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Everything posted by KSPlayer1337

  1. KSPlayer1337

    Forum Game

    Huh, the end of this game is looming. Could that mean a new beginning?
  2. oh so it was not an april fools joke prank? okay then
  3. Hello, fellow XenoGamers. As of recently, I have chosen to leave this clan as a whole. It was unfortunately done so I can work on. my life, such as school, home, and, just life in general. From the versitile lands of Freak Fortress, to the ever-so derpy and famous Jailbreak (the TF2 one), heck, to the sniping lands of Pokémon Trade Center, this clan was a wild ride for me. I will tag everyone, or most, of the members I have met. @BelloWaldi @Scootaloo @Bach @Forest @kbraszzz @Rhododendron @Nomulous @Ohstopyou @Liekos @Rejects @Fiery8022 (aka merc) @lik202 @XHina_sanX @Diamonde (aka demonic) @Goblins @Matsi @Hachi @Marceline (aka beel) @Egossi @ArminArmout (aka alphys) @NitNat @BlankThePervert @TheSupremePatriot @mrnutty12 @Blizzard @Jon_N64 @Janal @Whyte @Thunder @PyroBunny @ChickenPanda @TheMostKrunkness (aka Krunk-A-Doo) @TacoSmasher47 @Bone @Jpie112 @SnowyMinion @Krunk @Black_Dynamite (aka Shadower(alrighalrighalrighalrighalrighalrighalrighalrighalrigh...)) @NFSBoyLol @Tomahawk @Sirflash @OneGlovedMan @Vector @Caleb956 @FoRgE Well, it was a fun ride with everyone. Farewell. Oh yeah this is my final message. [spoiler=Final Message]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2vCOzNShnghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gwi-G8nRuk aayyyyy lmao you should read the date kekkekekekekekekekekek Happy April Fools Day! (I call it "It's Just A Prank Bro" Day.)
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD3c0RwF55c it's just a prank bro day!
  5. hurray! It's "it's just a prank bro" day!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD3c0RwF55c it's just a prank bro day!
  7. More progress! [spoiler=Progress] armoury cells medic
  8. oops i made the sand music background music kek
  9. making jailbreak map
  10. In title I am making a jailbreak map! It's called... ba_KSJail wow much self-promotion much wow This is my first map, so I *might* ask some questions. @mrnutty12 progress [spoiler=Progress]outside cells in cells design (red/blue engineers are spawn) [spoiler=Progress] armory How do you think so far?
  11. KSPlayer1337

    Forum Game

    Huh, the salt of this post is ahead. Is the forum game the saltiest?
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0 oops it's an outdated meme +1
  13. actually not "ba_spaceStation" but "ba_pyroLandjail"
  14. probably making a jailbreak map for tf2 called "ba_spaceStation"
  15. KSPlayer1337

    Forum Game

    But well, it's a shame that the burning bodies didn't exist because we are not in real life, but in a forum lobby. Wait, did I do some Matrix tricks?
  16. I made a photo log of me playing Kerbal Space Program (hence the name "KSP"layer1337) Here they are! (enjoy at your own risk) (might post this in the wrong section)
    1. Egossi


      You're about 4 months late for writing undertale statuses
  18. apperently using sea tea during sans is stupidity overpowered just like sans
    1. ArminArmout


      sea tea only lasts for 1 turn
    2. KSPlayer1337


      what do you mean? I'm using 1.0.0
  19. tEh PlAinEsZ RaCE is aCtOoleeY hOsteD By tHE GoVErNmENt to HiEd NiEEN EEELEEEVEN kappa
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXRmOb698-4 it's just a prank don't hurt me pls
  22. realized that listening to bonetrousle in class with earbuds can help work faster
  23. Did you just copy and paste from Wikipedia?