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Admin Inactivity

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so I have been on jailbreak and stuff like usual and im not trying to be mean but why is warrior only on for like 20 minutes or so a day and then leaves. Isnt he a admin and suppose to be on longer.

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As admins and mods we have personal lives outside of the video game realm. He may be getting close to the end of a school semester which usually entails tests and the like. We have other mods and admins to watch our servers. If his activity is truly an issue, a DM would talk to him.

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I am on more then half an hour. I personally never see YOU on. I check on the server and if there is MORE then 3 moderators or admins on and I have something to do I will let it be. If I get called in I stay on for atleast an hour. If this CONCERNS you to the point where you are having a mental breakdown tell me. I am NOT the ONLY admin/mod in this clan for css there is a bunch of other people who are on less then me. I am not saying there bad people they are pretty great people. I try EVERY 3 hours to check in on the servers.


With school and stuff and other things I want to do come up I most likely would not be on as much. With x-mas break coming up (After next week) I will be on MUCH more.

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Okay. FIRST OFF - Learn the proper way of sentence structure. No one is going to take what you say seriously if you don't even have the decency to separate your run-on sentences with commas or semicolons.


Secondly - I'm sorry - was there a memo sent out that gave you the approval to desperately watch over and evaluate the other mods and admins? Because I didn't receive it. And I CERTAINLY don't think you're in ANY PLACE WHATSOEVER to be judging and/or harassing other admins when ♥♥♥ody even sees you on.


Now I'm not in the community, but if you were to perhaps take my friendly advice: I would suggest you shut the ♥♥♥♥ up and quit being such a whiny bitch about every single thing someone does or does not do that you dislike. Warrior is a great mod and to have you actually make a topic about how you don't think he's doing his job.. lol gooby pls.


Face it, you're a joke Towlie. You should be forum banned and permanently removed from all of the servers because you are literally the epitome of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ed.


EDIT: Just realized something: You're not even in the community. You complain so much about the people and the simple things people don't do correctly in a community YOU'RE NOT EVEN A PART OF. Please, see your self out, naive little child.

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ohh and do I have to listen to your stupid ass highhthere. I didnt think so so stfu. And I said I wasnt trying to be mean so if I see another admin thats not on for more then 20 minutes then I will post and see what their response is and no I am not the god of what people should do. I JUST MAKE SUGGESTIONS. So stfu and stop being such a whiny bitch Highhthere.

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ohh and do I have to listen to your stupid ass highhthere. I didnt think so so stfu. And I said I wasnt trying to be mean so if I see another admin thats not on for more then 20 minutes then I will post and see what their response is and no I am not the god of what people should do. I JUST MAKE SUGGESTIONS. So stfu and stop being such a whiny bitch Highhthere.

When were we suppose to stay on the servers 24/7?


We testing & exams.

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You know. the mods and admins on this server are effectively volunteers....and cant be obligated to play JB or something for 4 hours, especially since iits end semester right now...

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