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Posts posted by Skeletal

  1. Brawlhalla time ladies and gentlemen. i would like to suggest a tournament. either 1v1s or 2v2s. 3 lives each, 8 minutes on the clock, and team damage is on(standard ranked). If any higher up would like to donate something to the winner or winners like a badge or credits, that could be awesome. If this gets really good ratings and a lot of people wanna do it, we should do 2s or if 1v1s are you thing we could setup a bracket. @SpaceShark @Segal @Vacindak @Salad

  2. We already have it, Apple just won't allow PWA implementation in iOS.


    An app would be an insane undertaking, and the mobile site is fine. It would require me to code up endpoints for all the custom add-ons and changes I've done and it wouldn't be worth the time.

    Alright, if you change your mind. I can help code it and build.

  3. I can gladly point you to the IFFFT application thing I whipped up but you get notified by everything, and I mean EVERYTHING new thread and response-wise.

    I dont want everything. i would like an app where i can cleanly have organized followed threads.

  4. I was at work, sorry i didnt get a chance to respond. The reason i decided to leave cause i was bored and getting on surf was a chore. Tuna wasnt the reason. what i did to Tuna was uncalled for, i shouldve kept my opinion to dms or silent. I decided to jump on the bandwagon, but i took it too far. I would like to make a formal apology to Tuna. This probably won't help anything, but here it is.

  5. Now I think you did fantastic as staff Skelly, and could do so again. To me you were an incredibly valued member of surf which is a server i've always felt has needed it's own dedicated staff (at least more so than other servers) and the "surf team" could really use a bolster as of late. The issue is the way in which you left came off as a lack of dedication to the position you held at the time. Now there is nothing wrong with taking a break from the game by any means, you should never push yourself do to something you don't enjoy. It does still create the appearance of your position having been something of lesser importance to you, and the issues you had with tuna made the whole situation seem significantly more petty, menial, and altogether unnecessary.

    I was excited to see you still playing the game fairly often after you stepped down with it really only seeming like a week or so that you actually left the game for. That being said, this made it seem all the more likely that it wasn't really the game itself that had led to you stepping down. It just seems as if your position wasn't something you valued highly, and it would be a shame to see you treat it poorly again. It has only been a little over a month since you were so promptly ready to step down, which doesn't seem like much time for you to have had a "change of heart" about holding a position as staff.


    I wish you the best of luck Skelly, and I'd love to see you on the staff rooster again in the future (and I'm sure a number of our surf regulars would as well), but due to how easily you seemed to give up staff before, it's going to be a -1 from me for now.

    Well first off I want a staff rooster now. Second, i had been contemplating stepping down for about a month before that. The game had become a chore for me. dealing the little kids every single day had made coming on a miserable experience, I had to take a break to make the game fun for me again. I love this community, but i completely understand if i don't get staff back.

  6. Your stepping down thread was incredibly uncalled for, however... I am down for you getting staff back but as @Kypari said, you need to work on the relashionship between you and tuna.


    Consider this both +1 and Neutral.


    Good Luck

    okay I understand this. I believe he has me blocked even if i wanted to message him. i also never see him on surf

  7. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:





    Time Active:

    well 38d in game on surf. i have no idea for other




    I was an admin for tf2 xenogamers, but i stepped down cause i was attempting to quit the game. Didn't work out.




    I'm back, still spending a lot of time on surf. I'd love to be staff again. This community has become family, I miss it.

  8. I mean let me add some clarification. I belive Tuna does his job with some minor inactivity spikes mostly because of the fact he in high school. When i became admin, I was told i had act like a role model. I decided now that I'm leaving i would like to air some of my grievences. I mean I don't want Tuna demoted. I just don't think he can be a good role model, but I'd like him to prove me wrong and show me he can. it was unnecessary, i agree, but I felt like my last grievence as an admin. I just don't Tuna because of his personality and how he handles some things

  9. While I agree with your statement in a general sense, I think it's an awful idea to open up the door to, "I'm leaving because ____ got admin." or, "I don't like ____" or, "_____ is toxic." Any grievances with anyone should be compiled into abuse reports so that the problem can actually be solved. I wasn't around, but from what I've picked up, there was period within this clan where quite a few people were stepping down or leaving because of admin positions, specific promotions, etc, and that doesn't seem like a great time.


    My point merely is, claiming someone is toxic and having no, or only anecdotal evidence, doesn't do anything to improve the situation, and probably just heightens aggression. I realize however that this is probably not the only reason for Skeletal stepping down, and I wish him the best in whatever he does from here on out (in fact I hope he might come back some day).



    Nobody likes bullshit drama, but people can have issues with each other and state them without it developing into that, Tatost. If tuna is part of the reason he stepped down, that's fine, he's at no fault for stating it. I think Tuna's a nice enough guy but I'm not jumping on Skeletal here simply because he might have issues with Tuna that I've never known about. Also, if you don't want a situation to develop into a "firefight" you probably shouldn't belittle anyone by implying that they're immature or unfit for staff simply because of an opinion.


    tl;dr version:

    1. The clan isn't Salem, and we can't hang someone off of rumor. (You know, due process, "innocent until proven guilty" and all.)

    2. Tatost, why even bring this up here if you wanted to discuss it in private and "avoid a firefight"? You've inadvertently turned this into a shitstorm man.

    Don't worry I'll come back when tf2 becomes fun for me again.

  10. Because you're shitting on my friend, even though it is absolutely unnecessary. I'm done talking to you, as it was useless trying to talk sense to you through recent endeavors. Farewell.

    why add me if you were just gonna post here? like i actually don't understand. its not like my opinion of him actually matters anyway. its not like hes gonna get demoted cause what i said.

  11. Do something about it if you care so much about it. But there was really no reason to post this just to try and get a reaction out of him. This was extremely immature of you to say, man. It makes you look more childish than me. When you go staff, I barely knew you, and still I don't know you at all, but I have decent idea now. I'm sorry you had to leave on such a distasteful note, next time keep it to PM.

    how is it your problem tatost? why do you make it your job to go out of your way to add me and give me a lecture about it?

  12. Long story short I'm bored of tf2 and I wanna make this formal instead of seeing in the next promo demo. I'm stepping down. thank you all for the good times and the bad times. I might be back eventually, but for now I don't wanna be staff. Goodbye for now everyone. feel free to message me if you need anything.

    ps: Tuna was the worse decision for admin in my opinion and him getting admin was the icing on the cake of me leaving. Have fun with the toxic king.