7. Well, I've been a fan of Na'Vi since the first TI, and still am, I'm glad to see them doing a better, hopefully Na'Vi does well, Dondo needs another TI win. Also their new team members are pretty kewl. 4
  8. I actually remember you from 2014, saw you the other day too, good to see you again. Welcome back!
  9. Oh also. Xranth wanted me to say: "TF2 is dead go play Overwatch" kek
  10. First things first, this just proves you were putting words in my mouth to try and get me demoted. I didn't think I was the one bullshitting here but ok :) All the things I'm saying? What about all the things you've said to me, is that completely irrelevant now? You even were shittalking me in a goodbye thread that had nothing to do with me, and I'm sure if people looked in chat logs people would find more rude comments from you aimed towards me, or you mocking me, I'm not trying to make you look like an asshole, I'm just stating the facts here. You guys were telling me that rebelling is killing the server and literally telling me to stop because im an admin. Which is why I said "What so just because I'm an admin I can't do this?" I could say stop going blue, because it ruins the rebellion, but that wouldn't make any sense would it? No. So why do you have such a big problem with rebellers? Rebelling is PART OF JAILBREAK, and the people that rebel with us WANT TO REBEL, so get over it. Mind elaborating on the "list goes on" part? If thats the main reason, then I could say you aren't any better, but I don't come on the forums and shittalk you at every chance I get, do I? No. Like I said before, you are putting words in my mouth to try and get me in trouble. Get over yourself.
  11. Damn egossi. I never said I don't care about the server pop but ok, nice job putting words in my mouth. This thread has nothing to do with me, if you really have that much of a problem with me, then fine I will do as you asked, but when you start bringing other people into a goodbye thread and start shit talking them, you are the immature one here. Have some common decency and grow the fuck up.
  12. Hey, I posted one of these already and decided against it because I thought things were getting better. Apparently not. It's clear a lot of people here have problems with me, and I quite frankly I'm tired with it, every time I try to actually have fun on Jailbreak for example, SOMEONE tries to get me in trouble by putting words in my mouth, and them being the favourite, people believe them. And truly, if thats how it's gonna be, I don't want to be an admin anymore, I will keep playing on the servers, but I'm doing this to get out of all the shit being said against me. There happy now @Egossi ? Good.
  13. Probably not a reason to make one of these but I will anyways just to let you know lel. I'm gonna be taking a break from tf2 for a little bit, probably for a week or so. So you won't be seeing me much on the servers, see you around m8s. :p
  14. That's the thing..if as many people rebelled as we are led to believe, you probably weren't using your microphone to give the orders, resulting in it being a freeday, so the whole "Misunderstanding" wasn't on their part, it was on yours. Just keep in mind, if you go warden, you HAVE to use a mic to give orders, otherwise something like this could happen. (Also I've never seen you use your mic, and I've played with you quite a bit over the past few days..) -1 for unban, you can wait a bit longer to be unbanned.
  15. Caleb956


    This. Doubt you are 20, seem very immature just from this thread, and I've never seen you on our servers, and I play surf a lot. >:c -1 A:0 M:1
  16. Active as frick and mature as frick. Also is bae +1 A:8 M:8
  17. Are you fucking kidding me @Dethman
  18. IB74A-JJGMP-TJEV6 Labyrinth Simulator. Seems pretty dank
  19. +1, great person to play with, very mature! A:8 M:8 @mrnutty12 @Goblins (I think thats enough vouches)
  20. Active as hell, pretty mature too. +1 A:8 M:8
  21. Pro at getting rekt. You are a cool guy, known you forever, very mature and active. +1 A:9 M:10
  22. Ayy, poll is closed. I guess nimbus is gone finally(Unless 70% is needed????). This would make a certain person very very happy to see :p @Bello @Rejects