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Everything posted by Jadow

  1. Jadow


    The Vac also detects things like Cheat Engine i saw a video where someone was banned for cheat engine so iduno
  2. I'm there when i'm either called on or when i'm bored and just want to have fun. If i'm busy I try to get another mod on if not RIP server. If anything i would try to stay on as long as possible before my dad kicks me off. C:
  3. Trump is going to trump on people c: lol (i'm just bored)
  4. I Hate My School.
  5. +1 recently seen him on and he is helpful like he takes warden when he has to (other ct's has no mic or is dead) if anything it's just activity you need slightly work on but you'll get it C: A:??? M:8
  6. No i don't you're just blind and let me run past you
  7. Plz Donate Knife Danks Memes
  8. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231
  9. If anything anyone else should record a mod abusing and you can post that on the report abuse area Report Abuse
  10. Pai Day Sucks
  11. There were like 3 people massing when i got on with ohdean and orangejuice so they're banned unless he's talking about some other person that happened when I all left. I'm not sure what time it was when I left. Orangejuice did ban a guy called GremlinLord could've that been the guy?
  12. Seems nice the only problem is that i don't know if i should do A or M cause i haven't been on recently i bit more i'll do it other wise i'd say A:7 M:7
  13. I mean like it isn't against the rules to lie as a t but for the ct to fall for it just be a bit more cautious cause everyone's POV is different. For example ragdolls are different for everyone like you might see it siting down but for another person the ragdoll might be laying on the floor . It's just how csgo works. There was another thing i wanted to say but i forgot what it was :\
  14. Me being dumb and stupid how does the !call work? just wondering C:
  15. I usually just read the chat from the website and if i see or feel like something's wrong i try to get on if not then i try to get another mod who might be able to
  16. I'd get on when i can and i'd probably get on more if my dad isn't being a poopface c:
  17. Bonk's Going To Abuse c:
  18. I was there when that happened and before that I heard some players saying that he was freekilling and lying to get out of it but I don't know if that's true or not so i only watched until ^^^that happened
  19. Eyyy @SolairefAstora 's Back!! Rip Ping
  20. wow @Bleed you're so blunt c: just a straight up no