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  1. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in The Machina...   
    I use it because for some reason the sound it makes makes me more accurate.
  2. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to LAN_Megalodon in You already know what this is.   
    I considered reporting this for a good while
  3. Gross
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in You already know what this is.   

  4. Ding!
    james8470 reacted to Bone in Member Acceptance Message Update   
    Yo. I wasn't sure if this was the right place to suggest this, but here we go anyway.
    Since we introduced Discord into xG nearly 3 weeks ago, I had been wondering if we should add that to the Member Acceptance message. As it currently only mentions being active on TeamSpeak and gives links to the client and whatnot.
    Especially since players are fairly active on Discord, and since Staff are expected to have a level of activity there as well.
    I'm not sure if we're still using TS or not, but still feel that we should update the message to mention the Discord server in some way.
  5. Like
    james8470 reacted to LemonMeister in New Map For xG, need opinions!   
    You know, looking at this, it my be one of the better options. Not too linear, has lots of potential for secrets...I like it.
  6. Like
    james8470 reacted to LAN_Megalodon in New Map For xG, need opinions!   
    driftveil city's pretty basic and linear,

    you could also combine it with route 6 to the west if it looks a little too small

  7. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from virr in You already know what this is.   
    .... Who's in charge of our social media again?
  8. Friendly
    james8470 got a reaction from mel. in hi, im mel <3   
    Welcome, you seem friendly. :)
  9. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Bone in You already know what this is.   
    The title lied, I didn't already know what it was. After reading the thread, I still don't know what it is...
  10. Friendly
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in You already know what this is.   
    “I’m TheSupremePatriot, and this is my 2000th Post.... err... 2005th...
    I work here with my old man and my son, @Bello . Everything in here has a meme and a story. One thing I’ve learned after 2.3 years in xG – you never know WHAT is gonna come next”

    Yeah I supposed that one is pretty stale huh?.... I’ll give you something even better.

    HI!!!!!!! (OC)

    Now a word from @MinerTeddy our sponsor.

  11. Like
    james8470 reacted to LAN_Megalodon in New Map For xG, need opinions!   
    Oh like we can actually choose what the map will be?
    If that's case I'd throw my hat in for a new poketrade map as well tbh, the options we have there are like 2 maps, the rest being duped.
    Castelia City comes to mind. A huge sprawling city, lots of buildings, etc.

    and the best part is that the city is pretty split up rather than just being one single sniper-lane like every other map we have.
    Icirrus city would also be interesting due to height variation, although it would be super open and compound all the sniper issues we currently have.

    also there's dragon tower next to icirrus which could easily function as a spawn, while the cave functions as an alternate spawn.

  12. Like
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in Happy Birthday Rhododendron!   
    I saved one of his profile songs. His own hit single.
  13. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to Thorax_ in Happy Birthday Rhododendron!   
    Happy Birthday! You are finally hitting the age of geezer, how does it feel my dude.
    Please tell us some Back in My Day stories!
  14. Optimistic
    james8470 reacted to Tatost in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    hey, a customer!
  15. Agree
    james8470 reacted to Spoopy in TF2 Highlander Event (I swear for real this time)   
    (I swear for real this time)
    @Tatost mmmmhmmmm
  16. Like
    james8470 reacted to mel. in hi, im mel <3   
    hi, my name is mel, mel for melancholy and im new to [xG] (obviously, lol) :emoji_two_hearts:
    so far, ive played on the tf2 trade servers for like 2 days or something
    it's pChill and i'm just looking for more places to play on besides pub 24/7 servers
    im super bored a lot of the time and as of kinda last week i just got back into tf2 after...
    well, how ever many years ago 13' - 14' was! but techinially i did come back in 15' but i just played super casually then
    i played a lot of tf2 on my first account and this one (like around 3k hrs and 2k on this one, yeah i have no life) :emoji_sleeping:

    uh... other things about me i guess? :emoji_thought_balloon:
    - im 18, as of june 9th :3
    - im trans female, mtf (that just means im a guy and i wanna be a girl. no special pronouns needed )
    - i tend to be really weird and akward as hell at times
    - yeah, im a furfag, please do insult me on that lmao
    after that, i can't think of much else!
    so any questions just tell me, im almost always down to talk and stuff
    oh, and im super glad to be here and all that, if i didnt mention :emoji_sparkling_heart:
    so yeah thats it, :emoji_peace:
  17. Make xG Great Again
    james8470 reacted to LemonMeister in CUSTOM TF2 MAPPER FOR HIRE   
    I'm a mapper familiar with the Source engine, and more specifically, the TF2 version of it. I'm looking to potentially work with your servers, and make custom maps for fair, reasonably cheap fees. Please send a message if you're interested in this offer, and would like to discuss further!
  18. Like
    james8470 reacted to LemonMeister in CUSTOM TF2 MAPPER FOR HIRE   
    While I don't have a properly made portfolio, here's a few WIPs I've done in the past. None of them were finished, I didn't really have the drive to make these kinda things for just myself alone to enjoy:
    I have made a couple gmod prop hunt maps in the past before to completion, if you'd like a look at them:
    Steam Workshop :: Ph_MotelBlacke_Redux
    Steam Workshop :: Ph_Citrus_Shipping
  19. Agree
    james8470 reacted to virr in Discord Discussion Thread   
    Also, how are we handling bans? Is a forum ban = a discord ban?
  20. Creative
    james8470 reacted to Maziko66 in Stomp (Cover) (Metal)   
    Hey guys I made a cover to a song from Command & Conquer.
    What do you guys think?
  21. Like
    james8470 reacted to Bone in Gamemode Rotation Thread   
    It's time now for the second annual (@TheSupremePatriot ;)) Gamemode Rotation Gamemode Vote!
    Next month is October, otherwise known as "Month of Spooks", so I added 2 gamemodes that could be considered spooky for just such an occasion:
    The Vote is now closed
    Remember to vote and not to forget to vote! Also, suggestions help decide the nominees for the following month's vote, so keep throwing those out there!
  22. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from Kypari in Enable Objectives?   
    That's a cool idea. Would be the same as spawning a boss, something you do to spice up the server, right?
    So who would get the permission to use the command in that case? Staff? Donators?
  23. Ding!
    james8470 got a reaction from YeEternalTuna in Enable Objectives?   
    Well, think about why so many people are on a trade server but not actually trading in the first place.
    If they want objectives, they could just play casual mode or even TF2center.
    I think it's because the trade servers provide a place to sort of relax and wind down. You could be fighting one minute and then making a huge dancing line the next. While enabling objectives would be fun and all, it might also detract from this experience.
    Just something to consider.
  24. Drunk
    james8470 got a reaction from Thorax_ in iOS 11   
  25. Agree
    james8470 got a reaction from OneGlove in iOS 11   